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[BINNED]Incident Report 12/10/2461


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Reporting Personnel: Faith Ringer

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Atmospherics Technician

Game ID: b3G-dlyn

Personnel Involved:

- Jimmy McKlusky, Electrician: Offender

- Sophie Harper, Maintenance Technician: Victim

- Chris Kell, Quartermaster: Victim


Secondary Witnesses:

- Rebecca Holand, Cargo Technician: Witnessed the Offender verbally abusing coworkers in person.

- Alan Staymates, Station Engineer: Witnessed the Offender verbally abusing coworkers over department radio and in person.


Time of Incident: 1000-1130

Real Time:0000 GMT, 10/13/19 (Roughly)

Location of Incident: Engineering Department Radio, Engineering Department Meeting Room, Cargo Lobby

Nature of Incident:

[  ] - Workplace Hazard

[  ] - Accident/Injury

[  ] - Destruction of Property

[  ] - Neglect of Duty

[ x ] - Harassment

[  ] - Assault

[ x ] - Misconduct

[  ] - Other _____ 


Overview of the Incident: Mr.McKlusky had been openly hostile in his interactions with other crew members aboard the NSS Aurora. Berating them, insulting them, yelling at them over seemingly nothing. Attempts to talk with him where met with more verbal abuse. Admittedly, I lost my temper a tad with him and did say some rather rude things in return, however, I was the only one who did so. The remainder of my coworkers did nothing to aggravate the situation and were still berated.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer

Actions taken: Due to how late into the shift the report was filled out and turned over to the CMO, no actions were taken to address the situation. Discourse with McKlusky always resulted in outbursts of verbal abuse towards the crew member attempting to speak with him. I spoke with the members of the Engineering department as well as several of Cargo Department regarding his behavior. All of those spoken to said that he had been verbally abusing them. After all the information was gathered and written down, the report was handed off to CMO Gonzales.


Additional Notes:

Mr.McKlusky’s flagrant verbal abuse towards co workers both inside his own department and outside of it makes me feel unsafe in a working environment around him. I am concerned that I or a fellow employee will say something that sets him off to the point of physically attacking us. While I cant really attest to how others feel, I do not feel safe.

Posted (edited)

TO: Faith Ringer, Atmospheric Technician, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report 
BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.
DTG: d15-19:11-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2461


Edited by Bear
  • Cnaym changed the title to [BINNED]Incident Report 12/10/2461
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