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[Accepted] Tbear13's Unathi Application

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BYOND Key: tbear13

Character Names: https://gyazo.com/8a4d5204479335f7f7dd6f8a98c243c2

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Planning on a rusty-red color, but I don't have an exact shade yet.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, as a whole, they're an interesting race. They have several unique cultures, those being Moghean, Ouerean, and Dominian, with many differences, while still retaining some core aspects that make the race unique, such as a code of honor and respect for their ancestors. Along with their various religions, the variety that those all allow for makes the Unathi seem like a very interesting, and fun, species to play as.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: One of the most noticeable differences is, as I mentioned above, their code of honor. The average Unathi will avoid lying, respect their family and ancestors, and obey their elders. They tend to be a very divided race, with three separate cultures that rarely get along, there are distinct social and economic classes, severe gender inequality, several religions that often fight one-another, and they even discriminate by scale color, occasionally.


Character Name: Yanizra Kanziik

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Yanizra Kanziik was born in 2430, to a carpenter and his wife, in a small village halfway between Mudki and what is now Camp Integrity. With two younger sisters and an older brother, his family and upbringing were both fairly average, and they were taught the values of Sk'akh from an early age. In 2438, the Contact War began, and his father was called up to military service for the Izweski Nation within the month. Yanizra, being so young, didn't really understand what the war meant, and life for him went on normally, for a little while, at least.

When the exchange of nuclear weapons started in 2439, it all sunk in for him. The war was real, not just a fairy-tale he sometimes heard about, nor was it an 'adventure.' The following years were tough for him and his family, food became scarce, and the money his father sent home was, eventually, not enough to sustain them, forcing him and his brother to start working under another carpenter from the village to support their family. His father returned from the war early in the Versakh of 2446, and his brother, who recently turned 18, left to fight not long after. Yanizra's father was different after he returned, he was quieter and seemed somewhat detached. He went back to carpentry, leaving most of the child-rearing to their mother, and stayed out of village affairs when he could.

Life would go on quietly for the next two years, though food got harder to come by, and more men went off to fight the war. On his 18th birthday, Yanizra decided he would join the military as well, if only to give his parents one less child to feed. Over the next month or two, he was given simple training, how to fight with a spear, various formations, along with other war-related things. After he was trained, the small "army" of around two hundred the village's Lord still had participated in few battles. They were usually used to guard the flanks or scout ahead of of larger levies. His time in the military was about as uneventful as it could be for a footman, and Daraketh fell just over a year after Yanizra had been levied. They occupied a Traditionalist village for a while, before it was decided that they were no longer needed, and they were allowed to travel home.

On his journey home, Yanizra ran into an old shaman, who preached the message of Juzida Si'akh, and told him stories about his travels. Yanizra was intrigued by the old shaman's preaching, and decided to try and find Si'akh, to hear one of his sermons for himself. He began to follow Si'akh and listen to his sermons, which seemed to make perfect sense to him. Sk'akh wouldn't have just let the nukes fall without a good reason, right? After around a year of following Si'akh, Yanizra decided he wanted to do more than just listen to the preaching, he wanted to serve the faith. He didn't believe he was charismatic enough to preach, and ruled that out quickly, but he'd heard about the Reavers of the Flame. About how they protected pilgrims as they followed Si'akh, and even fought the Maraziite's occasionally. It was an easy choice for him, and he traveled to a nearby fort the Reavers were based out of, where he spoke with a few members about joining.

It was early 2451, almost a month after he arrived at the fort, when he committed to becoming a Reaver, taking an oath and cutting off his horns. He would spend the next seven years doing what was expected of him, protecting pilgrims from bandits and Maraziites, and guarding Si'akh himself when he preached nearby. His goals changed when a shaman visited the fort, who talked about a 'pilgrimage' to Tau Ceti, , and asked for volunteers to accompany them. Yanizra, who was starting to become bored of the same routine, decided to volunteer for the journey. The shaman, who had gathered around 30 other volunteers, began to teach them about human culture, and how to speak Tau Ceti Basic. After around 18 months, the shaman believed they were prepared enough to make the journey.

Around 50 people would accompany the shaman, including Yanizra, the other volunteers, and the wives of the married ones. The journey would be fairly uneventful, with them catching a decently priced ship at a nearby shuttle port. When they arrived, they moved into what was essentially a renovated warehouse that the shaman had arranged for them, and they began speaking to other Unathi, attempting to convert them to Si'akh. Yanizra always felt somewhat out of place, he had never been very charismatic, and found it hard to approach others about the faith. A few months after they had arrived in Tau Ceti, they found that the money they had brought wouldn't stretch nearly as far as they had hoped, and they were close to bankruptcy already. Yanizra and a few of the other men, already burned out of the preaching, offered to find real jobs, to help pay for the others to keep up their work. The others agreed to the idea, and Yanizra began to search for a job. Eventually, he came across a job offer from Nanotrasen, for a job as a security officer aboard the NSS Antlia, which he took. He went through the 3 months of Academy training, he scored decently, falling behind on some written parts of the job, but making up for it in practical scenarios. His cadetship aboard the Antlia went smoothly, and they rarely dealt with anything more than a drunken employee. After his successful cadetship, he worked as an officer aboard the Antlia for another month or so, before he was offered to transfer to the Aurora, due to a surplus of officers aboard the Antlia. He accepted the transfer, and the small raise that came with it.

What do you like about this character? While most of my characters are more vocal, energetic or cynical characters, Yanizra tends to be calm and stay quiet unless he has something important to add, so he'll be a nice change of pace. His Si'akh faith, his experiences during the contact war, and as a Reaver of the Flame will make for some interesting conversations, and will definitely come up at some point. His dedication to his religion over anything else will be interesting to play out, and make a good conversation-starter.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd give myself a 7 out of 10. I'm not the best, but I'm certainly improving.

Notes: Will give ERP tokens for +1's.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

You have positive feedback that supports your really strong character. You have a real grasp of Unathi and have a very compelling journey that brings him to many different and unique situations and settings without ever seeming forced or unrealistic. I for one will consider writing fanfiction of Yanizra Kanziik. Application accepted!

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