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Incident Report 8/22/2463

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Reporting Personnel: Flint Diamond
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Independent Reporter (Suspended)
Game ID: cdF-aGhq

Personnel Involved: 
Maxwell Byrne, Investigator (Suspended): Offender
Leona Raszeur, Security Officer (Suspended): Offender
Qaal Nramala, Head of Personnel: Offender
Mahara Stokov, Chief Medical Officer: Offender
Other security officers present but did nothing: Other

Secondary Witnesses:
Time of Incident: Not sure.

Real Time: ~10-11pm PDT 8/22/21
Location of Incident: Security Lobby

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[X] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[X] - Other: Violation of Privacy Laws, Exceeding Official Powers

Overview of the Incident: The event occurred in essentially two parts with a brief afterward of me clarifying some things. The event began when I learned at the bar that two officers had been drinking on duty. I do not remember exactly who I followed but I did end up in the security lobby. Around that time I began my first recording. I will admit, no one was aware I was recording. There I saw a passed out Officer Leona Raszeur on the ground. As this was a public area, I took a photo for the obvious story this was going to be that I would be able to publish as an independent journalist. Dr. Mahara Stokov, the Chief Medical Officer, then asked for the photograph (1:24 of Recording 1). I attempted to explain we were in a public area and that makes it so there is a lack of an expectation of privacy (1:40 Recording 1). I then learned Officer Raszeur had suffered from SSD rather than passing out due to alcohol consumption when Dr. Stokov mentioned it (2:11 Recording 1). I indicated that I had thought Officer Raszeur had passed out drunk within the recording (2:24 Recording 1). Although, due to my angle, I accidentally misgendered Officer Raszeur and apologize for that. I am not a medical expert and take the opinion of Dr. Stokov as fact with regards to the SSD state rather than the officer being passed out due to alcohol consumption. I then reiterate the other reason I had taken the picture was that Officer Raszeur was smoking in the Security Lobby where a clear no smoking sign was present (2:39 Recording 1). I ultimately decided to hand over the photo around this point as I felt if I refused, I would potentially be arrested and removed instead of being able to hear the full story.

Dr. Stokov then, mind you this is all occurring in the Security Lobby which is accessible by anyone and can be heard from the main hall outside, starts talking about the drinking on duty incident. I kind of feel this should be taken care of in a private setting, instead of straight in front of an independent, investigative reporter standing in a public area. Qaal Nramala, the Head of Personnel, was also present and proceeded to state, "Not to expose you in front of everyone, Leo, but it says here you are forbidden from drinking on duty." (4:32 Recording 1). The statement shows both knowledge and intent to their Violation of Privacy Laws and doing it in a public area, very likely to be overheard by any passerby or the Independent, Investigative Reporter standing in the room. The two heads of staff proceed to then continue tearing into and dressing down Officer Raszeur and Investigator Maxwell Byrne.

At around 7:32-7:37 into the recording, the two Heads left the Security Lobby. At that point, cognizant of the fact that the Chief Medical Officer had gotten on my case for taking a picture without consent before, I asked to take Officer Raszeur's picture (7:48 Recording 1). At this point, Investigator Byrne became aggressive. Not only was Investigator Byrne making comments about me needing to leave "Unless you'd like to see me get suspended twice." (8:22 Recording 1), he was moving physically closer to me in a threatening manner. Officer Raszeur also took a threatening demeanor when asking about the previous photograph I had already given to Dr. Stokov. At that point I reiterated I would still remain there and not be threatened by an officer (9:51 Recording 1). Investigator Byrne then made the comment, "Show me a recording then. Of my threatening." At that point, I remembered I had been recording the conversation. As I expected a large lull, I left and stashed my recording in my locked briefcase in my office and grabbed a new recorder so the record would not be as muddy due to how long the first recording would likely be.

