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madokamagica123's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. wtf is dis shit Basically what happens is that each department head is given a message by a faction. whenever it may be the Syndicate or NT or even Nar'sie himself. the message says for them to break apart and declare independence. and so. Nations start. thats pretty much it. theirs not much explaining to do at all. its just every department for themselves or each other. theirs no objective. just each department has to survive and possibly thrive.
  2. I'm sorry I couldn't answer this thread for a bit. I had no idea it existed. So heres my 5 cents. I really wanted the gimmick to work and have Syndicate traders but heres what happened. the other two people were caught and the AI (EGG) thought the traders were working with them. now. all borgs have to follow their AI. and the AI said "Would you kindly" and so. I did what I was told to do. So I had to roll with it and in return for having to end the gimmick immediately I cut the two syndicates a major amount of slack and gave them 10 long seconds to pull out their guns and fight/Shut the Doors and Retreat. but they stood by and did nothing so I kept my promise. I would've absolutely loved to keep the gimmick running but once the other two were caught the whole facade was destroyed. and at that point I could do nothing but follow orders. And the AI here was just captured by the same-looking people. and when the friendly traders are wearing the exact same uniforms as the same guys who are blowing a hole into the AI's core and stealing him people tend to get suspicious. but anyways I don't think anyone should be blamed here. and with me cussing the syndicates. I always do that. Its Buddies Gimmick, he tries to be friendly around people and when he's alone with a bunch of synthetics he'll cuss behind their backs. I always do that. Those are my two cents don't spend them on. okay lets face it you can't spend it on anything.
  3. BOOP. this is a automatic message. Uh hi This is the Alliance stragetic Intelligence. Agent Anderson making a final message uh.....If your reading this I'm in jail and all. *audible gunfire* If your reading this I'm in jail *audible shouting* and uh..I killed the fox and I'm probably not gonna live long see ya- *audible crashing and gunfire* "Get him!" *audible sounds of tazer shoots and crashing.*
  4. Wow what is this incredibly well made guide about its very self-explanatory. their will be a big list of things if you say yes to any of them add a point. stuff in bold means if you say yes you should hate Tajara Stuff in lilac means Unathi's sux Underlined stuff means Skrellz droolz humenz ruelz bold and iliac means you hate dionas things that are not bold/iliac/underlined means you should add a tick to ALL THREE of them. but first off. Ready. Get set. GO! Question 1. Was your character born in a mostly human controlled enviroment? Question 2. Did he fight in the first contact war? Question 3. Is he religious? Question 4. was he born before said alien races were found?. (for each race he was born before they were found. add a point for them) Question 5. Does he have a big hatred of cats. Mice. bigger cats. or anything furry? Question 6. was his boss a angry unathi/tajara/skrell/diona? (for which species you checked. add a point for them) Question 7. Was his friends. Parents. ANYONE ever harmed by a gang of Unathi/Tajara/Skrell/Diona? (same with the top.) Question 8. was he born in a poor place? if so this would probably make him jealous towards the skrell Question 9. did a Diona bite him? Question 10. Is any of his (ALIEN) co workers a jerk towards him? if you said yes to any of these you should be a xenophobe. UNLESS Deductions 1 Does he have a pet Lizard/Cat/Frog/Tree? 2 was he born in a time were all the alien races were found? 3 was he born in a mostly alien controlled enviroment? if so you should probably be reverse racist towards yourself 4 Was his dad/mother/friend/actually nice boss. a alien? if you said yes to any of these take a point away.. So. have you gotten all your points. congrats anyways because your probably a xenophobe.
  5. wtf is dis sheet Its easy. just list down any good traitor objects in a list similar to this Objective yummy lungs Detailed description: capture people and take their lungs Difficulty: Medium. shouldn't be too hard if your smart (minimal) resources required: Bed. Shard of glass and a toolbelt full of tools fluff: You like lungs. ALOT. Or you use lungs to hibernate..or to power a machine for nar'sie..the possibilties are endless! (example) and than we'll make a big cool list of things to do.
  6. I got a few ideas. one: the ending backstories will be completely randomly picked from three different endings (mutineer) 1 the original "The mutineers are heroes. heres a medal" story that we have already. 2 the mutineers are captured and sent to Tau Ceti prison. the whole thing is covered up as a Syndicate infiltration 3 The Mutineers disappear. and a message saying "Have you seen these people" appears. this ending lets the players decide what happens. (loyalist) 1 the original "Loyalists are heroes they get a medal" story we have already 2 the loyalists are killed in a riot that happened in Cent Com shortly after the shift 3 The Loyalists disappear. and heres some good objective ideas 1 (name) is believed to be a Syndicate operative. Detain him and interrogate him. if interrogation yields nothing in 1 hour than dispose of the Syndicate Operative. 2 (names) are illegal immigrants and are not supposed to be on the ship. have them interrogated and arrested. we'll handle the rest. 3 NT is in a deep debt. please get (large amounts of credits) and put it onto the station account. 4 We believe a invasion from the Syndicate will commence soon. all ERT teams are currently at the company golf and cannot help. prepare for the invasion. 5 (Names) have dug too deep. loyalty implant them or kill them. 6 Due to a Price drop in loyalty implants. 50% of the crew must be implanted. 7 Due to a big debt. the bar is too be closed and the bartender reassigned 8 All criminals must be debrained and shackled due to a heavy debt. 9 (department name) members are believed to be part of a organized crime. interrogate them and if in 1 hour the mafia is not found than loyalty implant them or kill them.
  7. this should be made into a movie.
  8. Why you shouldn't remove golems Reasons to remove golems and why they are stupid reasons Because they always escape and force people to break directive four Why its stupid: Because what else would you expect the Golems to do?. Agree to be stuck in a cage all day long?. no. no one would want that. so why would the Golems?. Also if you remove Golems because of that your removing a thing for people to do. your basically removing one of the prime objectives in Xenobiology and your also removing one of the only reasons some people play xenobiology. Also your getting rid of lots of potential RP situations. like for an example the Golem outbreak where their was three golems. I was the bartender their and that was one of the funniest Moments of gameplay I've ever had. Because Something happened that forced the players to take sides. and added a good. tension filled situation. that added RP Reason two:No Lore why its stupid: Go and write some lore. problem solved. Why we shouldn't remove Golems because we don't have any good reason too.
  9. Because when people get old their physical abilities start getting more limited. like who would want to have a Old grandma security officer who falls down all the time and takes forever to get back up?
  10. I'm going to change it too Reuben Hoover actually changed his records and make it somewhat noticeable that he "edited" it
  11. Reuben hoover shouldn't even be on the station. he was fired for being too old. the only reason he is aboard the station is because No one bothered to check his records and kick him out
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