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Rusty Shackleford

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About Rusty Shackleford

  • Birthday 08/06/1992

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  • Byond CKey

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Syndicate Agent

Syndicate Agent (32/37)

  1. After being banned, had a whole lot of free time and spent some of it considering why people didn't like me, why people found me abrasive. Started effecting some changes in the way I spoke to people, the way I interacted. Started hopping between online communities, not really finding a niche. All but forget about SS13 and Aurora because new job and new place of residence. Get reminded of this place because of an autocomplete on my browser, and think, "Oh man, I used to sink a lot of time in here, it was nice, I feel like maybe I could try asking for forgiveness again." Wonder if I'm anyone remembers who I am. Search my name to find out. See this. Mmm. Nevermind. Probably too much bad blood still anyway.
  2. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
  3. >when you hear noises in the chimney >but it's not christmas
  4. >liberals crying >pundits bewildered >smug fucks like John Oliver and Bill Maher have gone dark >"peaceful" liberals rioting in the streets threatening assassination >Russia ready to repair relations >new Clinton investigations opening with the entirety FBI focusing on them Delicious. All the salt. The sheer amount of bootyblasting. get fukt commies
  5. HE'S WON
  6. Jackboot edit:Done! Name: Biesel Institute of Medical Sciences (BIMS) Link to Lore Canonization: Focused Field: Theoretical Medicine and Applied Medical Science Overview: Founded in 2185 by Dr. Harris Northrop and Dr. Elena Brush, with a fair bit of government funding and support. Intended to become an institution where students could pursue higher applications of medicine, in particular genetic and neurological areas of research. The BIMS campus is situated near the heart of Mendell City, and is considered to be the most prominent medical university on Biesel, as well as the oldest. Due to this prestigious reputation, the admissions boards can afford to be very picky in who they allow to attend, and as such, only 5.7% of qualified applicants gain entry into BIMS. Many alumni of this university have gone on to lead illustrious careers in their respective fields, and several have pushed forward the boundaries of modern medical technology. Main employer of graduates: BIMS alumni tend to make up the majority of the medical personnel hired locally by Nanotrasen and other megacorporations based in Tau Ceti. Nanotrasen has offered scholarship programs to promising students on the condition of contractual employment with the company upon graduation. Current Dean: Dr. Sharon Trattner Famous Graduates: (several people important in the refinement of modern cloning tech, never got around to names)
  7. BYOND Key: RustySh4ckleford Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Player is banned due to ban request. Reason for Appeal: I've been kinda sorta gone-ish a few months now, and I want to get back into playing spess. I was unbanned for a couple of days due to some error with the server and I got to play a few rounds, and the ban was reapplied by Alberyk. I do miss playing my own characters and interacting with the ones you guys have. I know I'm rather offensive to some of you, but I'll keep it out of OOC, and besides, the person who originally requested my ban is no longer in the community, so that same altercation is unlikely to happen again.
  8. In case you ever forget that SS13: The Album was actually a thing that was made. Carmen Miranda's Ghost Free Fall & Other Delights
  9. B-but, Voltage... if you leave, who else are we going to bully about being short?
  10. You got a problem with South Americans, bud?
  11. >A-team theme song starts playing
  12. This is looking like a case of "He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones" for UM.
  13. Would it be an unlockable power for vampires? Because then it would be... ZA WARUDO! WRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY
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