I then returned with a second recorder that began recording as I stepped in. This recording is a little more muddy as it seems to have picked up a conversation going on in the main hall outside of the Security Lobby as well as the conversation inside. Although this does put more towards the evidence of who all could hear the conversations occurring in the Security Lobby beyond just who was present. Detective Byrne then continue to make comments at my expense and include a threat of deportation based on me being an independent reporter (1:47 and 2:38 Recording 2). Another officer I did not get in my notes and don't recognize the voice of stated, "Well, tell us who threatened you, we'll be certain to investigate thourghly." (1:48 Recording 2). Considering the context, it's clear who I am referring to as threatening me. Especially with the aggressive attitude. A short time later, Dr. Stokov and Ms. Nramala returned. Out of nowhere, Ms. Nramala declares, "You three, your IDs." (3:43 Recording 2). My confusion is clearly expressed when I realized she might be referring to me by me asking for clarification, "Me included?" (4:00 Recording 2). I hand over my ID as I am receiving a direct order from the Head of Personnel, my superior. My confusion is clearly evident in that I ask, "And the reasonf or my suspension?" (4:48 Recording 2). Ms. Nramala did not answer my question at that time, as indicated by the recording. I then followed Dr. Stokov out and attempt to ask her why I was suspended (6:47 Recording 2). Dr. Stokov only indicated, "That would be a question forrr the head of perrsonnel." (7:03 Recording 2).

At that point I headed to my office to attempt to retrieve my first recording so I would have it for my record. I learned that my suspension removed my ability to enter my office. At that point, I had already sent a message to the Head of Personnel asking why I had been suspended by private message. I did not receive a response and attempted to go by the Head of Personnel office but it appeared she was busy. After waiting some time, I left and then returned some time later. I was then able to meet with her, request access to my office, retrieve my secure briefcase with Recording 1 inside, and ask Ms. Nramala why I had been suspended. She indicated that the investigator had claimed I had threatened him. This was the first I was learning about it. She did not discuss the incident with me, she could not have performed a thorough investigation without at least talking with me, nor did she indicate she had performed her own investigation, and she did not indicate anyone within security had performed some type of investigation. Ms. Nramala did not directly name him but I took it that she meant Investigator Byrne was my accuser. At that point I left to go to the library to look over my records and confirm what I had. At that time I confirmed my secure briefcase had not been tampered with and that the recording device was still inside. It is with this reasonable degree of certainty that I can confirm that the recordings have not been tampered with and were either in my possession or reasonably secure such that they could not have been tampered with.

As for the issues involved in this case, there are many. First, we have the threats from Investigator Bryne. Although, Officer Raszeur's demeanor was aggressive and did not contribute any to attempts of deescalation of the aggressiveness of Investigator Byrne. I would also note the multiple officers that were present and did not take any steps to either deescalate Investigator Bryne's actions nor decide to add i103 Weak Assault, to the list of charges against Investigator Byrne. Considering how aggressive Investigator Byrne was, he could have easily decided to escalate or snap and attack me. This was especially clear when Investigator Byrne moved toward me and was face to face with me. Investigator Byrne's actions are clearly violations of i103 Weak Assault and should have been punished. I leave it up to CCIA in determining the extent of Officer Raszeur's culpability beyond whatever punishment they received for the previous drinking on duty.

Dr. Stokov is probably the cleanest of all involved in this incident. My only complaint against her is that she have held the conversation in a private area instead of the Security Lobby. Unless something is revealed during the investigation, I would just give her a reminder that conversations like the dressing down of subordinates should probably happen in private areas.

Ms. Nramala, in contrast, is not only guilty of what Dr. Stokov is, with having the conversations in a public area, she specifically stated something from Officer Raszeur's private records, knowingly, into the public. A clear breach of i118 Violation of Privacy Laws. On top of that, Ms. Nramala then proceeded to suspend me based, as she represented to me, the sole statement of an investigator who was being suspended for drinking on duty. Further, it was not her job or duty to take action with regards to a potential criminal offense. If true, I would have been guilty of i103 Weak Assault. The punishment for a first time offense is brig time. Only a second offense leads to the possibility of a demotion. Based off Dr. Stokov's lack of knowledge for why I was suspended, Ms. Nramala must have taken this action unilaterally and not as a Captain equivalent action based on a vote of the Heads of Staff. Thus, the Head of Personnel was taking unilateral action in an area reserved for security's sphere of influence. Thus, Ms. Nramala breached i214 Exceeding Official Powers in unilaterally acting to declare me guilty of a crime without an investigation. Further, even if it was determined Ms. Nramala acted within her official powers by choosing to suspend me, by performing no investigation or taking any steps to prevent me being punished wrongly, Ms. Nramala breached i206 Neglect of Duty. Ms. Nramala had a duty to do a competent investigation or make sure a competent investigation was done. Considering I was never questioned about the incident, no "competent" investigation could have occurred.

