But I don't get brigged every round... Most of the time I'm doing science things and being rude to "One" certain co-worker, and can you name what I did? most the time when I do my petty crimes it barely gets in the way of any work, I am mostly aware of my actions and know when to stop and I just feel that stealing a waistcoat... to trigger a ban regardless of my mental status of my character on pills ((Though they are anger pills not mind control pills I think... they're supposed to relax you not inhibit your actions to do what you want (But then again they didn't specify what I was getting nor left a note on my record officially saying I'm taking it)) is quite very odd, I would of understood if it were a fight for no reason but I just took a petty vest... and even when I was caught I gave myself in a and refuse to fight back despite being bashed in the chest with a unactive stunbaton by a cyoborg multiple times. and personally I think everyone currently playing didn't even care about my actions that much including security...
Same for that warning I go from the fight with Luarine that... French speaking lady, She didn't even care in the end and it was all just RP. Personally you admins never really been mean to me and you're just trying to maintain order I respect that, but I just feel you guys take things... a bit too harsh.
I know you guys been nice to me many times too and have laughs with me (Mostly in Ahelp lol) I know you don't hate me either and I don't hate you nor anyone but RP is RP and you'll know when someone really needs banning (Like those rando people from other servers who cause real chaos, trust me I met one he made me EORG by trying to cut me up) I feel that you were just mildy annoyed with what I did at the moment but I'm not a bad person and you know that and I really think I deserve another chance