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[ACCEPTED] Complete Garbage's Diona/e/a Application

Guest Complete Garbage

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Guest Complete Garbage

BYOND Key: Complete Garbage

Character Names:

Uh, I can't really be bothered to remember them so here's this:



Species you are applying to play: Dionaeeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Hot pink

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: A few times, yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Pokemon jokes aside, each time I've gone for a new species, I've enjoyed the refreshing new possibilities and experiences offered by it. More specifically to dionaea, though, I just find the species rather interesting. I never really looked into the species lore much until recently, but even without it, I noticed interesting things from interactions with dionaea in-game that drew me towards the species. In the past I was a bit put off by just how slowly they move, but after playing a couple rounds as a G2 industrial, I've found slow movement isn't really as much of a detriment to gameplay as I thought it would be.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Quite a lot. Besides possibly vaurcae, dionaea are the most 'alien' of the on-station species. Jokes are often made about how tajara, skrell, and unathi are essentially just humans with fur, gills, and scales respectively. While this is a mostly superficial comparison, the same case really can't be made for dionaea, who only appear humanoid in nature to 'fit in' with the working population of the galaxy. From nymph to worker gestalt and beyond, the individual and combined consciousnesses belonging to members of the species work differently to that of a given human's on a rather fundamental level. Every other species typically has one mind that is made up of several self-contained components. In a dionae gestalt, the consciousness is a collective effort resulting from the combined intellect and impressions of each nymph, tightly bound together. The thing that I find makes dionaea most different to humans is that their sense of self transitions from the traditional 'I' to a collective 'we,' even if the consciousness is thoroughly cohesive.

Character Name: Weeping Remnants of a Broken Husk

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Specimen File 0118 999 88199 9119 725 3

Two Related Documents

JFEC FE Flotilla 116 Report:


Translated to Tau Ceti Basic. Some information has been modified for common usage.

Jargon Federation Expeditionary Corps

Fleet Expedition Flotilla 116

Report on specimen found 12 March 2460


On 09 MAR2460 JFEC FE Flotilla 116 arrived within the Xir system, located on the outer edge (galactic "WNW") of the Federation's frontier space, on a mission to survey asteroids within the system for detailed mineral content projections. Shortly after arrival, Flotilla 116 received communication from a bluespace listening station within the system. The communication included a report from an automated bluespace probe that showed readings of an anomalous mass near Flotilla 116's range of operations. Consensus was reached among Flotilla 116's leading science officers that the readings matched that of a living bioform and warranted investigation. Captain Qilix'Eimqur Qrrx'Uqzix, commander of Flotilla 116, petitioned JFEC FLEETCOM for a mission extension to investigate the anomalous reading. The request was approved.

On 12MAR2460, after completing the assigned survey mission, an expeditionary shuttle was dispatched to investigate the anomalous reading. Using more specialized sensors, the shuttle confirmed the hypotheses of Flotilla 116's researchers that the reading was a drifting dionae gestalt. Because the specimen was too large to be recovered by the shuttle's EVA detachment, the shuttle had to be carefully maneuvered to recover the gestalt directly through the shuttle's primary cargo hatch. At first, researchers aboard the shuttle could not agree upon whether to categorize the specimen as a colossus or a shell.

The specimen initially showed very few signs of any activity. Upon rendezvous with Flotilla 116, the specimen was transferred from the shuttle to Flotilla 116's largest shipboard laboratory for examination. Shortly after arrival, it was discovered that most nymphs within the gestalt had died. After deliberation among Flotilla 116's leading researchers, a decision was reached to dissect the specimen in an effort to preserve the few nymphs remaining alive, all of which were unwell and in a deep, coma-like state of hibernation. In total, 74 distinct nymphs were removed from the specimen, of which 63 had been dead on arrival. Of the 11 remaining, 4 died during or shortly after the procedure. Leading research officers predicted that if they had not gone through with the dissection, all 11 nymphs likely would have succumbed in their weakened states.

