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[ACCEPTED] Skrell whitelist application - The second attempt

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BYOND Key: fierytech

Character Names: Xiao Zemin (Scientist), NT-ANGEL-02 (AI), Sarah Lysinger (Merchant).

Species you are applying to play: Skrell.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Snow white.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Indeed.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

The Skrell mindset is something that inspires me far more than the mindset of any other available races. Proud explorer of the galaxy, their nation is the beacon of science, sensitivity, and an example of a utopia ruled by a technocratic meritocracy. Even their biology bound them together in a way humanity can't even expect to reach, and can understand each other feeling flawlessly. But, even with this apparent perfection, they retain the flaws inherent to such position: jealousy, competitiveness (Your rank in society is largely induced by your results and success), lack of free will (As they promote a conformed population with the idols, for example), or a sometimes haughty attitude. With such raçe and background, you can create a large variety of characters, from the most condescending of the research directors, to the most selfless doctor, and explore a whole new panel of ways to roleplay such character! It's not something I found In any other race.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

A Skrell is a humanoid who has a life span that is counted in decades, living in a society with a technological level way more superior than the rest of the galaxy. Compared to humans, you have to strive for a character that value excellency and competition, that take his time to respond to any events, probably don't care about the small everyday worries that humans see as important (Even if they keep a high emotional variability and empathy that can push them to!), doesn't have the same relationship to any menial labor, and that doesn't really conceptualise time as we do. Secondly, it's important to understand how they evolve as a species, with the Nlom and the Srom, and how their psionic capacities influence them. They share new ideas, communicate and remain in harmony through these tools powerful tools. It's so predominant in them that their body doesn't have the facial feature humans use to non-verbally communicate apart from their head-tails, as feelings and passions can be carried by a language that represent who they are, deeply connected to their emotions. Finally, the politic of the federation is miles away from what you can see in the human world, and their diplomacy is appreciated by nearly every faction: They don't know what is a war, but survived a horrific artificial intelligence take over (who can lead to fear, or hatred, as they are mostly infertile after the genophage), and created a nation envied by all.

Character Name: Lioxui'Kui Xeouu.

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Born on one of the many colonies who composed the federation in 2371, Lioxui'Kui is a Xiialt Skrell who had the chance (or curse) to witness the recovery of the federation, but also the havoc caused by the genetic manipulation imposed by Glorsh as very few doctors and researchers were able to maintain the level of expertise the AIs reached in the federation. Despite the situation, their childhood was mostly average, and they came out as a Nlom receiver who fervently believe in the Qeblak philosophy. After graduating from the kindergarden in 2390, they were attracted by the opportunities that offered the homeworld, proud of their empathy and capacities, and passed the tests to enter the Aliose University of Medical Sciences in which they will study various medical disciplines for 21 years.

It's in 2411 that they began to work for a small clinic on Jargon IV, before they returned to their home planet and applied for a position as an emergency technician. Time passed, and as the curiosity of Lioxui'Kui grew, they asked to be transferred to one of the many scientific starship of the federation, a Jarqo civilian ship. Wandering in the uncharted space of the galaxy, amazed by the wonders they discovered, healing the wounds of their crewmates, Lioxui'Kui became quite pleased with the proximity to their patients that offered their position, but also signed as a volunteer in the Interstellar Aid Corps after a series of encounter with their outpost along the frontier that left them a really good impression. 'They have an immediate empathy toward someone, even if they can't sense each other feeling, it's a strong feat' could describe how they felt. It's after the well-known Mars accident, in which she helped the federation ships to rescue any Skrells that was stranded on the planet, that they began to be interested in a humanity that was 'incapable of taking a pragmatic decision, and with many affective related needs'. They joined NanoTrasen in 2463, and were assigned to the NSS Aurora as a paramedic.

What do you like about this character?

