For me it was a decision between flight or fight, and i choosed to fight.
If i ran away, they would had time to see the dead chef, and decide to come back much more well equipped ((Default sec vest and rubber bullets VS tac gear and lasers)), i figured out i could kill several birds with one stone via the RCD, which was the most dangerous tool i had on my person during the moment, i vented several keypoints of the outpost, forcing security to wear their limited numbers of voidsuits, and due to a combination of strategy, luck and security not using flashbangs, they all ended up dead one way or another.
Which hilarious enough, it was never my original intention ((to kill most of sec)) when i drained the chef, but due to several factors, it ended up being what happened.
In the end, i hope that i created some sort of RP in the form of ''holy shit, the QM is a blood-sucking monster that somehow ended up killing most of our security force, screw this shit, call ERT."' all while the surviving crew cursed me for the loss of their loved ones, which was pretty much what ended up happening.