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[Denied] Bento's Moderator Application

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Server Moderator Application

Basic Information

Byond Account: 8BitBento
Character Name(s):
Jie Khada - CMO - Human - Gadpathurian
Kuzani Tez'rezal - CSI - Unathi - Wastelander
Zheng Liao - Chef - Human - EPMC
Dima Matve'Ravi - Roboticist - Tajaran - Zhan-Khazan
Cyrus Newark - Head of Personnel - Human - Eridanian

AI Name(s): N/A - I have not spent any time in round as an AI, though it's something I plan to change at..... some point.

Discord username + tag: 8BitBento#2759
Age: 24 - May 9th, 1996
Timezone: EST -5:00 - Currently 10:47 AM as of writing this.
When are you on Aurora?: Typically my time on is late evening/early morning my time. During the 'deadpop' hours as it were. I plan to be on a bit more during high traffic hours, but for now those remain my main times.


How long have you played SS13?: 6 months, with a 2 month hiatus ending 3 weeks ago.
How long have you played on Aurora: See the above time. All my time on SS13 has been with Aurora.
How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Admittedly not as much as I would like. I understand a base level, enough to get through a round and possibly help a player through the simpler points, but extremely in depth mechanics still escape me.
Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No. Or any server for that matter.
Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I have, and I would certainly like to think I do. The only thing I would be shaky on would be game mechanics as far as intricacies or very specific commands would go. While that wasn't in the list, I certainly feel it's something to mention.
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have not been banned and certainly want to keep it that way.


Why do you play SS13?: I think the setup is interesting, in that you're allowed to do just about anything, and games with that level of freedom have always appealed to me. My first character was a Janitor and I had a blast with it. Now at this point, I do just about anything and everything, and it's still just as fun.
Why do you play on Aurora?: I enjoy the community behind the game with Aurora. I have a lot of laughs with those I've interacted with, and most of my interactions in game have been enjoyable and memorable. It feels like a place I can unwind and have fun with after a long day.
What do moderators do?: Moderators are here to help keep things civil and help out the other staff, and to 'moderate' the players. They help answer questions, guide people along when they're lost, and step in to settle squabbles when they arise. In the event things do get out of hand, they take action to keep it from getting any worse, or move the issue up to an administrator if need be. Another big thing with any moderator in any area is to ensure that the local rules are adhered to. If people are allowed to run amok and break all the rules, then it takes away the power that the staff have, and things descend into anarchy.
What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: As a moderator for Aurora, you would help to keep things running smoothly. Help players with any issues they're having, so that they can get back to the fun, or step in to smooth something back out if there was a miscommunication or fight. In general, the moderators are here to ensure that the rules are followed, and that people are having fun.
Why do you want to be a moderator?: As I've mentioned above, I love the community, and I'd like to help others to have the same level of experiences that I've had thus far. I also want to ensure that the staff are able to go about their business without worrying if people are following rules or misbehaving. Being able to alleviate some of the stress from their shoulders means that they're then able to focus on events and lore, and set up the world even more for us to enjoy. I think it would be interesting at the very least to be that middleman between staff and player.
What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I would like to imagine that I'm a patient person, able to sit and work through issues with players on whatever they may be dealing with, and to help foster a welcoming view of the moderating staff as people that they can come to if they need any advice or help. I do think however that when the need arises I would be a sort of 'no nonsense' individual. If it comes to a rule being broken, I always try to sit and talk over why that rule is in place, and what the reasoning for it is, and if punishment is needed to be able to administer it. It's not to say I would become a tyrant, but more that I would simply enforce things as they needed to be enforced. As I mentioned above if rules are left unchecked and those who break them go around with no repercussions, it takes the power away from the higher ups, and I'd like to help keep that from happening, and think that I could manage it. Now, that all being said, I would still say that I'm easy to get along with, and good to talk to, which is always the best skill at the core of being a helper or staff member in any job. If people don't want to come to me for these rulebreaks or help with an issue, then I've failed in my job already.
How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I would say that on a scale of 10 I would be at about an 8. I'd like to think I could handle the stress of a job very well, but there is always room for improvement in everything. As far as insults go, eh.. It's the internet, and I hear them every day. It's not anything I let get to me, and if a person is willing to stoop down to the point of insults during a professional conversation, I know well enough not to join them, and to simply let them go off as they please.

Anything Else You Want to Add:
As I mentioned at the top, there are certain mechanics within the game that elude me, and I'm still learning new things every day. I've played every department a good bit, and would be able to help someone adjust well enough to them starting out. Help them 'get boots on the ground' as it were, but I still feel that I have a lot to learn about the game in general. That said, I'm willing to learn whatever is needed, and of course to help wherever I can. I've enjoyed my time with you all so much and I'd love to give something back to the community.

  • 2 weeks later...

After speaking with the applicant, we will be denying this application. You are welcome to contact me directly on discord at Flamingo#5454 if you have comments, questions, or concerns.

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