Because further mission delays were deemed intolerable by JFEC FLEETCOM at the time, Flotilla 116 continued standard operations with the remaining nymphs aboard. The 7 living nymphs were given designations of SRA1-SRA7. On 14MAR2460, nymph SRA2 was observed to have regained limited neuromotor function. By 15MAR2460, SRA2 along with SRA4 had regained full neurological function, while SRA1, SRA3, and SRA7 started to awake. By 16MAR2460, all specimens except for SRA6 were fully cognizant and showing strong signs of recovery with treatment and rehabilitation.

On 17MAR2460, limited communication was established between researchers and SRA2, and developed into full communication with SRA1-SRA5 and SRA7 by 18MAR2460. Also on 18MAR2460, a notable decline in the condition of SRA6 was observed, with the nymph's health beginning to fail despite the best efforts of medical researchers. SRA6's condition stabilized on 20MAR2460, but the nymph remained in poor health. Meanwhile, ongoing data recovery efforts were in progress with the other recovered specimens, none of which were able to provide any sort of full or complete recounting of the events that led to the formation and eventual decline of their gestalt of origin.

On 28MAR2460, specimens SRA1-SRA5 and SRA 7 made a unanimous request to integrate into a worker form along with SRA6, proposing that such an integration could be beneficial to SRA6's health. Arrangements were made, but the integration was delayed until 01APR2460, when Flotilla 116 would be able to return to Federation core space and transfer the recovered specimens to a medical research facility on Aloise. In the interim, data recovery was finalized and the living specimens remained in good health, except for SRA6, which had no notable change in its condition. On 01APR2460, the transfer was made as planned, and the nymphs were transferred to the Aloise facility without incident.


JAMRF Report:


Translated to Tau Ceti Basic. Some information has been modified for common usage.

Juz'Aikel Medical Research Facility

Report detailing formation and societal integration of gestalt designation: "Weeping Remnants of a Broken Husk"


On 01APR2460, JFEC FE Flotilla 116 transferred 7 specimens to the primary JAMRF facility on Aloise. JAMRF scientists adopted the designations (SRA1, SRA2, SRA3, SRA4, SRA5, SRA6, and SRA7) given to the nymphs by FEF116 research officers. The six healthy specimens were observed to be in remarkably good condition considering the recovery they had recently sustained from a long-term comatose state of physical atrophy. The remaining specimen, SRA6, was recorded to be in poor but stable condition, unable to regain conscious motor function even with intensive medical care. The procedure suggested to attempt to rectify SRA6's situation, as proposed by the other SRA specimens and FEF116 officers, was the integration of SRA6 into a worker-form gestalt for recovery.

The integration was initiated slowly and carefully under the supervision of JAMRF scientists on the same day of arrival, with preliminary data already gathered and compiled in FEF116 documentation released to JAMRF along with the specimens. JAMRF scientists directed the formation, assisting the SRA specimens in finding an ideal worker configuration. SRA6 was placed in the center to form the central trunk. SRA1 and SRA5 composed the left and right arms, respectively, while SRA2 and SRA3 were placed as left and right tendrils/graspers, respectively. SRA4 was placed to form the lower trunk and connect the legs, also forming a protective coil of sorts up around SRA6. SRA7 was placed at the top as a head, also providing auxiliary support for the arms, and connecting down towards the lower trunk to complete the formation of a protective barrier around SRA6. The process of forming an ideal protective configuration around SRA6 took several hours, and the integration was not fully completed until early on 03APR2460.

The newly-formed gestalt was observed closely over the next few days. With the support of the other nymphs, a noted improvement was made in the condition of SRA6, which regained limited cognition by 05APR2460. Over this period, the gestalt as a whole seemed to transition from a highly sociable and brazen pattern of behavior to a somewhat quieter and more reserved state. At first, scientists had difficulty engaging the gestalt as these changes set in, but seemed to build a relationship of trust over the course of approximately one week.

