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Incident Report 23/06/2460

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Reporting Personnel: Fernando Gonzales

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer

Game ID: Game ID: bU1-dYy

Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey))

-Julian McCoy, Medical Doctor: Offender

- Aelia Volvalaad, Medical Doctor: Witness

- Nicholas Wolfe, Head of Security: Witness

Time of Incident:

Real time: 4:00 pm MST

Location of Incident: Medbay

Nature of Incident:

[]Workplace Hazard


[]Destruction of Property

[x]Neglect of Duty




[x]Other: Malpractice

Overview of the Incident:

Around an hour into the shift, the body of Fay White was discovered by a borg, BUDDY, a roboticist, Nikit Vasili, and my usually psychiatrist turned medical doctor, Julian McCoy. Permission was asked to move forward with cloning, which I granted, putting McCoy in charge of the procedure.

General cloning procedure involves first checking records for a DNC and ensuring that we are legally able to clone the patient. In this case, McCoy did check the records, but he failed to realize White's death was currently under investigation as possibly being a suicide. As the physician attending to cloning, especially as the responder who found her dead, he was expected to check to ensure cloning her was legal. If White committed suicide, she was DNC, and McCoy committed malpractice.

McCoy realized his mistake while cloning, and was the first to notify anyone over medical radio, commenting that she might be DNC. This leads me to believe he was capable of checking before initiating cloning.

In post cloning procedures, the patient, White, became violent. I was attacked by her in OR 1, where she hit me with a surgical drill, cracking my ribs and damaging both my heart and lungs. Given that we did not have an active surgeon on staff, I was left wheelchair bound until I could transfer to the Odin. I believe this instability was caused by her being distraught at being brought back after her suicide. She was arrested by security and treated to the best of our ability. She has been transferred to a psychiatric ward.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I reported this incident over command radio, but the Captain was underresponsive and Wolfe was busy handling White.

Actions taken: By the time White was treated and processed, we were ending our shift. No actions were taken against McCoy.

Additional Notes:


TO: Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA office to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 24-11:26-TAU-CETI-STANDARD-06-2460



TO: Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Luke Pena (Elliot)

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 25-13:28-TAU CETI STANDARD-06-2060


  • 3 weeks later...

TO: Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora

FROM: CCIAA Luke Pena, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT:RE: Incident Report



This incident report has been closed after investigation. The appropriate action has been taken toward relevant parties.


DTG: 12-23:26-TAU CETI STANDARD-07-2460

SIGN: L. Pena

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