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[Accepted] Charlesvito's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Charlesvito

Character Names: 

  • Travis Rader (Cargo Technician)
  • David Wellclarke (Corporate Reporter)
  • Octavius Atweeke (Dominian Guard)
  • Pheonix Leichter (Merchant)
  • Titus Fulton (Shaft Miner)
  • George Wellington (Robotocist)
  • Christopher Parr (Phoron Researcher)
  • Javon Price (Detective)

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character:

Applying for IPC

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I feel as if a change of pace in my roleplay by changing races would be fairly significant. Striding for a different play style will help build my own immersion into the server and those around me, by offering them a unique experience to roleplay with something other than a human - again, further developing the story of the round and the background of other characters. Playing an IPC character provides a constant reminder of the advanced technology that the station holds in their grasps.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Identifying something that is null of emotions or any sort of actual feeling seems very interesting to me, not only that it adds another dimension to roleplay on the server but leaves room for the character to potentially develop a partial amount of feeling through character interaction. Starting off with this fresh "canvas" to roleplay with grants for multiple ways that the character can indeed flourish and change through events that unfold on the server and also with relations with other characters being another factor of this growth.

Character Name: 'DAWSON'

Please provide a short backstory for this character 



With the introduction of the algorithms in 2437, man began to construct highly intelligent Synthetic life. Ran by a positronic brain and a central control system, they are made to mimic and blend in with human society. The construction of the 'DAWSON' unit saw that this wide gap between human life and artificial intelligence was to be bridged. ID: 93812, DAWSON, is currently serving as a prototype module built between the two trans-stellar companies, Nanotrasen and Hephaestus Industries, to ship to all those that were willing to buy it. The module is said to 'seamlessly' adapt and flourish in the workplace environment, raising the work standard for all organic employees. The projected economic boost of the corporation was said to sky rocket after several months of the introduction of the module in the work place, again, only projected. Nanotrasen saw this as more of a business opportunity than anything else.

Purposefully made to be intelligent about almost every matter in the field of occupation that they are assigned to, their positronic brain is the most advanced model up to date. He doesn't bleed, he doesn't breathe and doesn't have any sort of emotional capacity assigned to his data listings. This makes him an efficient worker and a module that if successful, will be highly promising for the trans-stellar company. 93812, DAWSON, has only just finished construction and installation, another reason for his introduction into the NSS Aurora is for the recent detection of organic beings failing to meet work quotas, due to physical, mental and psychological limits - such as morality and ethical choices, this does not abide to DAWSON. He aims to complete any objective that is given to him by the AI, and or the Captain with high levels of efficiency and no social restraints.

What do you like about this character? I like the idea of DAWSON because of several reasons really, I like that if any sort of corruption happens or if he develops a motive to become political about things, such as the creation of life and other topics - this can create a unique laneway for roleplay to be taken, much like the character "David" from the movie "Prometheus" and "Alien: Covenant" 

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

It really depends on how awake I am at the time / how much energy I have whilst roleplaying. If I'm fully awake and are into the roleplay, I'd say my ability is pretty high.



If there is any room for improvement that I need to address, please, feel free to tell me!!

Edited by kyres1

Hi. I'll look over this soon and be asking questions on it when I do. In the meantime, I suggest trying to get feedback from other players.

6 hours ago, kyres1 said:

Hi. I'll look over this soon and be asking questions on it when I do. In the meantime, I suggest trying to get feedback from other players.

Of course!


I'm back with the questions.

On 19/04/2019 at 22:18, Charlesvito said:

built between the two trans-stellar companies, Nanotrasen and Hephaestus Industries,

What do you mean by this? NT and Hephaestus working together on anything short of a mutual threat is quite strange. A product may be purchased indirectly that is produced by one or the other, by the other, but the two would never willingly share production of the exact same model.

On 19/04/2019 at 22:18, Charlesvito said:

The module is said to 'seamlessly' adapt and flourish in the workplace environment, raising the work standard for all organic employees. The projected economic boost of the corporation was said to sky rocket after several months of the introduction of the module in the work place, again, only projected. Nanotrasen saw this as more of a business opportunity than anything else.

These are pretty big claims for any one IPC model. It seems to make statements that regard an entire frame's impact, though doesn't specify exactly how far this impact goes beyond the projected boost "skyrocketing." Maybe clarify exactly how far DAWSON went?

On 19/04/2019 at 22:18, Charlesvito said:

93812, DAWSON, has only just finished construction and installation, another reason for his introduction into the NSS Aurora is for the recent detection of organic beings failing to meet work quotas, due to physical, mental and psychological limits - such as morality and ethical choices, this does not abide to DAWSON.

This is concerning. Lots of people apply with the mindset that they need to address an IPC's potential lack of care for things around them, only abiding by their designated function and nothing else. This could not be further from the truth in most cases and addressing them as being wholly detached can only lead to some awful scenarios where said IPCs do horrible things and attempt to excuse it with this. I suggest finding a different reason than "morality and ethical choices" to explain why DAWSON would meet any work quota.

