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Report of misconduct (CCIAA Friederick Tyrent)

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Posted (edited)

Reporting Personnel: Julienne Anna Turner

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Bartender

Game ID: bUX-dJIg (this is the ID of the round after)

Personnel Involved:

- Friederick Tyrent, CCIAA: Offender

- Trylls Kilp-Umiish, Head of Security: Offender

- Nathan Corvo, Visitor: Witness

- Uriel Evans, Captain: Witness

- Mer'tala Kaemah, Quartermaster: Witness

- Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer: Witness

- Brayden Parker, Maintenance Technician: Witness

- Willow Harper, Janitor: Witness

- Tabi Trekers, Cargo Technician: Witness

- Evangeline Du Dancion, Chief Engineer: Witness

- Serana Zhao, Head of Personnel: Witness

- Julian McCoy, Visitor: Witness

Time of Incident: around 9:30 PM

Real time: 6/21/2018 ca. 1:45 AM Central European Time

Location of Incident: Holodeck

Nature of Incident:

[]Workplace Hazard


[]Destruction of Property

[]Neglect of Duty




[]Other _____

Overview of the Incident: During the festvities, that took place after the announced wedding in said shift I was approached at some point by security officer Hadley Dawson, while serving the drinks to the wedding guests, showing me a warrant, issued on my name. I was accused of i106, Suspicious Conduct. I calmly follwed officer Dawson to the brig, where I had been searched and fined 200 credits. After asking multiple times what exactly I am accused of I was given no answer, neither by security officer Dawson, nor the current Head of Security on duty. After paying the fine I underwent crew transfer, due to the shift ending. There was a wide variety of crewmembers around me, at all times during the shift - some of them listed above by name - who can witness I did nothing illegal or out of the ordinary. Therefore the arrest and the resulting fine were unlawful.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Trylls Kilp-Umiish, Head of Security

Actions taken: No further actions on the side of the Head of Security were taken.

Additional Notes: -

Edited by Guest

TO: Julienne Turner, Bartender, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



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DTG: 20-21:23-CETI STANDARD-06-2460



We'll be handling the conduct reported in this IR alongside a headmin as an OOC issue, due to the staff members involved and current CCIA guidelines. This thread will be archived.

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