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Urthrem's Mapper Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: Urthrem

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): Mapper

Past Experiences/Knowledge:

I do have 2 to 3 years spent around Eternia and Spires of Agartha mapping. Being one of the main mappers for the Spires development. Both are using Dream Maker as tool for maps. I haven't touched SS13 mapping before but I am more than willing to do so. I been working around mapping and level design since I was 10, at first for fun in many of the strategy games before deciding to move on to RPGs alike The Elder Scrolls or Fallout series (Including 1,2 and Tactics). I have helped around multiple private wow rp servers, using Noggit to map out areas and fix errors found around them.

Examples of Past Work:

[*]One of the older, more serious project planned for Eternia...that never got approved since the owner decided to move on to Spires of Agartha.


[*]Spires of Agartha mapping process, with screenshots being my progress through the development. Mostly collected for the owner to go through as time went on.


[*]More recent project of one of the Islands that were meant to surround the Agartha (Something that was requested during planning phase but was never completed due to time constraint)


Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.):




Additional Comments: As mentioned before, I do lack experience in SS13 mapping but I am more than willing to learn and master it if given a chance.

  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the delayed answer.

Currently we are not looking for additional mappers.

If you wish you can always make mapping changes as contributor which is highly encouraged before applying for a staff position.

We will make a public announcement on our discord if we are looking for additional mappers.

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