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Everything posted by Cognite

  1. For me it was a decision between flight or fight, and i choosed to fight. If i ran away, they would had time to see the dead chef, and decide to come back much more well equipped ((Default sec vest and rubber bullets VS tac gear and lasers)), i figured out i could kill several birds with one stone via the RCD, which was the most dangerous tool i had on my person during the moment, i vented several keypoints of the outpost, forcing security to wear their limited numbers of voidsuits, and due to a combination of strategy, luck and security not using flashbangs, they all ended up dead one way or another. Which hilarious enough, it was never my original intention ((to kill most of sec)) when i drained the chef, but due to several factors, it ended up being what happened. In the end, i hope that i created some sort of RP in the form of ''holy shit, the QM is a blood-sucking monster that somehow ended up killing most of our security force, screw this shit, call ERT."' all while the surviving crew cursed me for the loss of their loved ones, which was pretty much what ended up happening.
  2. Glare/Hypnotize has very short range and a ((during a fight)) somewhat long cooldown, and i had no weapons apart from a saw that i had created from the autolathe. Considering that i was about to be surrounded, and teleporting away would pretty much tell security "hey, this asshole can't be cuffed! just kill him on sight" i tried to get the best from a bad situation and used the most versatile tool i had on my person during the moment, which was an RCD that i used to quickly breach the room before the officers could react, considering if i teleported away, they would just go back and come much better equipped. eventually the AI ((atleast i think it was the AI)) figured out what was happening and sent reinforcements to the asteroid, which ended up in that bloodbath. In the end, i was sorta trapped in the asteroid, considering if i went back to the station, the AI would had an easier time tracking/bolting me in and spacing myself wasen't an option, considering vampires take constant heavy damage from staying exposed to starlight.
  3. Alright, forgive me if both my formating and spelling are atrocious, since i am not very used to BBCode style posting and it's late at night, but here it goes (if any of this is wrong, feel free to correct me, my memory is not very good and if you all don't mind, i will be editing this post and adding to it afterwards, since each spoiler will contain a big wall of text with my explanation to each individual complaint (ling 1/2 and the incident with Safiya))
  4. Isn't this mostly about intent now? the RP'ing doesen't stop after we reach centcomm, One thing is two assistents punching each other to be dicks and another is an officer having to deal with an agressive and dangerous alien that is breaking out of it's cell with an armblade (which isn't something i can just strip and forget about).
  5. BYOND Key: (Pootismaniac) Total Ban Length: ( 4320 minutes.) Banning staff member's Key: (serveris6) Reason of Ban: (You have been banned by serveris6.) Reason: End of round grief.. This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 4320 minutes. To try to resolve this matter head to http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=) Reason for Appeal: So we got a pretty hectic changeling round, with the HOS being one of them and being directly responsable for the death of two crew members(The IAA and The Detective, which the later I personally witnessed myself). Me and a good chunk of the security staff, with the blessings of the AI, decided to arrest the captain (Valorallen Vitellia) for endangering the crew, since he was constantly ignoring the fact that the HOS was a shapeshifting alien that murdered the IAA with several witnesses, violently resisted arrest and in a later event murdered the detective which i witnessed. The danger coming from his constant insistence at keeping the HOS free with his full rights and duties as a Head of Staff. Anyway, what got me banned was that when we docked in centcomm with both the captain and the HOS being in custody, after we put them inside the centcomm holding cells, the HOS after being unbuckled by an officer grew an armblade and attempted to break out of the cell via bashing the windows into tiny shards, an attempt that was twarted by me going inside and stunning him with my baton. My baton was afterwards out of charge along with my taser from previous arrests i had to make. Knowing that the hos was highly dangerous with the ling stings ( Which i experienced myself via being blinded, muted and paralysed semmingly from just standing near him) and having no good alternative for stunning, i've had decided to neutralize him temporally via bone breaking harm baton, which i knew it wasen't going to kill him due to him literally regenerating from the dead during interrogation. IAM had told me to stop, which i very shortly after did after seeing the chat, afterwards around 10 seconds later, more or less, i was banned with the reason: End of round Grief..
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