Lioxui'Kui will allow me to play a nice duality between the slow paced Skrellian nature of the character, and the permanent hyperactivity of the Aurora crew! Struggling to convey the character feelings, as the human is mostly news to them, will be a real pleasure: Hard on the outside, soft in the inside. Plus, I think that medical is a really good spot for such character, because you basically need to enter someone private space to help them, which can lead to many situations where they will not understand each other really well. Let's explore the world, learn, and pray for them!

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

7/10 is probably a good score. I convey a lot of emotions through the speech of a character, but I don't emote enough. I'll have to improve on that.


The application is mostly the same as the first one, but I don't see what to add.


Hi there, thanks for applying!


1) What of your Skrell's Quya? Do they have any? How did they feel about their departure to human space? Do they have any other profound relationships ( https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Relationships ) that have impacted them greatly? Perhaps a Lu'Poxii at school? 

2) You mentioned Kui is not from the Elemental Systems. Which one are they from? How has this affected their personality? What are their sentiments to the Jargon Federation? ( https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Skrell_Systems_and_Locations )

3) What species does Kui like the most? Which do they relate with the most, besides other Skrell?

4) Kui worked at a medical institution n the Federation. It would likely have been owned by Tuz'qlip Ylebus. Did they enjoy their time there? Did they interact with Zeng-Hu? ( https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Factions ) 



Hello! And thank you for reviewing this, it led me to read a few topics that I hadn't noticed.

1) They had a quya with one of their coworkers on the ship they served on, and many polyamorous moments with some of the Skrells they met along the way of their explorations, and that they still casually visit from time to time. Their departure to NanoTrasen was mostly consensual, as it was seen as a normal moment in their life to simply seeking new experiences and knowledges in a the "tide of the heart" fashion, but also as a temporary one, Kui only planning to stay for 5 to 20 years before returning to the federation to settle down. Sadly, their companions were sterile, or Kui was too nomadic to find time for it, and don't have had any childrens yet. Other relationships Kui experienced would include a Lu'Kaax type of relationship with a haughty human doctor that was a Zeng-Hu contractor on their ship for a few months, and a Lu'Poxii relationship with one of their superior when they worked on Jargon IV after graduating.

2) They are from Xaqixal, one of the ultra-specialized world of the federation contingent systems. There was no shortage of opportunities for an emergency medical technician position once they returned from Aliose, as the possible injuries induced by the mining operations and touristic activities are not lacking. But this significant difference between the Nralakk and contingent systems from which them came from only strengthened their beliefs (and patriotism) in the "destiny into the stars, together, and by pragmatism" promised by the Federation as their education in her core, and the evolution from a simple mining planet to a fully capable commercial system, is one of the examples on why the Federation is successful as a whole. After, I think it would be like living in a luxury resort with a lot of propaganda, you don't really see the problems.

3) Kui mostly likes the dionaes for their sense of calmness and wisdom, but also for their help in the more menial labors of the federation they witnessed. They also have a fondness for how diverse, sensible and adaptable the humans are, as they never failed to surprise them with their many different cultures, even after their service in the IAC. However, this proximity also leads to a certain amount of prejudices against some of the more "violent" group of humans, like the Sol Alliance government or the Domanians nobles, but they can tolerate them as long as they don't provoke them. Finally, I don't think Kui really relate to any species, as they understand that each individual have his own "way of life", and merely "have a curious interest in them", like a scientist who study the animal wildlife don't compare themselves to them, or a farmer watching a plant growing in the sun, wondering if it will reach it's full potential someday (and the Biesel republic is one of the most successful).

4) Working in a uniformed and global medical institution is, indeed, something that can appeal to their patriotic side. It's efficient, even if a bit cold and "totalitarian", and only improve the federation as a whole throughout their research and medical care (against the xenophare, or anything else). They have seen such mission as an honor, and as their duty. For Zeng-Hu, I don't see Kui helping them in their research, as they are more into the practice than the development, but could have taught some of their doctors, as they still have way more experience and training than any human medical expert.

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