Data recovery from the complete gestalt was started on 13APR2460, giving a more comprehensive picture than the individual assessments gathered initially from the recountings of SRA1-SRA5 and SRA7. Of the 7 specimens, SRA6 was discovered to be the oldest, and the only specimen with a particular focus on development of neurological faculties, with the other nymphs marking at or below average on intelligence benchmarks. The new gestalt provided a limited history of the gestalt recovered by FEF116, though some details were dubious and a great many were missing altogether.

Data recovery was concluded on 18APR2460. By this time, it was concluded that while SRA6 had made a full and remarkable recovery in terms of neurological function, the nymph's already-underdeveloped motor ability sustained long-term or possibly permanent damage as a result of an estimated 230-250 years of inactivity.

After data recovery was completed and final medical observations were made, the societal integration process began. The gestalt was first asked to name itself. Despite being asked multiple times, it did not provide a response until approximately nine hours later, presumably deliberating on the decision internally. The gestalt finally settled on a name: "Weeping Remnants of a Broken Husk." JAMRF staff syncopated the name simply to "Weeping" for shorthand use. The gestalt was placed into a standard integration course beginning on 24APR2460 and lasting approximately one month. During this time, the gestalt regained some of its sociability and continued to show an increase in overall neurological function. The gestalt was given a conditional release from the facility on 26MAY2460 after completing the course.

After being granted limited Federation citizenship, the gestalt was directed to fulfill the terms of its release; to find employment and become a productive member of society in some capacity. With the assistance of a Federation case worker, the gestalt applied for work with NanoTrasen after attending a job fair during a visit to Jargon IV, and was granted a visa to work with the company in Tau Ceti. The gestalt left Aloise for Tau Ceti on 01JUN2460.





What do you like about this character?

In my opinion at least, I find it to be a rather neat concept. I like the idea of a dying colossus left adrift, and a new worker forming with only a patchwork of memories and ideas of the massive original. I hope I can put it in action soon because I’d really like to play it, I definitely think it's one of the more interesting character concepts I've personally come up with.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Four outta five



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Memes out of the way, I've been looking forwards to this one for a while (months). I've had a lot of experience with you in the way of gaming, RP, and general shenanigans, and outside of the occasional mispelling at 2AM, I have zero complaints in the way of what kind of a player you are. You've also proven that you were responsible and put a lot of thought into this application not just by the volume of it's content but also by sending me rough drafts. From there, we discussed general things such as number of Nymphs present in the Gestalt, and their locations in which only minor additions and changes were made to reflect our discussion. Everything else from what you already had was covered and looked good to go!

However, you guessed it, I do have some questions that still remain. That's right, Garbo. Not even you are safe from the Entish Inquisition.

What was the Dionae's past like (from what they can mostly recall as a general idea), and what is their personality like? Experiences sometimes make us who we are, although in this case there may be an abnormality.

What is their focus/specialization/drive in life? Great minds think alike, and if the nymphs were all exposed to the same thing in the past, that can become a subject of their interest, like a Nymph being exposed to much artwork will either want to study what they convay, or to create some itself, etc. Otherwise, they can become general knowledge-seekers until they find their interest.

What position are they applying for with Nanotrasen? I take it may be "assistant until (we) figure it out", true to their more or less "lost" nature? Or perhaps in reference to SRA 6's "interest in the development of neurological faculties" points to it having it going in the direction of a Psychologist?

Guest Complete Garbage

User has been banned for the following reasons: Questionable user image.



However, you guessed it, I do have some questions that still remain.



That's right, Garbo. Not even you are safe from the Entish Inquisition.



What was the Dionae's past like (from what they can mostly recall as a general idea), and what is their personality like?

Very little memory is left of their experience; most of those memories died with the rest of the shell they came from. Because most of the new gestalt's past is in broken fragments, unable to put the pieces together even with a pooled base of knowledge between the nymphs, there isn't much past experience to form a basis. Most of it is driven by SRA6, not only being the nymph with the most extensive recall, but also the oldest and most independently intelligent of the seven. On its own, SRA6 is pragmatically inquisitive, but very introverted and often socially inept. Because of this, it leaves most social function to the younger nymphs connected to it, but keeps their less-developed senses of curiosity in check. In the whole, this makes for a rational and practical intellect, with social tendencies that are best described as cautiously outgoing.

