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GladiatorGames123 - License to Nya (Tajara Application)

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Character Names:
(Characters I actually play)
Jack Davies, Sean O'Rourke, Tony Advantorii, Samuel Davies, Johanes Kangala, Te-Ranga Potiki, Augustus Wolf.

Species you are applying to play: 
Tajara (Rhazar'Hrujmagh)

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: 
Black/Dark Grey

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Being completely honest there are a plethora of different reasons that I want to play Tajara, ranging from me being heavily interested in their history, similar in aspects to that of the Tzarist Imperial Russia's transformation to the Soviet Union and modern day Russian Federation, along with their multiple divisions turning into the explosion of Adhomai leading to the two Revolutions, dominance of the Hadiist Regime, the birth of the faulted and misguided Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai and the recreation of the previous powers that used to rule over Adhomai's diverse snowy terrains in the form of the New Kingdom of Adhomai. Related to this, the sheer amount of pure lore that I have had the pleasure of reading when trying to write this application has inspired me further, previously I was more interested in their surface factor, 'Oh, they've had multiple planetary Revolutions.', 'Oh, the PRA is a controlling hell-state replicating the puppeteer like actions of the Soviet Union in its early years.', 'The DPRA is like the NCR from fallout, they're trying to do what's best but are halted by their own ideals and internal problems that they fail to fix.', 'The NKA is an old state that tries to clamber to the old ideologies of the Adhomian peoples, being quite backward.' Bla, bla, bla. But when I actually started looking properly into the lore, I found that these shallow observations, while being somewhat truthful in certain aspects, is far deeper than I anticipated with my friend telling me something about how there is somewhere around one million words in the lore? This drove me all the more to want to play this race! Oh, and Read wants a Cat-boy friend so, I guess that's there too.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
What I would say the primary difference between your average Human flesh-bag and Tajaran Fur-ball is politics, with your average human, they don't really have too much mind in the politicking game, why should it concern you? Most human dominated planets are relatively stable, both physically and politically, with only a select few nations having a rockier, less comfortable time than others such as Elyra and the CoC in a limited aspect, Sol and a few others I haven't mentioned by name. But your average Tajara is incredibly different to that of the human, with Politics being an incredibly important and powerful tool that Tajara use and relate to, especially in the case of P.R.A citizens! Politics within Tajaran life are about as standard and commonly seen as farming equipment in the countryside, with every Tajara without exception having some piece to say about the way Adhomai is run, even if it maybe a simple tendency to side with a nation more than others or being out right political fanatics that would rather die than see their side be destroyed. This creates an incredibly interesting situation for Tajara players, forcing them to take some stance on their home world, even when all the way in Biesel.

Character Name:
Aak'rrajk Hakaan

Please provide a short backstory for this character
To understand who Aak'rrajk is today, we must first understand his family. The Hakaan family has traveled near the mid-Rhazar moutains for as long as their families history recalls, the family itself, being Rhazar'Hrujmagh, heavily based itself on its practices of herding and nomadism. The Hakaan family was made up of the father, the caravans leader, Masjiir Hakaan, an aging, wise, staunch traditionalist who viewed most things in the world through the lens of ancient values and ideologies. Yet, Masjiir still heavily supported the relatively new P.R.A and its Hadiist ideology believing their practices on the idea that all they had done, even to his fellow Nomads and countrymen, was all for the greater good. The mother, Tatiyana Hakaan was a far freer woman, being far more liberal than most in the Caravan, believing much more in the Democratic process which often, when her opinion was voiced, ended in her being beat severely by her disapproving Husband, despite this, Tatiyana always stood strong with these beliefs and commonly told Aak'rrajk and his siblings to follow in her footsteps of being more accepting with views that did not support his own. The Hakaan family also had five children, all being females bar the young Aak'rrajk. With Masjiir being the ruling force in his household and the Caravan he strictly enforced the Hadiist policies within their Nomadic lifestyle, favouring to abandon religions that other elders and even his own wife held onto, being the worship of Ma'ta'ke and Rredouane, instead replacing this religious sentiment with programs approved by the P.R.A, frequently going out of his way to send the roving group of nomads to herd near population centers so that they may exclusively send their children to the local Hadii's Youth Clubs. All of this created a very troubled early life for Aak, who was torn between believing his kind and loving mothers words of acceptance and kindness or his stern and tough fathers, aiming to strengthen Aak's resolve and belief in the party. 

