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Incident Report 2462/05/06

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Posted (edited)

Reporting Personnel: Corwin Beckett
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security
Game ID: b63-aefr
Personnel Involved: 
- Jack Wolf, Security Officer, Offender
- Camryn Hujsak, Warden, Witness/Arresting Officer 

Secondary Witnesses: 

Time of Incident: 5/6/2462
Real Time: 5/6/2020 8 to 10ish CST
Location of Incident: Armory-Head of Security's Office Hallway
Nature of Incident:
[  ] - Workplace Hazard
[  ] - Accident/Injury
[  ] - Destruction of Property
[ X] - Neglect of Duty
[  ] - Harassment
[  ] - Assault
[ X] - Misconduct
[  ] - Other _____ 

Overview of the Incident: 
Following an incident involving Cargo personnel causing a small amount of tension during the shift I was informed that Jack Wolf during a search of the Cargo Warehouse had illegally obtained a pair of brass knuckles. Upon confrontation of this fact he claimed to have obtained them from a shipping crate, but relinquished them to evidence storage upon further pressing (It is to note that the pair described to have been delivered was still present in the shipping container). Head of Personnel Jarvi had insisted on bringing charges to them, but after a rather impromptu meeting between the affected cargo staff, assembled security personnel, and Head of Personnel Jarvi everyone seemed perfectly willing to be verbally warned against such petty actions, and get back to work. It was during the course of this meeting that one of the Cargo Personnel had insulted Mr. Wolf calling him dumb to which I agreed, his actions during the course of the search on Cargo were not the most well-thought. This slight had angered Mr. Wolf to such a degree that after the warnings were issued to everyone involved he approached me separately, and threatened my life should I insult him again. I thought nothing of it at first until his continued insistence that it was not in fact a threat, but a promise. I ordered his arrest, and generated the proper warrant for his threat. To which he spent the rest of the shift(about 10 minutes) constantly issuing direct insults, and challenging me to a fight. Would we have more time I would have liked to have him undergo a psychiatric evaluation for his continued employee in his position. As we ran out of time for this to be properly handled on-station the purpose of this report is to official request that Jack Wolf be examined to see if he is fit to continue in his capacity as a Security Officer.

Submitted Evidence: 
Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No. The situation had been resolved in the short-term.
Actions taken: Arrest of Jack Wolf
Additional Notes:

Edited by Brayce
I missed something

TO: Corwin Beckett, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 08-02:03-TAU CETI STANDARD-05-2462



TO: Corwin Beckett, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIAA Adrian Dawes (Leudoberct).


You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 08-07:31-TAU CETI STANDARD-05-2462


TO: Corwin Beckett, Head of Security, NSS Aurora

FROM: CCIAA Adrian Dawes, NTCC Odin


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report






The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 


This matter will now be considered resolved.




DTG: 10-17:50-TAU CETI STANDARD-05-2462

SIGN: A. Dawes

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