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Everything posted by Lord Lag
The neural tube is a cybernetic implant. No other organs are mechanical. After they mature, they are then heavily augmented, the neural tube being inserted in the back of their head, and any structural and internal machinery placed.
At the very least, I do not believe we are far off from them. Presuming the code doesn't set the server on fire or some other evil occurrence.
At the very least, I do not believe we are far off from them. Presuming the code doesn't set the server on fire or some other evil occurrence.
CUSTOM ORGAN BULLCRAP /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/process() return /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube name = "neural tube" parent_organ = "head" robotic = 2 vital = 1 // irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/neuraltube /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus name = "breathing apparatus" parent_organ = "head" robotic = 2 vital = 1 // irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/breathingapparatus And there the organ stuff I tried to make. Hoping some of the actual coders can come and point out any problems they see, cause as I said, i knew nothing about BYOND code when I tried to fix the Vaurca
CUSTOM ORGAN BULLCRAP /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/process() return /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube name = "neural tube" parent_organ = "head" robotic = 2 vital = 1 // irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/neuraltube /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus name = "breathing apparatus" parent_organ = "head" robotic = 2 vital = 1 // irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/breathingapparatus And there the organ stuff I tried to make. Hoping some of the actual coders can come and point out any problems they see, cause as I said, i knew nothing about BYOND code when I tried to fix the Vaurca
Maybe. If its working correctly, if they get flashed about 3 times, they go perm blind and need surgery.
Maybe. If its working correctly, if they get flashed about 3 times, they go perm blind and need surgery.
Perhaps. i will also point out they have flawless night vision, which may need to be tweaked.
Perhaps. i will also point out they have flawless night vision, which may need to be tweaked.
/datum/species/bug name = "Vaurca" name_plural = "Varucae" //Capitalised -LL icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //placeholders deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //bloop blop butts language = "Vaurcese" unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws //literally butts secondary_unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/bite/strong rarity_value = 2 //does nothing apparently slowdown = 1 //slow darksight = 666 eyes = "blank_eyes" //made out of butts brute_mod = 0.5 //note to self: remove is_synthetic checks for brmod and burnmod burn_mod = 2 //bugs on fire insulated = 1 //because tough feet for glass resistance and also nonconductive exoskeleton. they take 2x fire it's fair okay //they will die from EMPs because their organs are mechanized in a proc up top. ctrl+f is_bug and it'll take you there. warning_low_pressure = 50 //the spacewalks are real hazard_low_pressure = 0 cold_level_1 = 50 cold_level_2 = -1 cold_level_3 = -1 heat_level_1 = 330 //Default 360 heat_level_2 = 380 //Default 400 heat_level_3 = 600 //Default 1000 //bugs do not like fire because exoskeletons are poor ventilation flags = IS_WHITELISTED | NO_SLIP | IS_BUG //IS_BUG doesn't do much at the moment. proc up top + radiation resistance. //use IS_BUG when you do the make their eyes die from being flashed thing, sounds/skull. okay thanks. blood_color = "#E6E600" // Slightly darker yellow flesh_color = "#575757" //this is a placeholder also. inherent_verbs = list( /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/bugbite //weaker version of gut. can't gib hums, dam/time outstripped lots by melee weapons ) //make has_organ list when we can be bothered with bug gut sprites. it'll be cool, i promise has_organ = list( "neural tube" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube, "breathing apparatus" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus, "heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart, "second heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart, "lungs" = /datum/organ/internal/lungs, "liver" = /datum/organ/internal/liver, "kidneys" = /datum/organ/internal/kidney, "brain" = /datum/organ/internal/brain, "eyes" = /datum/organ/internal/eyes, ) Code dump, I know, but it allows you to see, at least sort of, what they currently do. I have been modifying the preexisting code to try to bring it up to a point where it could be considered acceptable for race implementation.
/datum/species/bug name = "Vaurca" name_plural = "Varucae" //Capitalised -LL icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //placeholders deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //bloop blop butts language = "Vaurcese" unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws //literally butts secondary_unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/bite/strong rarity_value = 2 //does nothing apparently slowdown = 1 //slow darksight = 666 eyes = "blank_eyes" //made out of butts brute_mod = 0.5 //note to self: remove is_synthetic checks for brmod and burnmod burn_mod = 2 //bugs on fire insulated = 1 //because tough feet for glass resistance and also nonconductive exoskeleton. they take 2x fire it's fair okay //they will die from EMPs because their organs are mechanized in a proc up top. ctrl+f is_bug and it'll take you there. warning_low_pressure = 50 //the spacewalks are real hazard_low_pressure = 0 cold_level_1 = 50 cold_level_2 = -1 cold_level_3 = -1 heat_level_1 = 330 //Default 360 heat_level_2 = 380 //Default 400 heat_level_3 = 600 //Default 1000 //bugs do not like fire because exoskeletons are poor ventilation flags = IS_WHITELISTED | NO_SLIP | IS_BUG //IS_BUG doesn't do much at the moment. proc up top + radiation resistance. //use IS_BUG when you do the make their eyes die from being flashed thing, sounds/skull. okay thanks. blood_color = "#E6E600" // Slightly darker yellow flesh_color = "#575757" //this is a placeholder also. inherent_verbs = list( /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/bugbite //weaker version of gut. can't gib hums, dam/time outstripped lots by melee weapons ) //make has_organ list when we can be bothered with bug gut sprites. it'll be cool, i promise has_organ = list( "neural tube" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube, "breathing apparatus" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus, "heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart, "second heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart, "lungs" = /datum/organ/internal/lungs, "liver" = /datum/organ/internal/liver, "kidneys" = /datum/organ/internal/kidney, "brain" = /datum/organ/internal/brain, "eyes" = /datum/organ/internal/eyes, ) Code dump, I know, but it allows you to see, at least sort of, what they currently do. I have been modifying the preexisting code to try to bring it up to a point where it could be considered acceptable for race implementation.
I cant find the delete button QQ. Anyhow, I dont know how to do the testing and stuff. I literally learned coding for this by trying to fix vaurca xD
I cant find the delete button QQ. Anyhow, I dont know how to do the testing and stuff. I literally learned coding for this by trying to fix vaurca xD
I need to test what ive done. I pray I havent broke them by accident while trying to finish them
I need to test what ive done. I pray I havent broke them by accident while trying to finish them
I need to test what ive done. I pray I havent broke them by accident while trying to finish them
I need to test what ive done. I pray I havent broke them by accident while trying to finish them
From what I can see in front of me, and what ive actually seen in game, they mainly need their sprites to be implemented, a few things need to have placeholders filled, and the organs, ofc. But from this glance, they seem very lose to completion.
From what I can see in front of me, and what ive actually seen in game, they mainly need their sprites to be implemented, a few things need to have placeholders filled, and the organs, ofc. But from this glance, they seem very lose to completion.
Thats where my problem is, ive no clue how to deal with the sprites and such, huehuehue
Thats where my problem is, ive no clue how to deal with the sprites and such, huehuehue