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Everything posted by MetaphysicalPersona

  1. That... is rude, and this is a honest character I am making. I play with him in game, you can see him in the flesh (or the pixel)
  2. I thought you didn't give two shits about lore. That being said, if I make his background more fitting can I make him a VIP character?
  3. I'll write you better lore in the lore section and then you'll tell me what you think.
  4. Upon reading the text, Bokaza pulls a huge tome out of a non-existant, multi-dimensional pocket between his sides and right wing. As he sets the book down, you can clearly see a title in capital letters 'CODEX AURORUM'. Due to lack of arms and fingers, he uses a combination of his cute tiny wings and his tiny steel claws to change pages. He stops to read a line quietly, then says: Nope. Blue isn't a natural pigment in humans. Actual blue hair only happens due to silver poisoning. Even then, pink and purple is hardly possible. If we go by the way of genetic modification, it begs the question why someone would do something so heretical. Why not simply have it a cultural norm or simply popular, to dye your hair in these colors. There is literally nothing stopping from dying your hair to pink, white or purple except other than people labeling you a weirdo. Hell, it's not even that weird anymore. Space Pilgrim trope. A bit overused lately, but whatever makes your character be a bit bigger snowflake than he actually is. A medieval society? In 2458? Despite my shitty Warhammer reference, this isn't the 41st millenium. There was actually no time for a dark age of technology to happen. Worst case scenario, people you created are luddites, but still, a regression of this scale, on a planet probably hostile to human life, is unlikely. A planet full of plasma represents several issues. If it was full of plasma and inhabited, most of the population wouldn't be living in peace and prosperity, they would be mining plasma either for NT or their beloved king. A prince? Does NT know any of this? Why? Why not? Can I make a freedom fighter from your nation just to continiously attempt assasinations on your character? You've actually inspired me to finally finish my humanity lore update I'm long overdue on. For the hair color thing... Bluespace The original idea was genemodding but through a way I don't want to mention because you pretty much know I make bizzare... ideas... He's not a pilgrim, he's just trying to prove himself a hero. Most people on the planet is naturally good and they fall under one government, they're up to standard with current tech it's just that the style of their equipment is fantasy medieval like (Pure aesthetic) but they do possess their own unique artifacts... On the plasma, they do mine it for the king but it's one nation no one is going to fight for it on the planet. If you want to make a freedom fighter... go ahead, but being everyone on the planet is kind of cool with the king I see that highly unlikely. Vonland isn't a very known planet... so NT doesn't know. What is humanity lore?
  5. Ames De La Fontaine, he is from Vonlandia a planet shrouded by bluespace and rich in plasma (It's slightly larger than earth) . The planet exists in a pseudo medieval era that is ruled as a monarchy, the whole planet itself lives in great harmony and peace as one nation ruled by King Vallant Fonce Amour who happens to be Ame's Father... which makes him a prince. Ames came to NSS aurora (Also known as Exodus now) to become a hero and be known for his righteous good deeds! A path many brave Vonlandians take to transcend to one of the three levels. Unlike other Vonlandians Ames is easily succumbed to his desires and gets thrown off task which makes it hard to be a hero... One of his desires being his elegant beauty which urged him into becoming a model and deluding him from his objective, but like many other Oath takers of Vonland who chose to be heroes he has the uncanny will to do rash things and put his life before others and aid/help in any way he can, be it disobeying orders or giving his tank of oxygen to anyone in need. Also on why he has pink hair... people of Vonland are metahumans (Excuse me for making more own lore... ignore the metahuman part if you want or just downright disregard this whole story... ) their hair color spans from pink, white, purple, and eye color being green, blue, brown.
  6. I didn't say anything at all about his story to anyone... but I'll tell you in a few.
  7. He steals my patients, it's annoying....
  8. Can you contact an admin to move it? idk how to do it...
  9. This is very creative, but I haven't even seen you once... ever But I know that Unathi doctor you talk about.
  10. Never really had a full conversation with him. but he does his job all the time like any other IPC.
  11. Wait shouldn't this be in character stories thread?
  12. You guys hating on his voice... shame upon everyone here.
  13. Ames De La Fontaine, also known as... Ames Strangelove what do you think of him? yes, it's a him... He's my second character first being Seon-Rin Von Illdenberg. So just want to know how you guys feel to him he's a kind, all good character type as a breath of relief from Seon deemed Evil.
  14. This is me right now trying to look at the sprites. https://imgflip.com/readImage?iid=34405764
  15. Honestly I don't know how to pronounce his name I say something like (Vallory Valentina *Shrugs*) But every time I see him I try to act the coolest around him and try to get his attention because y'know he's the big cheese and for some strange reason it feels like an event when he's around with an uncanny feel of authority....... lol Though I never met him with the gracious hero "Ames De La Fontaine" I think he met that scoundrel Seon-rin Von blah blah blah... and he hates her.
  16. Also Seon is not fit for NSS aurora and will be shot on sight.
  17. My response: I think I can make a better more realistic Seon at this point now after clearing my head but that's not the matter, maybe I'll try again with her some other time making her more fitting and less crazy in back story but that's not important at the moment, I have a new person now
  18. Thank you but... "Would just like your thoughts on the final thing reply before this one" I don't know what that means.
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