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Everything posted by Duthco

  1. Most of my interactions with Fluffy are via Officer Baral, with whom I have had the great pleasure of several IC sessions of an ongoing conversation across the Horizon's Bar. He was one of my bartender's first regulars, and it gladdens me to see him around whenever I do. Baral brings the RP in dialogue and in action, and it's apparent to me that the character has depth to him. Given a read-through of Fluffy's previous Command Whitelist Application linked in the original post, and knowing recent play, I would absolutely say Fluffy's prose-grammar and room presence are of high standard, having apparently improved significantly in the time since the older application. Like, I wouldn't have guessed they were ever lacking. Further, Fluffy strikes me as someone who takes and incorporates constructive feedback well, (Also props to Zelmana for such extensive and detailed constructive feedback.), and therefore I think another go at a command whitelist would be a worthwhile endeavor. +1
  2. My experience with Dahlia is primarily IC working alongside Narcisse, with whom has been an absolute delight to RP. In just the one character, I've seen splendid characterization of highs and lows through the full range of human emotion as well as a deft command of relevant SOP and mechanics. I would look forward to seeing Director Gehrig among the command roster. +1
  3. Having RPed with Counselor Trin, I can attest to highly competent RP. Having played a couple different characters in different departments with Broadsword as an XO, I can attest to a highly competent Commanding Officer. The bit I've interacted with Broadsword suggests Noble brings the RP as him as well. Altogether good stuff; love t' see it. +1
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