Submitted Evidence: Attached are copies of the recordings and their transcripts. I have kept additional copies for my own records in multiple locations.
Recording 1



[00:00] Recording started.
[00:03] Maksim Kosorukov says, "Then arrrrrest both and be done with it."
[00:08] Mahara Stokov says, "Both of you arre being faced with equal punishments forrrr that. To say that was stupid was an underrstatement."
[00:12] Leona Raszeur says, "You do not need to fuckin' arrest me."
[00:14] Mahara Stokov says, "Both of you, brrig."
[00:17] Leona Raszeur says, "Fuckin' slap me with a fine. Shit."
[00:28] Mahara Stokov says, "Investigatorr."
[00:29] Mahara Stokov says, "Brrrrig."
[00:34] Samreen Al-Ghamdi says, "Time to face the music, brobot."
[00:39] Maxwell Byrne says, "As you say."
[00:46] Tankred asks, "Music?"
[00:59] Mahara Stokov says, "Out herrre, please."
[01:24] Mahara Stokov says, "Give herr that photo."
[01:30] Mahara Stokov says, "Don't go taking picturres of otherrrs without theirrr consent."
[01:32] Qaal Nramala asks, "I'm guessing this is Leona?"
[01:37] Mahara Stokov says, "That would be the one that needs to be suspended."
[01:40] Flint Diamond says, "Technically we are in a public area."
[01:46] Mahara Stokov says, "That doesn't change prrrrivacy laws."
[01:55] Flint Diamond says, "Actually it does as there's no expectation of privacy in public spaces."
[01:59] Mahara Stokov says, "Sleep well."
[02:03] Leona Raszeur asks, "What th'fuck's up with privacy?"
[02:06] Qaal Nramala asks, "Floor was too comfy?"
[02:10] Leona Raszeur says, "Super comfy."
[02:11] Mahara Stokov asks, "Do they consent to having theirrrr photo taken while they werre SSD?"
[02:16] Yukio Takano says, "Guy was takin photos of y' while y was sleepin."
[02:22] Qaal Nramala says, "That's a bit creepy."
[02:23] Leona Raszeur asks, "Why th'hell did you take my photo while I'm sleeping?"
[02:26] Leona Raszeur says, "That's creepy as shit."
[02:28] Maxwell Byrne says, "Interesting. I'm sure we'll fine more in his office."
[02:28] Yukio Takano says, "Yeh dude."
[02:29] Leona Raszeur asks, "Who? The shell?"
[02:29] Mahara Stokov says, "Therrrre's his answerrrr."
[02:29] Flint Diamond says, "I thoguht he passed out drukn."
[02:35] Maxwell Byrne says, "That's a female."
[02:36] Qaal Nramala says, "It's even creepier."
[02:38] Leona Raszeur says, "God forbid someone have a bit of cryosick-"
[02:39] Flint Diamond says, "Plus evidence of flagrantly ignoring their own rules."
[02:47] Leona Raszeur says, "Don't tell me what I am and am not, guy."
[02:54] Maxwell Byrne says, "So you say."
[03:04] Mahara Stokov asks, "Rrrright, carrre to explain what in Messa's name that was?"
[03:21] Qaal Nramala says, "Okay, look. Leona."
[03:23] Leona Raszeur says, "People made bets, I went with 'em-"
[03:26] Leona Raszeur says, "Leo, first off, but shoot."
[03:43] Mahara Stokov asks, "Well?"
[03:55] Mahara Stokov says, "The merre fact that he, a memberr of securrrity, is challenging otherrrrs to drrinking contensts is grrrrounds forrr suspension."
[04:04] Mahara Stokov says, "And to lie about it to trrrick someone into drrrinking morrrre only worrses his situation."
[04:04] Maxwell Byrne says, "I challenged none to a drinking contest."
[04:12] Maxwell Byrne says, "I challenged the bartender to floor me."
[04:14] Leona Raszeur says, "That was fucked up, but I don't really care."
[04:32] Qaal Nramala says, "Not to expose you in front of everyone, Leo, but it says here you are forbidden from drinking on duty."
[04:36] Qaal Nramala says, "Or at all, really."
[04:43] Mahara Stokov says, "Theirrr BAC was twice the legal limit."
[04:53] Leona Raszeur says, "Listen, man, they just put a glass in front of me."
