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Lord Lag

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Everything posted by Lord Lag

  1. ESH SO FLUFFY! Would totally white list for to echo the sentiments of many of the people here.
  2. >Makes new nation >Immediately asked to join the Communists Hehehehhehehe, I think this will be amusing.
  3. Im fairly certain that atmosia has an effectively infinite supply of all types of gas. Seriously, the volumes they have is insane. This doesnt seem that necessary.
  4. Lord Lag

    Chaplain Buff Pls

    I would LOVE to see this in game. Sword-wielding zealots duking it out would be amazing to see.
  5. This essentially hit the nail on the head for the reasoning behind Cryoing. I thoroughly enjoy the thrill of being an antagonist, and all it encompasses. The suggestion as well is something I shall bear in mind, so I thank you. The following is a serious question however. What do you expect the outcome of this complaint to be? A slap on the wrist, a heartfelt apology, a white list strip? I feel the result, that being of me ceasing this behavior, which must be the ultimate goal of this, could have been achieved far faster and without the stress on my end of seeing my name appear on a knee-jerk reaction player complaint, by simply PMing me. "Hey, can you please not". You stated yourself you had seen this many times. I will point out additionally, that I always, without fail, cyro my heads of staff, for the explicit purpose of allowing other players to assume the role. Honestly, this entire thing seems like a waste of forum space.
  6. Lord Lag cannot into greyscale. Anyone know how to accomplish it? EDIT: Nevermind, got it
  7. If you mean the sprite then it is based of the namesake for the ai, this annoying basket-case:
  8. BYOND Key: Lord Lag Character name: F.A.T.H.E.R Item name: F.A.T.H.E.R's AI Core Why is your character carrying said item to work? It is, very simply, what "he" looks like. Item function(s): Custom AI appearance. Item appearance: A Hyper-zoomed in image on one frame: Realistic size: Full version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5s7s3x8x72rkvsv/FatherAI.dmi?dl=0 Additional comments: I feel I have made F.A.T.H.E.R a main enough character, in a sense, to justify spending the effort to bring something like this to the table. Additionally, Im fairly certain that something along the lines of this has been done in the past, so with a little luck, code for this may already exist.
  9. I would be really interested in this if its not too difficult.
  10. This would pose a few problems in game. For instance, killing a holographic image doesn't strike me as something that can be done very well, and from an in game standpoint, a hologram that isn't networked to the stations systems cannon do anything other than ram its projector into buttons (somehow) and such, which would be an extremely inefficient worker.
  11. At any rate, if anyone is aware of how to fix...that then please, tell me. For I am a little stumped.
  12. Huehuehuehue. Yeah, Turns out its head is where its chest should be...somehow. Ive still to figure out how this happened.
  13. Ive been placing them into the correct positions. This has caused them to be completely invisible, somehow. Side note: I should probably state, I DO have the sprites, its just getting them to work is the issue. Side-side note Kill me, please
  14. A while since the last post. Currently a section of the Vaurca is on fire, and I require help. As such, If anyone knows how to sprite mobs, for I failed miserably, please tell me.
  15. As the Law giver, I should make the disclaimer that the laws original intent was to create a clear divide between crew members and the nuke ops. The intention was, originally, to do this, then give explicit instructions to the AI in order to achieve further goals. The mass-murder that occurred was not something we fully anticipated, nor was the AI being afk which resulted in no orders being able to be given.
  16. Also that ^
  17. Also that ^
  18. Duracell batteries. On a serious note, I think many peoples problem is that IPCs cant be flashed I believe?This seems to make up the major point in most peoples arguments.
  19. Duracell batteries. On a serious note, I think many peoples problem is that IPCs cant be flashed I believe?This seems to make up the major point in most peoples arguments.
  20. Sleep is for mortals
  21. Sleep is for mortals
  22. No. The cloner would clone you. Fully organic. EDIT: To expand, I believe it works by cloning a base of your species. It has been noted in their lore that Vaurca get extremely irritable in bright light, so I believe this should be an RP thing rather than a mechanical one.
  23. No. The cloner would clone you. Fully organic. EDIT: To expand, I believe it works by cloning a base of your species. It has been noted in their lore that Vaurca get extremely irritable in bright light, so I believe this should be an RP thing rather than a mechanical one.
  24. The neural tube is a cybernetic implant. No other organs are mechanical. After they mature, they are then heavily augmented, the neural tube being inserted in the back of their head, and any structural and internal machinery placed.
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