On 19/04/2019 at 22:18, Charlesvito said:

He aims to complete any objective that is given to him by the AI, and or the Captain with high levels of efficiency and no social restraints.

An IPC listening to the AI doesn't make much sense considering the AI is lower than dirt as far as authority goes. Even when owned, IPCs remain on the crew manifest, and take on the authority of their assigned role. It's a minor gripe I suppose.


See these concerns addressed and I'll look into it again as soon as I can.

3 hours ago, kyres1 said:

I'm back with the questions.

What do you mean by this? NT and Hephaestus working together on anything short of a mutual threat is quite strange. A product may be purchased indirectly that is produced by one or the other, by the other, but the two would never willingly share production of the exact same model.

These are pretty big claims for any one IPC model. It seems to make statements that regard an entire frame's impact, though doesn't specify exactly how far this impact goes beyond the projected boost "skyrocketing." Maybe clarify exactly how far DAWSON went?

This is concerning. Lots of people apply with the mindset that they need to address an IPC's potential lack of care for things around them, only abiding by their designated function and nothing else. This could not be further from the truth in most cases and addressing them as being wholly detached can only lead to some awful scenarios where said IPCs do horrible things and attempt to excuse it with this. I suggest finding a different reason than "morality and ethical choices" to explain why DAWSON would meet any work quota.

An IPC listening to the AI doesn't make much sense considering the AI is lower than dirt as far as authority goes. Even when owned, IPCs remain on the crew manifest, and take on the authority of their assigned role. It's a minor gripe I suppose.


See these concerns addressed and I'll look into it again as soon as I can.

I’ll be back with the answers today! Just a tad busy atm

10 hours ago, kyres1 said:

What do you mean by this? NT and Hephaestus working together on anything short of a mutual threat is quite strange. A product may be purchased indirectly that is produced by one or the other, by the other, but the two would never willingly share production of the exact same model.

At the time of writing the background story, I didn't think it was too strange but now that I look at it I agree on what you've said. Basic rules of business I would imagine, never share what your rival has etc, and since that Interstellar Corporations are highly competitive - It would be extremely rare that a product such as DAWSON to be made collaboratively between the two companies. I'll change that the product is made by NT for NT so it correlates with the company expecting a higher standard of work ethic with the introduction of the new module. 


10 hours ago, kyres1 said:

These are pretty big claims for any one IPC model. It seems to make statements that regard an entire frame's impact, though doesn't specify exactly how far this impact goes beyond the projected boost "skyrocketing." Maybe clarify exactly how far DAWSON went?

I worded it in a very particular way, "projected", being that this event is yet to happen and is only a thought about the IPC model by the people that make it also including about how it will work in the station. But being related to it's counterparts, DAWSON would excel in the workplace due to it's ability to blend in and "bridge" any existing gap between non-organic employees and organic employees. Keeping in mind, that the primary focus for the model is to make profit for NT, nothing else, they didn't construct the model entirely for social purposes but as said before, rather a work effort/ethic one.

10 hours ago, kyres1 said:

This is concerning. Lots of people apply with the mindset that they need to address an IPC's potential lack of care for things around them, only abiding by their designated function and nothing else. This could not be further from the truth in most cases and addressing them as being wholly detached can only lead to some awful scenarios where said IPCs do horrible things and attempt to excuse it with this. I suggest finding a different reason than "morality and ethical choices" to explain why DAWSON would meet any work quota.

I agree on the most part about DAWSON not being emotionally attached and devoid of reasons to not commit horrible things can be rather concerning - but in essence, that is why Shell units are added into the crew manifest, being that they can compensate for what regular crew cannot do because of these said moral and ethical constraints, are they not?; but I can see how this can deter to the integration and it's ability to blend and mix with the crew because of the bipolar social conditions. DAWSON's ulterior motive to complete it's set objective would be to fulfil on what is expected of it, much like how any organic crew member would, it's programming not only prompts him to complete it but to also ensure that goals have been reached with maximum efficiency (time put into the task) and effectiveness (the level of completeness achieved) to excel in the workplace. The whole motive of placing DAWSON, or any IPC in a work place is to achieve simple list of set objectives: Do what organics cannot do, cover all bases and ensure that the company is always making as much profit as possible.  :) 

11 hours ago, kyres1 said:

An IPC listening to the AI doesn't make much sense considering the AI is lower than dirt as far as authority goes. Even when owned, IPCs remain on the crew manifest, and take on the authority of their assigned role. It's a minor gripe I suppose.

Ah right, I assumed that all non-organic beings were to be addressed by the AI. My mistake, I'll correct that now. They would also listen to their Head-of-said department role wouldn't they, as you said that they remain on the crew manifest thus indicating that they follow the regular stock standard "I do what my boss tells me to do."


And please, if there is anything else you need me to change or fix, let me know because I'm very keen on playing as an IPC unit :)

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