[04:55] Qaal Nramala says, "By two heads of staff, no less."
[05:06] Qaal Nramala says, "Now, I may say this is failure to execute an order."
[05:06] Leona Raszeur says, "Yeah, yeah, uh.. Rey."
[05:07] Mahara Stokov asks, "So what is this she is hearrrring about him challenging people to a drrrinking competition then?"
[05:21] Qaal Nramala says, "But, Leo, you're not a tad- a child anymore."
[05:26] Qaal Nramala says, "You're supposed to be all mat-"
[05:57] Leona Raszeur says, "Somehow this feels worst than what I was expectin'."
[06:06] Qaal Nramala asks, "What did you expect, a pat on the back?"
[06:12] Mahara Stokov asks, "And why was he being chased by the barrrtenderrrr?"
[06:18] Leona Raszeur says, "Oh, no. I expected cuffs and my bank account bein' drained."
[06:23] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "The agent is a shell."
[06:25] Mahara Stokov asks, "PA system misshap perrhaps?"
[06:26] Leona Raszeur says, "T'be real with ya'."
[06:26] Maxwell Byrne says, "I can only assume a dislike of machines."
[06:29] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "He neglected to tell the barrrtenderrr."
[06:30] Mahara Stokov says, "Well awarrre."
[06:34] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "And so he rrreacted in typical Zhan fashion."
[06:48] Qaal Nramala says, "Might happen. I'll tell Cygnus."
[06:51] Mahara Stokov asks, "Did you waste the liquorrrr you werre given?"
[06:52] Leona Raszeur says, "I-"
[06:59] Leona Raszeur asks, "Wait, what? What about Cygnus?"
[07:03] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "No. The officerrr drrrank it."
[07:12] Qaal Nramala says, "Give me a second."
[07:20] Mahara Stokov says, "Just-"
[07:23] Mahara Stokov says, "One minute."
[07:32] Mahara Stokov says, "She has to explain this to Rrey."
[07:37] Maxwell Byrne says, "Well. It seems we're in the doghouse tonight."
[07:37] Leona Raszeur says, "Ffffuck."
[07:45] Leona Raszeur says, "Oh, shut your fuckin' mouth, man."
[07:48] Flint Diamond asks, "Officer Raszeur, while we're waiting, do you mind if I take your picture?"
[07:57] Leona Raszeur says, "No."
[07:59] Leona Raszeur says, "Do not."
[08:12] Maxwell Byrne says, "I'd leave Flint."
[08:22] Maxwell Byrne says, "Unless you'd like to see me get suspended twice."
[08:30] Leona Raszeur says, "You take a pictue of me and that's somethin' I'll make a nice legitimate fuss about."
[08:32] Maxwell Byrne says, "One for, tricking an Officer."
[08:34] Flint Diamond asks, "Sir, are you threatening me? In front of multiple other officers?"
[08:38] Leona Raszeur says, "All the fuckin' paperwork that comes with it."
[08:48] Maxwell Byrne says, "Look at you, using your imagination."
[08:50] Leona Raszeur says, "You know what? Gimmie that picture you took of me with the SSD."
[08:58] Yukio Takano says, "What i miss."
[09:28] Maxwell Byrne asks, "Well Diamond?"
[09:37] Flint Diamond says, "I already gave the picture to the CMO."
[09:37] Maxwell Byrne asks, "Cat got your tongue?"
[09:42] Leona Raszeur says, "Good. Baller."
[09:42] (Unrecognized sound)
[09:46] Leona Raszeur says, "We ain't got no problem, then."
[09:51] Flint Diamond says, "I have no where else to be and I will not be threatened by an officer."
[09:52] Qaal Nramala says, "Mahara, come back."
[09:55] Jasper Feron asks, "How you doing Leona?"
[10:00] Leona Raszeur says, "Pretty shit, my man."
[10:08] Jasper Feron says, "Yea, that makes sense."
[10:10] Maxwell Byrne says, "Show me a recording then. Of my threatening."
[10:14] Leona Raszeur asks, "Do I know you?"
[10:17] Yukio Takano says, "I saws nothin."
[10:17] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "Love of Messa..."
[10:28] Recording stopped.

