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SmokedFish's Achievements

Station Engineer

Station Engineer (8/37)

  1. It's one of the main reasons. I kept pressing ; when i was supposed to press : as an AI and kind of embarrased myself...It was really annoying..I also could not see the text properly but whatever.. Still stalking the forum.....
  2. I decided to quit like almost a month ago. Kinda left me longing for it. I keep stalking the forums, imagining scenarios, I already had a bit of a tsundere relationship with the game before i quit it, but even after i did I can't get it out of my mind. There's so many things i dislike like the interface, i mean that DAMN radio button is the #1 reason why i left the game. It's hard to keep up with all the lore and commands. I always find out stuff, usually too late. I get overwhelmed alot. It's like I'm some guy stalking hi's ex girlfriend's social media accounts. I'm trying to get my mind off it, but this game is so unique. It actually puts R in RPG.
  3. Didn't know where to post this, so i think I'll post it here. I'm quitting the game. I mean I've been ignoring my college stuff way too much. By now I was supposed to know how to code stuff in C, and study by myself more languages The game is too hard and time consuming for me. Due to my time-zone, the most players can be seen when it's late at night for me. If i enter any sooner than 7 PM I'll find an empty station. This means I'll end up awake at 2-3, ocassionaly even 4 AM. That is not really healthy I'm afraid. It's really not that much fun for me. I like the game, it's the most unique game I've ever played. The roleplay was incredible, the gameplay is unrivaled with. Sure it has plenty of elements i disagree with, characters i might not like, stuff which makes me rage, but it was a really unique game. But damn, it's way too hard to keep up. Too little time to play, too little skill. So Station Engineer Sam Fincher, Roboticist/scientist Sydney Faust, MD/Pharmcist Stanford Norton, AI DOCTOR, and whatever other characters i never used or had the chance of use will no longer work on the NSS Exodus. TL:DR : Smokedfish is a filthy casual that can't play spessmen right, so he quits the game so he can eat his school stay in drugs and not do vegetables. Goodbye and have fun.
  4. Woah, you put in alooooot of effort into this man. +1 for effort. That's like alot of dedication to learn lore.
  5. Oh my bad. Well I'm the Station Engineer Sam Fincher, Medical Doctor Standford Norton, Roboticist Sydney Faust, AI DOCTOR, tried to be the Borg L33T. Used to be Shaft Miner Doug McDorf, but there's too little ore on the asteroids to be worth the effort. Can't be anything in security cuz my pc lags too easily and muh reaction speed is too slow. I'd suggest adding those characters under the 'Character names' list; That's supposed to be of the characters you already play so people can recognize you if they don't know who plays a certain character. Fixed, my bad, I'm a derp.
  6. Oh my bad. Well I'm the Station Engineer Sam Fincher, Medical Doctor Standford Norton, Roboticist Sydney Faust, AI DOCTOR, tried to be the Borg L33T. Used to be Shaft Miner Doug McDorf, but there's too little ore on the asteroids to be worth the effort. Can't be anything in security cuz my pc lags too easily and muh reaction speed is too slow.
  7. BYOND Key: Smokedfish Character Names: Sam Fincher, Stanford Norton, Sydney Faust, DOCTOR(AI). Species you are applying to play: Tarajan What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Grey Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because i find their language quirks cute, and while being a different alien race, they are not considered that much "inferior". I'll be honest, even though it never got me anything but trouble : Purely Visual. I don't care that tarajans are fast, or got claws. I just want to see something cute. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Again , sentient species are always interesting to play as. A different culture/origin. A different aesthetic. Character Name: Asra Al-Hamdan Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Asra's parents grew tired of their war-torn planet and emigrated, spending their lives aboard various Ships and Stations. They we're safe now, but had menial jobs and thus decided to spend every thaler on their only daughter's education. Asra was thus heavily tutored by few, but extremely skilled scientists, Human, Skrell and very few Tarajans. Small, dusty labs we're her main home. Rarely seeing people that we're not her tutors or Researchers. The lack of contact with other people made her shy in social situations, Her academic success attracted a job offer on one of Nanotransen's Stations to provide with chemical research. Her parents believe that they have achieved the greatest thing ever, and that their and their ancestor's sacrifice was not in vain. The little kitten is however, deeply terrified to not dissapoint her parents or her employers, and bears a constant What do you like about this character? being fairly socially awkward in the past (aaand a bit now) I feel really empathetic towards her. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Yours truly would rate their roleplay as 7.5 out of 10. The hardest thing i can roleplay is a "Common" person. While I do not want to roleplay as something "special", playing as an ordinary person seems hard. Notes: If i could put as much effort into my academics as I do on these backstories i might just not fail the entirety of my exams.
  8. Ahem..as my post was removed...Yes we should,because it does seem like an interesting idea, RP-wise, even if said mechanics may be too similar to wizard mode.
  9. +1 for one of the few psychiatrist i've ever seen that isn't as crazy as the patients they must treat.
  10. I DID actually RP as a cadet asking for training the other day. Received a bit of training. I think Syion was the officer. In principle, the senior/chief of said department should be responsible for teaching the "novices". I hear alot around me about how nurses must teach the new nurses the trade, without any further pay or contractual obligation for it. Just a shouted order. In principles, cadets should be assigned a certain officer to stay under and learn the trade. Same with apprentices/lab assistants etc. Or, if several cadets, no more than 2 under the same "worker" so to say.
  11. I usually play whatever department is empty. I learned from Team Fortress 2 to always pick the class which the "team" lacks. Cuz that's just the nice guy that I am. Number of players Also, it's hard to tell when the department is "trully" empty or not. I mean there could be 6 people on, and half of them SSD, one atmospherics, once apprentice, and one could be answering the call of nature. Like the other day we had a traitor/ling round, both medical and engineering had only one person, so it was a tough choice. The Engine. Even I managed to understand how to set-up the engine, and I really ain't that smart. A guide on our wiki would be nice, as rules do tend to change compared to the baywiki or other sites. Jobs to do: Really it usually goes like this when i go engineer : set up the engine, go set up solars, and if by then sh*t doesn't get real on the station and i do manage to finish all the solars, then theres not much to do really. The idea that the engine would require regular maintenance is really what scares me. Thankfully i don't think it needs any.
  12. Seen Anna the Chef around. Disliked her "guardian angel" fellow. +1 cuz The story's gud, The person's good, but for the love of space carp god, don't have a hero complex, plox Oh em ef gee m8.
  13. Mate, i was having a tough shit RP conversation with the Psychiatrist. Also, i lack the robust skills/PC performance to get into any sort of fight that requires actuall reflexes or skill.
  14. In principle, I assume it would be to stick to the Head's orders..but assuming the Heads go insane with power and start executing, is the AI simply supposed to stand it? I don't think the laws state to specifically follow the head's orders. Also, considering the situation above, should the AI try to take over by itself?
  15. I'm not sure if tarrajan dialogue automatically has the RRRRRRs or not, because if they do that might be tough. Really your motive seems fair enough. like for example, in starbound humans look like the most boring race (i mean compared to communist apes, warmonger big eater plant people, aztec/mayan bird people, and MEDIEVAL ROBOTS, yeah..they seem kind of lame). I say +1 mate, but I'm tellin' you it's going to be tough.
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