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Lore Canonization Guidelines [20/05/22]

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General Information

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a relevant Lore Writer and/or the Loremasters. Questions can be directed to the relevant Lore Writer and/or the Loremasters.

There are restrictions to what can be proposed: 

  • A powerful/influential organization or concept that gives your playable character considerable power.
  • Something which violates the general narrative of our story, or which conflicts with it egregiously. 
  • A copy of an existing faction or concept for the sake of it.
  • The Loremasters have introduced a "Planet Ban". It is encouraged not to lodge a proposal for a planet, and instead look towards the guidelines related to Automatic Canonicity. Planet proposals that are submitted will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but it is unlikely to be accepted.

Lore Canonization Applications are required to include the impact that they will have on lore. It is divided into small, medium and large. It is advised to communicate with the relevant Lore Writers for any large additions. There is hesitancy to add separation due to word count, however, some examples have been categorized to give an idea as to how to label a Lore Canonization Application. The Loremasters may change the label of a Lore Canonisation Application if they feel it is not appropriate. 

Small additions - Cities, minor notable individuals, cuisine. 

Medium additions - Subfactions, cultural changes.

Large additions - Planets, factions,  influential organisations. 

Edited by Caelphon
Amendment [20/05/2022]
Posted (edited)

Timeframe of Applications

Proposals’ timeframes are weighted according to their impact on the lore, divided into small, medium, and large. Small lore impacts will have a decision rendered within 2 weeks (14 days) after it has been posted, by either an appropriate Lore Writer or blanket approval from Loremasters. Medium lore impacts will have a decision rendered within 1 month (30 days) after it has been posted, by either an appropriate Lore Writer or blanket approval from Loremasters. Large lore impacts will have a decision rendered within 2 months (60 days) after it has been posted, by either an appropriate Lore Writer or blanket approval from the Loremasters. Feedback can be given on the application by the wider community, however, there is no required amount of feedback; it can help the Lore Writer make a decision but feedback isn't an inherent necessity to a proposal's ultimate fate. A lack of feedback means that the application is determined by the sole merit of the proposer unless a Lore Writer (or Deputy Lore Writers) themselves asks questions. 

If an application has sat without Lore Writer comment or decision after the prescribed timeframes you are encouraged to PM either the Loremasters, with a link to your application with a comment that it has been longer than the set time for its category. If it slips their minds, just keep PM'ing the Loremasters; one PM per day with a reminder over sitting applications is acceptable. You can also remind both on Discord.

Edited by Lucaken
Amendment [20/05/2022]
Posted (edited)

Deferred Acceptance

Proposals that have been accepted by either an appropriate Lore Writer or from the Loremasters, will be moved to this thread until the proposal has been added to the wiki. Regardless of the impact that a Lore Canonisation Application has on lore, after being accepted, it must appear on the wiki within 1 week (7 days) after it has been accepted by an appropriate Lore Writer or from the Loremasters. Lore Writers may request an extension from the Loremasters provided their reasoning suffices. 

Lore Canonization Application Format


Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): 

Species: (Skrell, Tajara, Human, Vaurca, Dionae, Unathi, Synth, General) 

Short Description:

How will this be reflected on-station?:

Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?:

Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? 

Long Description:


Edited by Caelphon
Amendment [20/05/2022]
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