Recording 2



[00:00] Recording started.
[00:01] Leona Raszeur says, "Yeah. I didn't fuckin' swing on anyone or nothin'."
[00:03] Maxwell Byrne says, "Ah yes, the Reporter."
[00:10] Leona Raszeur says, "Wow, he's back."
[00:16] Flint Diamond says, "Yes. Me. I had to take care of something."
[00:26] Jasper Feron asks, "You got a reason to be here?"
[00:35] (Unrecognized sound)
[00:40] Leona Raszeur says, "Really good use of your time, bud."
[00:51] Maxwell Byrne says, "Freedom of Press or something."
[00:52] Leona Raszeur says, "Pick on the two-bit. It'll make a swanky ass story."
[01:05] Flint Diamond says, "Other than wanting to see how this resolves and see if officers are willing to stand here while people make implicit threats to the media. No, not really."
[01:14] Flint Diamond says, "Then again, this is a public area."
[01:17] Leona Raszeur asks, "Who threatened you, my man?"
[01:20] Yukio Takano says, "On a private station."
[01:21] Uiu'Oieuix Kiue says, "Some of the vendors are acting up. I've only caught one, and I got it before it started shooting."
[01:26] Uiu'Oieuix Kiue says, "So we might not have a full scale war."
[01:32] Cygnus Rey says, "I'll walk around and help when I get all my shit sorted."
[01:34] Leona Raszeur says, "I've met journalists with more moxxy than your ass."
[01:42] Maxwell Byrne asks, "You're an independant journalist yes?"
[01:45] Samreen Al-Ghamdi says, "I've met, like... a single one."
[01:45] Leona Raszeur says, "Hope to it. Do somethin'."
[01:47] Maxwell Byrne says, "Which means you can be deported."
[01:48] Jasper Feron says, "Well, tell us who threatened you, we'll be certain to investigate thourghly."
[01:50] Flint Diamond says, "Yes. I do not work for Nanotrasen."
[01:50] Leona Raszeur says, "Claps at him like a dog."
[01:50] Maxwell Byrne says, "For any reason."
[02:02] Maxwell Byrne says, "So you're a Corporate Reporter."
[02:18] Flint Diamond says, "No, I am independent. As I said, I don't work for Nanotrasen."
[02:23] Maxwell Byrne says, "So then."
[02:28] Leona Raszeur says, "Shit."
[02:36] Leona Raszeur enunciates, "Fuck me and all that the Goddess loves. Fuck."
[02:38] Maxwell Byrne says, "You can be deported."
[02:42] Samreen Al-Ghamdi asks, "You good?"
[02:44] Maxwell Byrne says, "You're here by the graces of Corporate."
[02:54] Leona Raszeur says, "Hey, bud."
[03:00] Flint Diamond asks, "Is this conduct becoming of an officer?"
[03:03] Leona Raszeur asks, "You gonna have a nice time rollin' my fate around?"
[03:09] Yukio Takano says, "Theys ain an officer big shoots."
[03:18] (Unrecognized sound)
[03:19] (Unrecognized sound)
[03:19] Maxwell Byrne says, "Hooliganism. A funny word."
[03:20] Leona Raszeur says, "Scrunches up her face, waving the smoke away."
[03:21] Qaal Nramala says, "Get in here."
[03:24] Mahara Stokov mrowls, "-- this one is being told three different stories."
[03:27] Cygnus Rey says, "Your fate is none of my concern, Raszeur."
[03:29] Leona Raszeur says, "... Right."
[03:33] Yukio Takano says, "Howdy chief."
[03:43] Qaal Nramala says, "You three, your IDs."
[03:44] Yukio Takano asks, "Y'still givin out free creds an shit?"
[03:46] Mahara Stokov mrowls, "Glad to hear."
[03:48] Cygnus Rey says, "No."
[03:51] Yukio Takano says, "Dangit."
[03:54] Mahara Stokov mrowls, "Makes this one's job easier..."
[03:55] Yukio Takano says, "Wells."
[03:56] Samreen Al-Ghamdi says, "I like free money."
[03:58] Yukio Takano says, "If y' ever are."
[04:00] Flint Diamond asks, "Me included?"
[04:02] Jasper Feron asks, "Who do you mean, by you three?"
[04:03] Yukio Takano says, "Y'know im here."
[04:04] Maxwell Byrne says, "Yep."
[04:04] Leona Raszeur asks, "So whas' the deal?"
[04:04] (Unrecognized sound)
[04:04] (Unrecognized sound)
[04:12] Leona Raszeur says, "Shit."
[04:21] Yukio Takano says, "Goooon take that as a yes."
[04:23] Yukio Takano says, "Heh."
[04:23] Mahara Stokov says, "One of you overrrsee these two in rrreturrrning theirr equipment."
[04:25] Qaal Nramala says, "Now you."
[04:26] Mahara Stokov says, "Please."
[04:27] (Unrecognized sound)
