Snakebittenn Posted June 8, 2018 Posted June 8, 2018 Reporting Personnel: zaesur guwan i am sorry i am not a very great typer Rank of Reporting Personnel: cargo technician Game ID: bUl-c1XG Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - serana zhao, head of personell, egregious offender - athena marshall, head of security, offender - erick silva, warden, witness Time of Incident: Real time: (Around 3:00 PM MST, 6/8/2018) Location of Incident: cargo mostly, merchant ship Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: so I started my shift looking through maintenance like I always do, to find valuables inside. serana believed this wasn't my job despite my access and thought that the warehouse was never going to be sorted (i was gonna) told me to knock it off and get back there to help the rd rex Winters pay for his order. so I did. rd and roboticists (nikit Vasili) orders were both taken care of. during the 7 minute fuckin shipping time, the merchant came. I'm like yeah, alright, let's go check it out. i go to buy a human katana, the captain (amelia Huey) and hos, athena Marshall, come in. They say 'no weapons leave without permits first'. sure, i can deal with that. I wait around asking athena for a permit, and she tells me apparently the hop begged her to not let me have a permit, even though the tajaran roboticist was able to get one. serana kept calling me to deliver orders, so I decide fuck it, we'll just put the sword in the warehouse. so I tucked it in a crate, intending never to touch it outside of emergencies, and I arrive to the bay. I go to the elevator to actually deliver the orders and serana just fucking stands there in the elevator doors, despite the fact that they could crush her, saying either I'll wait there, or walk myself to security. officers show up, I comply, throw them my bag and jacket and pockets, and go to security with them. i don't get charged, most everyone agrees I was pretty much in the right, then Athena comes in, /demands/ I'm charged for contraband, and tries to spin the story that I was too impatient to get a permit. later in her office, serana pretty much blatantly admits that it was her weird grudge against me for looting maintenance tunnels that spawned her inability to let me have a signed permit for a weapon. she had constantly kept me from doing my job when i wanted to, so i went to cryo shortly after, nobody should have to be treated like that Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: no most of them didn't care for what i had to say Actions taken: cry Additional Notes:
Synnono Posted June 8, 2018 Posted June 8, 2018 TO: Zaesur Guwan I Am Sorry I Am Not A Very Great Typer, Cargo Technician, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA office to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 08-17:59-TAU-CETI-STANDARD-06-2460 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Gollee Posted June 9, 2018 Posted June 9, 2018 TO: Zaesur Guwan, Cargo Technician, NSS AuroraFROM: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Felix Walters. You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 09-17:45-TAU CETI STANDARD-06-2460 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Gollee Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 TO: Zaesur Guwan, Cargo Technician, NSS AuroraFROM: CCIAA Felix Walters, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This incident report has been closed after investigation. The appropriate action has been taken toward relevant parties. -------------------- DTG: 10-01:51-TAU CETI STANDARD-06-2460 SIGN: F. Walters
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