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Incident Report 2461 / 08 / 28

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Reporting Personnel: Drifting On Debris

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Xenobotanist

Game ID: b2X-ahxf

Personnel Involved: Cleo Ora: My Research director (HOR). First person to be informed so i could escalate the issue
Uriel Evans: The Captain, Given Evidence of This incident and directly questioned offender.
Fernando Gonzales: Chief Medical Officer, The person in question, Gave me a bottle of hazardous materials and conducted themselfs very unprofessionally.
Time of Incident:
Real Time: 8:30pm GMT-7 (roughly) 8/27/2019
Location of Incident: Medical Reception Lobby
Nature of Incident:
[  ] - Workplace Hazard
[  ] - Accident/Injury
[  ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[  ] - Harassment
[  ] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[  ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)
Overview of the Incident: I am a Dinoa. We Dinoa do not function biologically like most species. We feed and heal using light and radiation. Conventional medicine does not effect us. Because of this, We went down to medical in order to get a prescription of Radium Pills. Radium Pills can be used as first aid as well as supplementing us during times of darkness. The pharmacist would not supply us with a prescription of Radium. Stating that his computer was on the fritz and he could not retrieve any prescription information. So we went to the Reception Desk. ((OOC NOTE: I have gone through the process of getting a radium prescription IC in previous rounds)). The CMO greeted us. When we asked about getting a prescription paper he stated that due to budget cuts he could not print forms. We asked what would need to be done to get a prescription at that time. The response to this was the CMO sighing and going into a back room. They came back and gave us a UNLABLED spray bottle. They stared "You get one spray". Due to the spray bottle not being labled, and the Unprofessional-ism demonstrated , I went back to my lab (Xenobotany) And checked the contents of the bottle. It contained 10 units of Radium, and 5 units of Phoron. This greatly upset us, CMO should not be distributing chemicals without prescription, let alone TWO chemicals, both highly hazardous to crew life IN A SPRAY AIRBORNE FORM. We reported this to our RD, and then to the captain. Unfortunately during questioning from the captain, the CMO cryod.
Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Uriel Evans: Captain
Actions taken: Once i provided the bottle and its contents to the captain, he personally went to question the CMO. But the CMO went to cryo.
Additional Notes: No Additional Notes ((OOC I do not believe someone in a position of power ESPECIALLY MEDICAL should be so rude AND risk causing damage to crew. I do have screenshots of how i was treated if a different report needs to be filled, I asked what form to fill out and got linked this one.))

Edited by ArtofWASD

TO: Drifting On Debris, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report

This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.

DTG: 03-10:34-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461

  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Drifting On Debris, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report
This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord).
You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.
DTG: 13-12:30-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461

  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Drifting On Debris, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



An investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and the appropriate action(s) has been taken.

The matter is now considered resolved.


DTG: 22-03:03-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461


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