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[Accepted] Warbidon's Skrell Whitelist Application

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Character Names:
Reginald Sparrow, Catherine Mills, Hanira Yishu

Species you are applying to play: 

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): A softer, paler shade, as the Skrell lived in a spaceship all its life. (spaceships are cold I think) Maybe lavender.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Bold of you to assume I actually know how to read is one example of a meme that a Skrell would make in the modern day, with their deadpan sarcasm.

Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
First and foremost; comfort. I feel like I can better craft characters and stories with a “base” alien mindset. It just comes more naturally to me, I feel. Second; nostalgia. Having played Skrellian characters in the past, I simply like playing in the Skrellian format.  Being in the know so to speak, means I get too maybe get at the chance of playing one or two of my really fun characters, but better™, and I get to make new characters. I guess the new people are alright are alright to interact with.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: 
First and foremost, they have got that whimsical sort of “An end of an Era” vibe to them. Glorsh waffle stomped them down the drain and impossible technologies were lost after Glorsh badonk-a-donked into hell.  This combined with the fact that Skrell had an advanced technological base that was knocked down to merely “superior” in comparison to Humanity means you can often get a sort of wistfulness to the older Skrell, and whenever Skrellian technology is mentioned (we could be better…). They, the older Skrell (we don't count the Glorsh likers), hate the thinking Machines with a passion. Why will humanity in their great insolence, ignore the tragedy the Skrell had faced? 


… All those lives lost. Billions of people scattered into ashes at the hands of cold unfeeling and logical hands of a machine that cannot, will not ever think like us. Thinking Machines made into caricatures of human beings speak to us, claiming that their logic will never murder in cold blood.  I’m sure some, perhaps even almost all of them are correct, that they do not have the digital “want” to rip and tear humanity. Tens of billions of souls perished in Glorshs reign, which happened after AI researchers pushed the envelope and machines thought they can change themselves bit by bit, not realizing they were making a cocoon of an angry, enigmatic god. Can’t you see the same thing is happening again? And if we don’t stop them, then inevitably, one picture of the future will be a boot, stamping on a human face forever.

Besides their interaction with the Machine God, I think they also have a neat interaction regarding the topic of Telepathy, inferior organic life, and their alien diet/way of thinking. They don't do violence as much as humanity, or at least they don't do it in such a way that it is alike to humanity. 

Character Name:
 Arielle Auriel-Qerk (AIR-E-EL AUR-E-EL -QERK)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs
    Arielle Auriel was born among the stars, in a large station in the orbit of a world known for its agriculture. 
Her first name was nonsensical, as her father thought it reminded him of a song he liked. Auriel was the name of an engineer who was one of the scientists in the team that worked to create the Skrells first fusion reactor. Auriel has come to mean something along the lines of “combination, assimilation” in its most literal format, but the meaning her Qu’Draa chose was closer to “to have joined a greater whole”. 
Her parents were the equivalent of maintenance technicians, who kept the various complex systems of many incoming ships coming to port functioning. The money they made kept them in comfort, with how lucrative and dangerous the maintenance was. Despite the many precautions, a terrible accident resulted in her mother's loss at Arielle turned fifteen. It can be said that Arielle never really recovered from the loss of her mother. She barely managed to pass the equivalent of high school and would’ve spent the rest of her life in some sort of pseudo void if not for a brief introspective discovery. 
    Arielle was always a poor telepath, barely able to state a sentence without straining herself, and she thinks this is connected to the fact that she dreamt vividly one night. She fell into an abyss instead of Srom and landed into an ocean without a surface. Or at least, she would claim she had done so; Ever since, she deeply wishes to repeat the experience and has researched thoroughly into Srom, the land of the dream. Arielle worked steadfastly, but felt that her research should not be shared with others for fear of taboo, and learned the secret of how to suppress sharing of information in Srom through a master (who knows some of her interest in SROM). The only evidence of her ever looking into Srom is the fact that she chose to add -Qerk to her last name, based on a famous philosopher who hinted at the possibility of an otherness to Srom, and the existence of an alternative reality to enter through his many books, hidden in code-speak and rhetorical questions.
    She had entered the equivalent of college and left it with a degree in astroengineering, just like her parents. Interested in further Srom-bound studies with less risk in her pursuit of a dream, she moved to Tau Ceti and obtained a job as a station-Engineer. She is simply fascinated with humanity due to the simple fact that they have the “other half” of the dream equation; They dream but do not do so deeply. Skrell “not-dream”, but do so deeply.
    She barely managed to make it through college equivalent, and moving to human space has accrued several debts to banks, money lenders, and rumor has it, some less than wholesome elements in criminal society. She essentially lives paycheck to paycheck. She carries a little book with her, of drawings from every single remembered moment of her time in the deepest dream.
Is there more to the story? I don’t know. Not yet.

What do you like about this character?:
Did they really enter a place that wasn't SROM, or did they do something else anomalous? Was this interaction with some sort of deity, telepathic or otherwise? What happens when they can’t get paid? Is her pursuance of this dream because she felt that it was more restful then anything she ever had before (like opium), or is it something else, something Glorshier?
The character is simple to play, be a Skrell that is always tired, an engineer, and do the wonderful, absolutely brilliant conversation of Philosophy to the people who need it most; dirt licking fucking engineers.

What is it like to dream? Why do you forget? how could you let yourself do it? Life isn’t fair, I would a hundred percent trade my damned deep dreaming for the ability to always dream, it just isn’t fair…

(I like this character because it will be interesting to roleplay.)

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I can be better.


Thank you for the wonderful chance.

It was a bane.

I like to dance

Posted (edited)

I've deliberately left their age out, mostly because I honestly wasn't sure the number I wanted to put in. now that I think about it, I would say they are 43 years old. the main reason I say this is because they are at the precipice of a change, not quite really into humanity just yet, still struggling, but they are closing in on it. If they are too old, I would have to give a reason why they are in the situation they are in and why they haven't "solved" the dream issue.

EDIT: I miss-mathed and now its 47.

Edited by Warbidon
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