nodnodnod Posted February 13, 2020 Posted February 13, 2020 BYOND key: NodNodNodCharacter names: A LOT. Kira Fairbanks Yeva Petrova Means of Production Outlook of Whimsy Conner Vanleer Valiant Bulwark of the Law SNDI Customer Support (AI) -Others... How long have you been playing on Aurora?: First joined on April 12, 2017, according to records. I feel like it's been longer though, but I'll trust the record on it.Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: For the most part, to move a character's narrative forward - but also to branch out and try different things, and because it seems fun.Why did you come to Aurora?: It's been so long, I don't know why. Probably because it was high RP if I had to guess.Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yarp.Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None! Somehow. Yeah, I'm surprised too. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is assuming a role and playing it out. Yep. That's it. But wait, there's more! It's about the story, about enjoyment, and about a collaborative storytelling effort and producing a narrative that everyone can at least be content with, but hopefully that everyone will enjoy. There's no 'winner' or 'loser', but I'd certainly be lying if I said I didn't feel damn skippy whenever I frag-and-bag an antag, or something that my character is doing works out - but it doesn't always, and that's fine too. I'm kind of rambling at this point and going off on a tangent, but essentially, what it boils down to, is roleplaying should be about fun. If it's not fun, what's the point? What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff have multiple purposes, both IC and OOC, but the chief purpose that I think a Head of Staff has from the OOC perspective is the IC ability to help drive a narrative for a round. They exist as liaisons for departments to other departments and to Central Command, or with other certain actors of nefarious intent. I don't think they're in any way required for a round to progress, but I do think they help move things along, keep certain departments focused on certain things (or from going a little overboard on other things), and the like. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To drive a good narrative, ultimately. A lot of what I'm going to say here is elaborated upon in the previous question, so I'm not going to get overly verbose for the sake of not being redundant - but I will address how I would strive to uphold the responsibilities of a whitelist. I'll keep things entertaining and provide interaction for other players' characters, especially as an Eridani rep. There're numerous Eridani-aligned characters on the station at this point, and I'll do my utmost to include them in gimmicks or interactions, as an antagonist or a standard crewman. Naturally, it won't be limited only to Eridani folks that can interact with my character. She'll be available to anyone interested in discussing any topic that she can help with. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Currently, Tau Ceti is far less turbulent than it was in the past - and in the past, that played into how my character acted, being that she is a Sol Citizen. During the incident with Frost, she was under constant fear that she would be deported. And then Frost actually came to the station! Fairbanks was always an ATLAS supporter, but less of a... human supremacist, and more of a 'humans first' type person; looking out for her own species in a rather dangerous time (relatively, anyway!) to be alive. With potential for war looming and all that, it ultimately left a bit of a bad taste in her mouth and she left for a time to work in Eridani space. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Initially, I plan on my ISD character, Kira Fairbanks, moving from an EPMC contractor to a corporate liaison, with the reasoning being their lengthy track record of working with both NT and Eridani in their employment history, and as such, they should be able to effectively communicate and deal with both entities. Later, I may branch out into a Chief Engineer, but I don't think I have much interest in other departmental heads, except maybe CMO at a very later date. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: As mentioned above, Kira Fairbanks is the character that I plan on shifting from ISD to Corporate Liaison for Eridani's PMCs. She has a long track record of working with both companies and is on good terms with both, including personnel in command positions within NanoTrasen, which is ideal for someone that will be in such a position. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I don't like to rate myself. I just try to provide a good time to people I'm with and do what makes sense, without really resorting to the powergamey or metagamey techniques. I guess I'll just answer the question with "pretty damn good." Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Of course. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yep. Extra notes: I absolutely hate filling out applications and put them off as long as I can, only doing them when I really want something - so take that into account with this. I really want it, I'm really excited to add to a round with what I hope to provide with it (as I like to think I do/have done with my Diona whitelist), so.. yeah. There ya' have it. Also! I'm active around 0100-0700 CST, so that's something to maybe keep in mind. I try to play during more normal hours on my days off.
Faris Posted February 18, 2020 Posted February 18, 2020 Good application, good conduct and good playtime on the server which I've observed. Approved for trial, 18/02 to 24/02.
Faris Posted February 26, 2020 Posted February 26, 2020 Good amount of rounds played, the above stands. Lack of feedback while slightly problematic to ensure player perception is similar to mine but that can't be helped, can't force feedback. Trial passed, application accepted.
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