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Big Nutty's ban appeal

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BYOND Key: Big Nutty

Total Ban Length: PERM

Banning staff member's Key: pratepresidenten

Reason of Ban: LRP and trying to suicide bomb the antags

Reason for Appeal: I was just trying to have some fun cause it was kind of boring that round for people who weren't dealing with the antags, and I just wanted to help my fellow crew and stop the evil dudes. I acknowledge that I might have went to far with my methods, due to this being my first real experience with SS13 HRP and SS13 in general.  I am a much more serious HRP player now and will take it more seriously, If I get unbanned I promise not to do anything that is LRP like planning on suicide bombing the antags but in my defense it was pretty funny. Das about it I hope you take my appeal into consideration.

9 minutes ago, Pratepresidenten said:

I had the intention of unbanning you, but noticed that you had intended to ban evade. Whats the deal here?

I can't remember the password for my old account and was just checking if everything from my old account passes to the new one

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