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Ages for IPCs and Dionaea

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Let's face it: Human years don't really work for these guys.

Are IPCs how old their program is? How old their positronic brain is? How old the chassis is?

Are Dionaea how old the oldest nymph is? How long they've been a formed "adult"? The collective age of all nymphs in the being?

Do job requirements and ages apply to them? Would an IPC have to go through years of schooling and defend a thesis to get a PhD in order to be a scientist?

Basically: How do we explain the ages of these two races?

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Considering that I've seen IPCs older than positronic brains have existed, according to our lore, it would make the most sense to have their age based on their programming.

Dionaea, on the other hand... I'm inclined to say oldest nymph, but... I just don't know with them.

I don't think IPCs would have to go through schooling, considering the whole 'download knowledge into brain' thing. Dionaea, maybe, but I imagine that requirement would be rather loose for them.

Basically these two are the most alien species we have and it's rather difficult to describe them in human terms.

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Let's face it: Human years don't really work for these guys.

Are IPCs how old their program is? How old their positronic brain is? How old the chassis is?


The posibrain/program age for the IPC seems best for them.


Are Dionaea how old the oldest nymph is? How long they've been a formed "adult"? The collective age of all nymphs in the being?


I would say it would be the point when enough nymphs in the gestalt have been combined to be considered a single being, legally.


Do job requirements and ages apply to them? Would an IPC have to go through years of schooling and defend a thesis to get a PhD in order to be a scientist?


Ages would not, but requirements would. Most Diona and IPCs would likely be able to get into college after a year or two of life, assuming they have sufficiant background/programming/knowledge in their gestalt to do so.

IPC Neural Nets still have the capability to learn and grow, if in a different way than organics, and part of getting a PhD for jobs that require it is showing that one has the dedication and patience to get said PhD. I would not be surprised if IPCs and Diona did not have an accelerated program however.

Most IPCs in advanced jobs would likely be at least four or six years old. At least that is how I see it.

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