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[Denied] Josh Macc Head Of Staff Application

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BYOND key: JoshMacc

Character names: Edward Wolff, Josh Macc

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I have been playing the server for a year however this has been on and off I have just recently the past 3 weeks been playing active again.[/b]

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to be on the aurora white list as I have been learning how to play space station 13 since I found this server a year ago and I have found that when you join a department no one tends to give new players the help they need in game I found that your when your new your pushed from the start. I have since learned the game in depth and would now like to be on the white-list as I now feel I got what it takes to be able to lead a department while providing good role-play to the server

Why did you come to Aurora?: Firstly I was heavily involved in a heavy life gmod server where I was in charge of the medical department one of my friends came to me and suggest space station 13 as it provides such a in depth system and gave you the tools to enable you to roleplay. So my friend suggested that I play on this server as it provides the highest amount of roleplay that ss13 can provide. So I originally joined the server as a medic and fell in love and have been here ever since

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes if accepted I would generally play Head Of Personal & IA agent

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:Roleplay to me is about realism it is where people choose to play as someone and act how that person would act. Roleplay enables people to leave the outside world and step into someones shoes and experience there life or role. It enables people to play who they want and experience what they are interested are in personally roleplay games has changed my experience on gaming and has made gaming to me much more interesting as it enables me to play a character which I would never be able to in real life. Roleplay should be about the harsh realities of the world and how peoples role affect situations that has happend.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC position of head of staff is to command and essentially the head of staff position enables the round to progress as a lack of command shows lack of focus and order within departments and this can make a round chaotic as lack of command brings individuals out and results in a department not being a team. The head of staff also should enable new players to fully integrate to the server and enjoy the server which then leads to the server being more populated as they have been given purpose and not there to fend for themselves as SS13 is a hard game to get to grips with.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To other players the head of staff is seen to be the leader who gives a general direction to the other players and enables the round to progress in a smooth manner. They are there to set a example to other players with a good standard of roleplay and to make the round more interesting for players by engaging them within a department.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Edward Wolff

Character age: 30

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Edward Wolff was born on Sol in the old US state of Florida to the parents of Jack and Georgia who were high middle class. They both worked as a civil servants for the sol alliance thus learning to speak Trade Band in which was what Edward was brought up under. Edwards parents were concerned about the expansion of space and the acceptance of alien races such as the Tajaran and the Skrell and aimed to protect Edward of there seeking presence on Sol. During Edward's Teen years he was admitted to a private school and was kept away from the lower classes of society Edward studied Tradeband literature and traditional subjects such as Maths, Science and others. To much of his parents despise during Edwards late teenage years he wished to peruse a degree in business management. The main problem was not the degree but Edwards choice of College which was the Nal'tor College of Career Excellence. Edwards parents were very skeptical of this choice as it was a Tajaran College and wanted to persuade him to do a more traditional degree such as Medical Science. Edward however was very attracted to the businesses degree and ignored his parents wishes.

Edward later progressed though college and graduated with a high degree in Business management and wished to enter the reigns of management as a Quartermaster. Due to his parents links to the Sol Alliance Edward found employment in Sol Unity Station as a Quartermaster in the cargo hold. Edward was highly praised during his role as Quartermaster and obtained a high amount of respect from his colleagues.

Following the 2457 snap election which resulted in a coalition which involved ATLAS as a ruling government party and resulted in Human first polices on Sol. As a protest to the Governments actions in 2459 a terrorist attack was carried out from certain extreme Tajarans in the Civil service office where Edwards Parents were based. This turned into a hostage situation and resulted in Edwards parents being held for days. The stand off between the Terrorists lasted for days and as a result of failed negotiations Edwards parents were tragically killed. Edward immediately returned to his family home to seek funeral arrangements. Edward was distraught with the Tajaran race and felt they were to blame for his parents death in 2460 Edward Seeked transfer to the station of NSS Aurora where he currently works for as a Quartermaster

What do you like about this character?: First this character his heavily progressive and his always determined to reach his goal he seems to be very eager to work and adapt to situations.

What do you dislike about this character?: Edward seems to be very narrow minded towards other species and can look down upon social classes lower than him. He can sometimes show a prejudice to Tajaran race and is more likely to favor humans other other species.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: This character has a degree in business management he is capable of managing and have done all the academic requirements for a head of personal. His role of a Quartermaster also gives him experience in managing a department as he worked for Unity Station which gives him the experience as a Quartermaster is not a head of department but still has to manage his department unlike other jobs aboard NSS Aurora such as medical or security his time as a Quartermaster has lead to him capable of a head of staff position mainly head of personal.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 8/10 I never break character and always seek to remain in character I have messed up once and have learnt from the mistake and now this has made me roleplay better and make the round better for everyone. I would also downgrade my roleplay bassed on antag rounds as I am generally inexperienced with antag rounds and would like to approach them better.

Extra notes: Sorry for grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes I generally have a terrible thing for spelling.

Edited by Guest
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