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Review Request - Nicodemus Illopoly

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Posted (edited)

Reporting Personnel: Logan Wright

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security

Personnel in Question: Nicodemus Illopoly

Job Title of Personnel in Question: Anomalist

Reason for Review:

[ ] - Extended Arrest History

[X] - Grievous Infraction on Record

[ ] - Other: ____(Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Notes: Mr. Illopoly was recently charged with manslaughter by Internal Security after causing the accidental death of a co-worker. Given that he was formally charged on station, the need for an IR is negated, but his record should be reviewed by the appropriate authorities.

Edited by CampinKiller

Due to OOC reasons we will be closing this review request and archiving it.

Feel free to dm me with questions at Bear#0117 on discord.

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