These two sort of go together:

What is their focus/specialization/drive in life?

What position are they applying for with Nanotrasen?

The new gestalt's practical curiosity draws them towards engineering, and medical to an extent, as they are very hands-on and like to understand how things physically fit together and work. Although pursuit of these professions at this stage would be impractical, considering their complete lack of experience in those fields. At this point, they would sign on as a janitor, aiming to work their way through a more advanced education.

Let me know if there's anything else, I'll try to get some outside feedback on this as well.


I have thought of a question: from what SRA 6 can, what is remembered of their past in a general sense besides their pursuit? If they have a location that they spent the majority of their time at, the Dionae as a whole may remember quite a bit of the particular place and what generally happened. Did they come fresh from a Gestalt themselves and set off to grow in space for their own destination? Did they spend a longer time with the Gestalt and learn thibgs? Did they come from another planet and absorbed what knowledge they could before moving on?

And if any of you are wondering why this review is so short in comparison to the rest, it is because most others have a solid background that the characters would remember, and I wanted to make sure that their players had their story straight. In this case, it is best for RP for the player to know as much as their character, and thus leave the rest to be speculated for fuller immersion. When Dionae are merged, information is scattered about in bits and pieces like a real brain, and when damaged to such an extent, quite a bit is lost and creates an amnesiac. In a way, this makes the species' mysterious nature be felt on a more personal level, and leaves them as a character that can be taken down different routes and built as they go along.

This is a very interesting gimmick, and this Dionae may be seen as handicapped to others due to the fact that they are knowledge-hoarders and this one has lost quite a bit of theirs. I have not seen anyone play a "disabled" Dionae before, and I am very excited to see how this will play out with other Dionae. Will they be handled like an elderly human as a Sage? Will they be taken in once more as an neophyte to help find the missing pieces? Will they pursue the knowledge themselves? Or will a few neophytes even shun this elder?

Guest Complete Garbage

I have thought of a question: from what SRA 6 can, what is remembered of their past in a general sense besides their pursuit?


Very little. Even with the other 6 nymphs to help pull and consolidate things from, SRA6 on its own never held direct access to any large amounts of stored memory belonging to the previous gestalt- its role within being more of pure processing and sensory interpretation rather than memory. In a way, this adds to the character's sense of curiosity, but also gives a bit of a short attention span- SRA6 has a less-developed capacity for memory to begin with, and the other nymphs are all considerably younger. Of the little that can be remembered, however, here's a brief outline:

  • A very long-ass time ago, the gestalt was part of something even bigger.
  • The gestalt, after breaking off at some point, was highly nomadic and made several very long trips through the stars.
  • These journeys often lasted centuries or longer, and the gestalt had been through several phases of change, with many additions and losses through time.


Will they be handled like an elderly human as a Sage? Will they be taken in once more as an neophyte to help find the missing pieces? Will they pursue the knowledge themselves? Or will a few neophytes even shun this elder?

Well it's mostly up to other players how they react, but any of those are possible and it would certainly be interesting to watch such dynamics play out on-station.


Will they be handled like an elderly human as a Sage? Will they be taken in once more as an neophyte to help find the missing pieces? Will they pursue the knowledge themselves? Or will a few neophytes even shun this elder?

Well it's mostly up to other players how they react, but any of those are possible and it would certainly be interesting to watch such dynamics play out on-station.


This was meant to be rhetorical, but I'm glad you're up for the challenge!

With the end of the proper time period reached and no negative feedback presented to investigate, I'll make my decision to accept this application. If there are any further quedtions, comments or concerns about your new whitelist, feel free to contact me and I'll be sure to help you out, my friend.


[Application Accepted]

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