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Station Engineer (8/37)
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
To expand on that even further. Certain low level self-antagging is sensible, such as the bribes thing if executed properly. My biggest worry is the people who take it upon themselves in a round of extended to say "I'm gonna be an antag and sabotage the power or steal the spare ID, etc." Now of course, I'm not saying change the rules, that's not the job of a mod. I said it my interview that I thought that kind of stuff was better left untouched in my opinion. That doesn't mean I would just automatically ban someone for it. I think it's just something that needs to be watched very carefully. -
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Now I could see an officer taking bribes to look the other way, but not to commute sentences because I hold that on a very similar level to the question other applicants were being asked about an improper permabrigging. I don't agree with officers messing with sentencing. Now if there were an officer taking bribes, there would have to be a very staunch set of requirements. It can't just be a guys who sees a crime committed and says hey give me 100 credits and go. I would want to see it roleplayed out properly. I would want a reason the character was accepting bribes, etc. I believe that a character like that, if well executed, could fit in on the server however a character like that does not belong in every round, I believe. -
I used to be in the same boat as Nanako where I had previously thought that Loow was a mod when I first joined the server. I have literally zero things bad to say about Loow. Loow is a great player and a great member of the community, and I would love to see them as a mod. +1
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Yes, and I was never saying that character's shouldn't be allowed to break laws and have minor bar fights and what not within the grounds of their characters. What I meant was like the example I gave of the guy who just came in and took every single medkit from medbay. In my interpretation of self-antagging, there's a line between committing crimes as a character and self-antagging. If I go and get into a petty bar fight, that's all well and good, but if I go around and punch every single player on station, that's kind of ridiculous. -
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Thank you, Nanako, you're too kind. Really, I don't like to think of my views as reductionist. In the case of a lot of the stuff Skull and I spoke of, like the self-antagging thing, I would definitely be open to a trial run of the idea, implementing it for a couple weeks and seeing if there are any big problems; if there aren't keep it, if there are throw it out. When it comes to cut and dry though, like just straight up allowing or implementing something, which is how I interpreted the scenarios in the interview, I'm a lot more wary and would rather hold off. -
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Currently pre-law for the next two years ( a law student not in law school). So it's less time consuming and I also am pretty quick to pick that kinda stuff up. I did lose some time this semester because I was insanely busy, but I do not foresee that happening again at least for the next two years -
Pheobe does not like me. +1 for good judge of character.
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
I don't drink to excess. One or two drinks a week. Also, of course the goal is to keep Aurora fun. That's the main goal of being a mod like I put in my application. Like I said above, learning is the secondary objective. -
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Well, of course I want to actually be a moderator, why else would I apply? Learning is more of my secondary reason. -
Swat is the bomb, that is all.
[DENIED] slc97's Moderator Application
slc97 replied to slc97's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
I have just now joined the discord chat. Also, I may have worded that poorly. The more I wish to learn is less about the game itself and more about the administrative side of it. I've always kinda wanted an inside look at what makes a server tick to the point where my brother and I were actually going to start a server years ago but never did. I think that in a moderator position, I'd get a look at that kind of information. Does that clarify? -
Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: slc97 Character Name(s): Jack Sayek AI Name(s): GRU Preferred means of contact: Skype, Steam, Byond, or phone. Age: 19 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: I'm on whenever I can be. I've been extremely busy lately, but know for a fact I will have much more free time in the coming months. Experience How long have you played SS13?: I have played SS13 for over 4 years, might be 5 at this point. How long have you played on Aurora: I have played on Aurora for about a year now. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I have a basic understanding of all departments. Science and Engineering allude me in some areas. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I do not, no. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have not, although I was banned on a different server one time because it was my first time playing AI, and I accidentally released the singularity. That was 4 years ago though. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 because it's a good way for me to get away. I get to go be Jack for a few hours and deal with his issues instead of mine. Why do you play on Aurora?: I like the community, the people are nice and the mods aren't nearly as abrasive as the server I used before. What do moderators do?: Moderators keep the server fun for everyone else. They make sure that no one is abusing the game and ruining it for other people. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: I believe that being a moderator for Aurora is the same as being a mod anywhere else. Enforce the rules, make sure no one is ruining the fun for everyone else, keep things running, and try and make things more fun for everyone. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I've wanted to be a moderator since I started playing SS13 because I have always thought that the position matched my skill-set and I feel like it would give me room to learn even more about the game. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm very good at impartiality and rationality. I'm a law student; therefore I am able to see both sides to every argument and handle it all very reasonably and rationally. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Honestly, I don't really stress out. I can be insulted and it won't bother me because, and I don't really get angry. When I do get angry or stressed, I cozy up to some Jack Daniels and everything is fine. Anything Else You Want to Add:
Emily the Awsome's Head of Staff application
slc97 replied to EmilyTheAwesome's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Techno, I gotta start by saying that I love your signature. I have to continue by saying though that you bring up moot points. You are the only person I have seen in these forums ever talking about lesbian rampaging CMO's. Why would their sexuality matter? Also, playing command does not actually change the way you play. Your character remains fundamentally the same. If you're changing your entire character and play style just because your playing command, then I really don't think that's the right way to go about being a Head of Staff. First off, I've seen Emily basically run medbay as a surgeon before. People respect her and people listen to her. I think she is more than capable of being a CMO. Hell, she might know more than I do about medbay, and I like to think I'm one of the more well-versed medical players from playing it off and on for 5 years. Second, Heads of Staff technically do not need to know "about the whole 'station vs antag' issue". Those are security issues and are usually delegated to security anyway. I often times as Captain will hear about an antag issue and tell the warden, if there is no HoS, to handle it how he believes necessary, because that's their job not mine and not a CMO's. Third, I know for a fact that Emily has ghosted over me as Captain a number of times during emergency situations as well as over other heads and departments during standard procedures. I think she does in fact have a basic knowledge of everything but science, like she said earlier, which is more than I can say. I feel like most of what you bring up is a little moot and is more what YOU want in a head of staff rather than what is necessary in a head of staff. Don't get me wrong, I agree that your points are nice, but not necessary. -
Hi_im_white's Head Of Staff Application
slc97 replied to Hi_im_white's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yeah, I automatically -1 anyone I've seen play the crazed geneticist after changing 1 gene and that is the last thing I remember Bronson Ironmonger doing. I also remember him using words like robust in IC which it strictly says not to use in the server rules. I've also never seen Bronson have any character development beyond "I'm a badass and I'm not gonna do what you tell me even if you're my boss." Do what Lish did wen he applied and got a bunch of negative feedback, withdraw for a while and fix your character a bit.