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About Shutko

  • Birthday 07/08/1918

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Barman (3/37)

  1. I understand, i'll make sure i enter cryo if i have to go AFK for long, wont happen again.
  2. BYOND Key: shutko Total Ban Length: 1 week (as i was told) Banning staff member's Key: No idea Reason of Ban: I had to do some real life stuff, and decided to AFK in a cryo pod. I thought it wouldnt take much time, but obviously it did, and when i got back i saw that i was kicked from the server. I didnt pay it much thought, and then i found out that im banned from detective. Im fairly sure that's the reason. Reason for Appeal: I dont think that AFKing is grounds for a week long jobban. I realise that i should have ghosted or logged off, and i wont do something like this again.
  3. what is this thing anyways?
  4. Alfred turned over to the conversation between Richter and Cefrey. "Heh, robotics is pretty cool. I mean, when were you able to put tools in mechanical limbs?" Alfred said as his attached left arm split in two, revealing a screwdriver and a bunch of wires and ports. "Pretty cool, huh?"
  5. Alfred boards the ship, looking around. He takes a seat closest to the exit, buckling in. Not having much to do, Alfred tried to remember what his task was... oh yeah, disable the machinery.
  6. Alfred followed the major into the armory, looking around the place. Listening carefully, he walked over to his locker and slowly opened it, putting all of the gear on himself. He took a taser, a flash and a knife. Alfred detached his regular prosthesis with human skin and put on the metal one with the hacking equipment. As Alfred was about to head out, he remembered he didnt take the medkit and the lockpick kit. He picked both of those up and closed the locker, moving to another. Just incase the taser and the knife werent enough Alfred decided to take a silenced pistol with a couple of magazines with him, putting them in his belt. The pistol went in a side holster as expected. Ron finally walked up to the helmet, picking it up and inspecting it. Alfred took out a nifty looking pen with multiple ink cartriges inside, mixing all of them into a rainbow of colors. He wrote "Fixer" on the blank strip in rainbow colors, smiling and putting on the helmet. As the helmet synced with him, Alfred mumbled to himself: "Coool." Before heading out Alfred took a light kevlar vest and slipped it on, checking everything he needs is on him. After running some tests Alfred walked up to the major and gave the thumbs up.
  7. Alfred stood up from the chair as Livingstone said if the crew was ready to kick ass, to which Alfred, with a lot of optimism and little intellegence, said: "Yeah!". Just as he thought he was bad, he looked over at Richard's mad mumbling and shook his head. He responded to Livingstone once again: "...I'm ready."
  8. Alfred was on his way to the meeting room, examining the scenery around him. It all seemed very formal and almost unusual for him, but his mission wasnt to judge the designer that worked on this place. Nearing the heavy airlock he forgot how to open it, taking out a paper from his pocket and reading it. After a couple of seconds he looked up at the camera in the corner as the airlock opened. He walked into the room with the terminals and other technology and took a seat near the exit. To pass the time he took out a pen and paper and started drawing random things. As Livingstone entered the room, Ron disposed of the paper in his pocket and put the pen away, listening carefully to the Major. This wasnt a thing he could miss unlike most of his school. Alfred struggled to stay awake, being in a rush due to waking up late. He shook his head and continued listening and watching the hologram until everything went silent. Alfred looked up at Livingstone from his chair, rubbing his eyes and trying to look serious. As she said what he needed to do, Alfred nodded and put his arms on his lap. As the Major finished her speech, Ron shook his head and sighed quietly at the thought of dying. But hey, life is harsh and money is too.
  9. *Name/alias: Ron ‘Fixer’ Alfred *Team role: Hacker/Combat Medic *Gender: Male *Race: Human Preferred Gear: Hacker: Ron’s equipment would consist of a lockpick kit made for picking open doors with regular locks, a doorjack hidden inside his prosthesis made for hacking into terminals and getting access, a screw driver would also be hidden in the same compartment. He would have a small field medkit for extreme situations, a rechargable taser with 5 shots, a combat knife and a flash. Age: 30 Faction: Ocitox Intergalactic Appearance: Ron is a 30 year old male with a pretty fit build, 6’2 feet tall too. He mainly keeps a friendly, but somehow neutral expression. He has blue eyes and red hair, a clean haircut and facial hair. He has a left arm prosthesis painted in black. Backstory: Ron was born on Mars in a decently wealthy family. His parents didn’t get along too well, however growing up he was stable and didn’t get distracted much. As he grew to an adult, he needed to get a job and Ocitox Intergalactic caught his eye. He got hired due to his excellent qualities and such and is now where he is. Would you like this character to be an antagonist, if an antagonist setting is chosen? Y(check) N() ((See Extra for more information.))
  10. yeah im in it, unless it falls apart <
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