Bear Posted October 12, 2020 Posted October 12, 2020 Reporting Personnel: Rajjurl Al-ThaalzirJob Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of SecurityGame ID: b9A-bnABPersonnel Involved: Ka'Akaix'Kak Zo'ra, Station Engineer (Offender) Imran Zadeh, Cheif Engineer (Witness) Celestine LaCroix, Warden (Witness) Secondary Witnesses: Eddie Lank, Security Officer (Witness) Mako Wu, Chief Medical Officer (Witness) Time of Incident: 10/12/2462Real Time: 0615, 10/12/2020Location of Incident: Brig x2, VirologyNature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ X ] - Destruction of Property [ X ] - Neglect of Duty [ X ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ X ] - Misconduct [ X ] - Other __Theft of organ___ Overview of the Incident: The conduct of Ka'Akaix'Kak was absolutely unacceptable today on shift, they began their shift by ordering a C'thur viax (lobotomized Vaurca drone) around being a general nuisance. Mostly ignored until they ordered the drone to serve a drink that contained welding fuel which was almost consumed by an assistant, however, stopped by a stationbound. The AI on shift reported this danger while monitoring the hive net. They were simply going to be reprimanded and were summoned to the brig, but began painting the brig in bright purple. They were charged for hooliganism and vandalism. They were then released and ordered by this one with the support of their Chief Engineer, Imran Zadeh, to fix the floor. They refused. They were detained for failing to execute an order. During this time they began spray painting the brig once more and creating a wall to seal themself in the processing cubical. This was removed by Chief Zadeh, and they were detained by force after resisting arrest. During this time, while his warden and officer were handling another security situation, this one moved them to their cell. He instructed them to remove all their unnecessary gear and place on the orange jumpsuit. Throwing a tantrum the vaurca threw off their phoron filter and began gasping in protest demanding it be allowed to keep it's clothes. This one then entered the cell, cuffed them and forced the filter back in to place, only releasing their restraints to re-toggle their filter. He then cuffed them again, and forced them into proper uniform. They then attempted to slander this one by claiming he was trying to kill them. This one never ended up getting around to charging them for that. Letting the matter go for calm behavior while Doctor Imran Zadeh helped watch them while the entire security team handled another security matter that had arisen, their behavior was calm and it was determined that this was an incident of childish protest vs. suicide attempt, and they were released.What happens next he finds most disturbing and is demanding action on. This one's fat reservoir, a Tajaran organ, became inflamed and was surgically removed by Doctor Wu. He is not sure why the organ was pushed down disposals verses being incinerated, but Kak proceeded to retrieve it and inform this one he was keeping a piece of me, to which then Doctor Imran Zadeh reported the Vaurca had this one's organ. This one ordered for their detainment, and found them trespassing within medical deep in the old quarantine which is under demolition. They were detained and this one's organ was found on them. The transfer shuttle prevented proper charging for this due to time constraints. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: This one was the supervising member.Actions taken: Detainment.Evidence: Below is photographic evidence of the organ before it was transferred to cold evidence storage. Additional Notes: Antags were the security situation, traitor round. No influence on events to my knowledge.
Brayce Posted October 23, 2020 Posted October 23, 2020 TO: Rajjurl Al-Thaalzir, Head of Security, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 22-19:06-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Hepatica Posted October 27, 2020 Posted October 27, 2020 Quote TO: Rajjurl Al-Thaalzir, Head of Security, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: Re: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Caroline Jameson (Hepatica01). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 27-02:38-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Hepatica Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 Quote TO: Rajjurl Al-Thaalzir, Head of Security, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 08-12:38-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2462 SIGN: CCIAMS
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