[04:31] Jasper Feron says, "Got it."
[04:34] Mahara Stokov says, "She knows."
[04:35] Maxwell Byrne says, "Ah, the joys of the workplace."
[04:42] Cygnus Rey says, "So."
[04:46] Cygnus Rey asks, "All three of them are suspended?"
[04:48] Flint Diamond asks, "And the reasonf or my suspension?"
[04:49] Qaal Nramala says, "Yep."
[04:52] Cygnus Rey says, "Good to know."
[04:53] Jasper Feron says, "Cmon leo."
[04:54] Cygnus Rey says, "I'll go back to my work."
[04:55] Jasper Feron says, "... shit."
[04:57] Leona Raszeur asks, "So what th'hell does that mean fer me?"
[04:59] Qaal Nramala says, "You've been acting like a child."
[05:04] Cygnus Rey says, "That means you're not getting paid, Razor."
[05:06] Qaal Nramala says, "It means no more drinking."
[05:09] Cygnus Rey says, "Not that you probably spend your money wisely."
[05:14] Leona Raszeur says, "Yes'm. I got that."
[05:14] Qaal Nramala says, "And also, you're being sent to obligatory AA."
[05:19] Leona Raszeur says, "Wh-"
[05:20] Qaal Nramala says, "You come to my office, Leo."
[05:22] Leona Raszeur says, "No, c'mon-"
[05:24] (Unrecognized sound)
[05:25] Yukio Takano says, "Yikes."
[05:26] Leona Raszeur enunciates, "Fuck."
[05:31] Mahara Stokov says, "Suns."
[05:34] Jasper Feron asks, "So you don't want me overseeing them turning in their gear?"
[05:37] Mahara Stokov says, "People have the need to act like childrrrren today."
[05:41] Cygnus Rey says, "Anyways."
[05:44] Ana Roh'hi'tin says, "...she just walked out with a fucking gun, you dimwit."
[05:48] Mahara Stokov says, "No, he's off the hook."
[06:02] Mahara Stokov says, "This one will go deal with it.."
[06:10] Flint Diamond asks, "And the issue of the threats against me?"
[06:22] Yukio Takano says, "Thinks it can be all resolved big shoots."
[06:28] Mahara Stokov says, "He said they werre thrreatening to be suspended, nothing rreally worrth making a fuss overrr."
[06:30] Yukio Takano says, "By givin yer balls a tug an gettin over it."
[06:36] Mahara Stokov asks, "What was it.. Suspended twice overr?"
[06:38] Maxwell Byrne says, "Mhm."
[06:47] Flint Diamond asks, "And may I ask, for the record, why I was suspended?"
[07:03] Mahara Stokov says, "That would be a question forrr the head of perrsonnel."
[07:08] Maxwell Byrne says, "I believe this is the part where you call me a cowboy cop who doesn't play by the rules................... but god damnit do I get the job done."
[07:11] Recording stopped.

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Heads of staff and my superior were involved in the incident.
Actions taken: See overview of incident as Heads of Staff were involved and no Captain was on shift.

Additional Notes: I have decided, for the better part of discretion and my continued ability to operate on Nanotrasen stations, to reach out to your department to resolve this instead of publishing this story. I would also apologize if I broke any laws with regards to recording. I don't believe I have because I believe Tau Ceti is a one-party consent setting but if I am wrong, I apologize and will pay the relevant fines involved in that. (OOC: I can't find anywhere in the rules, the wiki, or elsewhere what the private citizen recording conversation laws are. So, I'm going with the defense my character believes Tau Ceti is a one-party consent area rather than a two-party consent territory. And if you need me to explain those, I can.)

Edited by tzeneth


TO: Flint Diamond, Reporter, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 24-08:57-TAU CETI STANDARD-08-2463





TO: Flint Diamond, Independent Reporter, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Kakengo Muteba (sycmos).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 31-10:09-TAU CETI STANDARD-08-2463



  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Flint Diamond, Independent Reporter, NSS Aurora

FROM: Kakengo Muteba, CCIAA, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 12-06:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2463



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