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Getting rid of vote hopping.


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No one likes vote hopping, it annoying, stupid, and just make everyone a bit miffed, when the extended round they were hoping for suddenly turns into secret or nuke or something. I don't know how coding works, so I don't know if what Im going to suggest is hard, or even impossible, but what I suggest is, if someone has already cast a vote, make it so they can't change their vote in the last ten seconds of the vote timer. That was if they misclicked somewhere along the way, the can still change their vote to what they wanted, and still stop those annoying last minute vote swappers.


While a 10 second delay probably wouldn't hurt anything, changing votes is a good thing. It lets people pile onto the runner-up if they don't like the one that looks like it's going to win. And it makes it feasible to select an unlikely round type at the start of the vote, and if it's not going to win, switch to a second or third favorite as needed. Yeah, people jumping back and fourth to be annoying is a little silly, but I don't see as it harms the process that much.


Why not have it so you can only see what you're voting for? You should be voting for what /you/ want, don't vote for X because you dont want X, or don't for for X because everyone else is. Wouldn't it be best if it was just anonymous?


If we did anonymous voting, we'd end up with a nuke round winning with 4 people voting it and a ton of 1 and 2 votes on everything else. If anything, we'd be more pissed than if we'd just left it all alone.

Our current system isn't perfect, but if we're going to prevent changing your vote in the last ten seconds, why not just end the timer ten seconds earlier? It would have the exact same effect.

I know it's annoying. I flail when, with 3 seconds left, it's a tie between what I want and what I don't want and suddenly someone hops and we get what I don't want. But that's just life. It sucks. But we get over it because 2d spacemen need us. Or we need them.


That'd ruin the fun of it. Voting is in itself a game. When its a tie between Antag and Extended. . . When it's either Nuke or Wizard, with Secret a close runner up. . . When everyone votes for Extended overwhelmingly; those are moments where the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife, when the OOC chat is completely silent, presumably because everyone is so anxious, where you're biting your nails. . . And it's Extended again. Goddammit.


when the OOC chat is completely silent, presumably because everyone is so anxious

No its silent because it is automatically muted during a vote. *nods*


Our current system isn't perfect, but if we're going to prevent changing your vote in the last ten seconds, why not just end the timer ten seconds earlier? It would have the exact same effect.

How would it have the same effect? All shortening the voting timer would do, would be shorten the vote timer. What I suggested would stop those annoying last second vote hoppers, but still allow the late comers to vote, and not stop the people who misclicked their first vote to change freely, pretty much word for word what I said in the OP.

And while vote hopping isn't a harm, Im sure no one likes seeing the ever so rare extended mode switch from being tied to nuke to see "The round will be Nuclear Emergency." Not only that, to vote hop, someone has to deliberately vote for something along with all the other people who really want it, and not switch until the last second, making the people who really wanted to game mode thing "Holy shit this it!" and then dash it at the last second of the vote. If that isn't a dick move, I don't know what is.


ever so rare extended



I don't think there's an actual problem with vote hoppers. All the do is get your hopes up, I don't think it's a serious issue. Anonymous voting wouldn't take any fun out of anything. It's like voting in an election really. You cast your vote and hope you win.


Vote hopping isn't an issue. If someone's hopping from one vote to the other back and forth, they probably already know what they want to win and they're just doing it to make you anxious, because they know it makes you anxious and that's the effect they want to achieve. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

I would never do that.


Vote hopping does not really sound like an issue. Often, people vote a certain thing (wizard, for example) and notice it's not going through due to Extended and Secret butting heads.

The voters of wizard note that their vote is being wasted, and extended might actually win by 2 or 3 votes. They change their vote so that they have the chance for a round with a bit of action, perhaps even wizard?

Really, it's just people balancing what they believe the round should be. I often vote extended more often than not because every single antag round tends to put a stopper into my IC work and force me to group up with people who are more than likely going to die anyway. But if people want to play nuke and perhaps Josh or Jenna is up for being an antag, why the fuck should I deny them the chance for fun? I'm not going to be a horridly bitter person who plays security too much and overdoses on the toxicity that is that department, and then complain about why people didn't do X for Y reason and blame everyone for self-antagging or meta where none existed.

As I say quite often, it's a matter of perspective and counterweighing risk. I might not actually be interested in a nuke round myself, but if people are willing to take into consideration for other people's fun, fine, I'll change my vote. I wouldn't call myself easily convinced but I'd rather take other people's fun in mind.

Don't expect me to not be disappointed if I see that my trust was misplaced.


Vote hopping is not an issue, not one big enough to warrent forcing people to select one or two options or force them to stick in the last 10 seconds.

There would be a a different set of issues that people will complain about if a new system was placed in.

We considered having anonymous voting and decided against it for the above reason.

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