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cianan1212's Achievements


Chaplain (2/37)

  1. Tony Adams is good, he plays sec alright and doesn't act like a spaz. +1
  2. I'd have my character from there. +1 Whole Momman family is from there. Maybe Three-Dog. Kayne West maybe? Kayne North?
  3. I personally use ghost writing to express the emotions that my character felt when he died such as "Betrayal","Fear" and "Hatred".
  4. He sure knows his shit better than most people. +1
  5. Yes. Why is this bad as a maintenance drone, specifically? Because the maintenance drones rules are to no interfere with the crews day to day work, so therefore stealing is bad.
  6. Was banned for being a maintenance drone who went about stealing small items and storing them in the halodeck. Was really just me being stupid, trying to do something strange for the fun of it. So ofcourse the person saw it as stupid, which it pretty much was. Not playing a maintenance drone that goes about stealing small objects.
  7. Guy is top quality, he got my 1+. Knows whats up.
  8. BYOND Key: CraftingCK Total Ban Length: The Job ban was a long time ago. Banning staff member's Key: I think it was Pumpking Slice. Reason of Ban: It was something to do with us playing maintenance drones and stealing small objects. Reason for Appeal: I want to play a borg really, haven't got around to make one of these. My reasons for wanting to be a borg are simple, its interesting RP.
  9. BYOND Key: CraftingCK Total Ban Length: Three days Banning staff member's Key: PumpkingSlice Reason of Ban: Shuttle griefed after being warned not to over ooc. Reason for Appeal: I accidentally punched a dead body. So yeah.
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