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Staff Complaint - Shadow

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Posted (edited)

Staff BYOND Key: Shadow7889
Game ID: b2U-deoC
Reason for complaint: I've been permabanned wrongly. I've been back on the server less than a day after dealing with my last permaban. At the end of the round, I get shitsecced, but becuase I was banned before I make sure I don't say anything in OOC until round has completely ended and round end text has gone through, and then the only thing I type in chat is "lol, any reason to shitsec on this server", I'm bwoinked literally two seconds later by Shadow laughing at me and telling me I'm gunna be permabanned, not even asking for my side of the story, and then tells mot to -not appeal it-, which is shady as fuck. He also put in my ban reason that I "exexcuted a prisoner", which I did not do, I simply shot an already dead prisoner for a cool RP moment, the prisoner had already been shot like fifty times by the head of security, and my character immediatly got tackled, cuffed and headstomped after it. (Hence why I was expressing my displeasure to way they play sec at round end).

Evidence/logs/etc: I'm not actually sure how to go about getting these, I'm not that good with Byond
Additional remarks: I've been back less than a day, and this guy bwoinks me two seconds after my first line of text in OOC, and all I said was "Any reason to be shitsec", which is a perfectly reasonable thing to say after being shitsecced. I didn't bring IC into OOC, I wasn't spamming OOC, I didn't even type in OOC until after the round had ended, which is when everyone us using OOC anyway! I think Shadow just has something against me and wanted to ban me becuase I didn't ass kiss like he wanted me to in my permaban appeal, especaily given how happy he seemed to be to be banning me when he bwoinked me, and didn't even ask for my side of the story when he did it. Saying "Any reason to be shitsec" on it's own, is not enough reason to permaban someone, this is ridiculious. (Literally less than a day old permaban appeal can be found  here:


Edited by IGBASteve
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