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Also known as; The Chief Engineers Secret Space Base. And if you thought getting to grips with Atmosia is hard, well, I hope you know how to into code.

As you may have noticed, I've been experimenting with Tcom scripts for the past few days. Some of them work, and mostly it's the notoriously bad ones, like HONK and tourettes. I have a simple, selective mute and I have a general comm cleaner that prevents you from hearing Hulks, typing all caps or using profanities. The useful scripts I've tried and consistently failed to implement are the timestamp, job indicator and an auto translator, for when those filthy xenos start screeching their catspeak, warbles and rustles over general comms, but I can't seem to get them functional. I'm told some of the Tcom functions are somehow currently broken, but I don't know which ones.

Anyway, if you have any ideas or requests, or scripts of your own to submit; here we are!


Ahh TComms, my secret fun spot, not that I know how to code. I just like to go over and watch the machinery and possibly spy on comms channels to hear whats been going on.

Seriously though TComms traffic control could be SO FECKING USEFUL for investigations, because you can get comms history for any of the channels that route through the TComms Sat. (AKA no ERT or Syndies) but do they ever ask the CE/RD? Nope.


I was really surprised when I found that out. I mean, I knew it was stored somewhere but thought it'd be less... accessible. Everything said in every channel is right there. But shh, don't tell the IAA that I'm reading that stuff.


Well, I think I'm one step closer to getting it working. Apparently the Telecom servers process all languages as 'Human', even if they aren't, and the variable '$language' is missing completely when it should be a default. The workaround I'm currently trying is to check the $content variable, which is the text of a message, for any instance of ;:4 or any other language modifier and then replace that instance with just ;, to broadcast it over general without the language modifier. The problem is that it doesn't seem to recognize the language codes as part of the message '$content'.

Also I can't seem to modify '$source' in anyway, but I can check it.


As some of you know, I managed to figure out the problem. I was trying all sorts of ways to pick apart the language an department indicators at the start of messages, but to no avail. The solution was a lot more simple. It's not formatted the way I wanted, but anything said on a channel with this code enabled will be first blocked, and then the content of it repeated without language codes.


$pass = 0;
broadcast("" + $content, $freq, $source);


This one, I shamelessly pinched from another site. But it works. If your chat bar looks like 'say "; /anon blah' then blah will broadcast, and your name will be obscured as ANONYMOUS.

$explodeString = explode($content, " ");
if(at($explodeString, 1) ==  "/anon")
      $pass = false;
      $content = substr($content, 6, length($content)+1);
      broadcast($content, $freq, "Anonymous");


And now for a fun one. No, it's not honkers or tourettes. It's just general Comm Chaos! Feel free to add, change and remove terms as you see fit.

$content = replace($content, "malf", "functioning normally");
$content = replace($content, "rogue", "functioning normally");
$content = replace($content, "blow", "repair");
$content = replace($content, "rouge", "functioning normally");
$content = replace($content, "malfunctioning", "functioning normally");
$content = replace($content, "attacking", "looking at");
$content = replace($content, "murdered", "messaged");
$content = replace($content, "attack", "help");
$content = replace($content, "freezing", "fine");
$content = replace($content, "burning", "fine");
$content = replace($content, "fire", "drugs");
$content = replace($content, "plasma", "butterflies");
$content = replace($content, "N02", "oxygen");
$content = replace($content, "Oxygen", "plasma");
$content = replace($content, "breach", "cat");
$content = replace($content, "Medbay", "Arrivals");
$content = replace($content, "Sec", "Engineering");
$content = replace($content, "Security", "Engineering");
$content = replace($content, "Bar", "Cargo");
$content = replace($content, "Atmos", "Hydroponics");
$content = replace($content, "AI Upload", "the Engine room");
$content = replace($content, "lockdown", "congratulate");

As you can see, the phrase "I'm on fire, someone released plasma in Medbay!" become "I'm on drugs, someone released butterflies in arrivals!".

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