Aak was born in 2438 on a Zhsram pulled cart on a lone plane trail, just like his father intended. Being the only male child in the family granted Aak with many advantages over his often overlooked sisters, with his father putting special effort into his upbringing and ensuring that he was not swayed over to his Mothers harmful beliefs, he was taught at a young age how to care for animals, to use firearms and basic survival techniques passed down from centuries ago, and notably he was taught to read, being brought up on the Hadiist Manifesto and its teachings. This all culminated, along with his enrolment with the local Hadii's Youth Group, in a rather fanatical young Aak, much to Masjiir's delight, but it didn't take long for the Rhazar'Hrujmagh child to finally be subjected to one of the P.R.A's biggest road blocks when it comes to uniting its peoples, its racism. A particular incident would remain with Aak'rrajk, one evening when returning from a Hadii's Youth Group gathering a group of older M'sai ambushed him in a street where he was beaten and had his items stolen from him including his treasured Manifesto, upon returning home his father grew angry about the event and at Aak himself for not standing up to them, all at the age of five. As time passed, more events such as these occurred, with varying intensity causing his belief in the united Tajara peoples to waver, at this point he began to consume himself in work, practically putting himself in a mental state of autopilot, growing with each day more and more used to the daily grind of wake up, eat, work, eat, work, spend time with his family, eat, sleep, repeat. This continuous grind changed when the Second Revolution occurred when he was ten years old in 2449. Aak and his family were lucky enough to be relatively far from the war when it first broke out, with only the occasional roving Military group passing by in their standard herding duties, though during this Masjiir constantly pressured Aak into joining the P.R.A forces to fight for what was right but his mother would simply not let him go, reasoning that they required him more for the duties of keeping the herd safe, reluctantly Masjiir caved, giving up on the matter.

At the age of thirteen in 2452 Aak's life changed forever on a late snowy evening, a group of partisans from the just barely a year old A.L.A had stumbled upon their herd in the afternoon and had planned to thieve supplies from their unprotected Zhsram carts, unluckily for them in the very middle of pinching a bag of hard bread Aak'rrajks mother had exited their shelter to grab the ingredients for their evenings meal, she stumbled upon the two rebels and with that, her life was ended, with one panicked gunshot she was dead, the commotion stirred Aak and Masjiir from their shelter baring firearms, seeing the corpse of his mother, but a moments ago full of life and love, he broke down, dropping his rifle and rushing for help, his father however knew she was gone and he was set on revenge. Masjiir disappeared into the cold night chasing the murderers, he was never seen again. Stricken with grief, Aak distanced himself from his sisters, continuing to consume himself with endless work, forcing himself to work for long hours with little to no rest. Taking all of the responsibilities his father once held was tough for Aak, as he finally realized the immense burden and struggle that his father went through each day simply to keep the herds fed and by extension, his family. During this time, Aak began to worship Ma'ta'ke as a form of cherishing his mother in the form of worship, taking comfort in the prayers he gave whenever he was able.

Life did not change for Aak'rrajk for many years to come, with his same grind being visible throughout his days, with the repressed memories of his Mothers passing and his fathers disappearance being further smothered by his endless work life, this had an extremely deep affect on his relation with his sisters, leading to them, one by one, leaving to find better prospects than herding in the mountains and plains. Something of minor note was the fact that Aak'rrajk, on the wishes of his mother, avoided being conscripted into the P.L.A's armed forces due to his rather remote location and need to tend to his families property each day. By the end Aak was left alone, only accompanied by his herd animals and other families who may as well have been strangers at this point, so he decided to turn his life to something better, in the year of 2460, aged twenty-two he sold the herd animals, the carts, the families Zhsrams and any other items he could sell. He left with nothing but the clothes on his back, a necklace of his mothers, a book from his father and money in his pocket. With this he traveled north, leaving the Rhazar mountain range behind him to seek better work.

Aak led an extremely dull and pointless life until late 2461, being a daytaler in the north, living day to day on meagre pay and little rest, barely interacting with fellow Tajara, even when forced to talk he was often greeted with an insult to his ethnicity or background where upon hearing of the wars end he rejoiced, not for the victory of the P.R.A but instead for the peace that it brought, quickly after this he boarded the closest bus to Nal'tor, the seat of the Hadiist Republic, upon his arrival, Aak's mind was blown, considering that in his earlier years he saw a collection of twenty or so homes as a massive settlement. This change in his life had to have been one of the more difficult shifts that had happened to him with the way of life in the countryside being completely foreign to any City-dwellers, he found a job within a canning factory for a short period before discovering the famed Nal'tor College of Career Excellence where he hastily enrolled, seeing its flashy history of having Tajara be sent into beyond to work for the, in the eyes of Aak, near mythical Nanotrasen. Aak'rrajks found himself gunning for a degree in Cargo, finding his experience in his Nomadic lifestyle to be fitting of the role. With this new beginning of his he contacted one of his sisters who'd up to this point worked for Nanotrasen asking as many questions as he could possibly get across, being quite the shock for the sister who'd seldom heard his voice for many years. Just as Aak had done many years prior he consumed himself in his work, this time not out of grief, but new found hope, he worked, and toiled, he strived to do his best and on the side he even started limited work with Tau Ceti Basic just as his sister had suggested, though while he passed many of his exams with flying colours he found himself lacking heavily in the leadership and electronic usage departments, with his quiet demeanor and background not helping either. With time he slowly began to customize himself with the new grind of life, all culminating in the year of 2462, aged 24, he'd finally completed his degree as a changed man and just as many Tajara before him, he was given the chance to be employed by Nanotrasen.

As some may have guessed, he accepted the great opportunity. For perhaps the final time in his life, he moved to the infamous city of Mendell's District Six for his new job aboard the Aurora as a Cargo Technician, buying a tiny apartment in P.R.A territory he settled in, finally getting a grasp for TCB. While this new wonderful world has fulfilled many of Aak's desires one remains untouched, the desire to forget about the politics of his homeworld, each day he is forced to confront his muddled beliefs within the district, he finds himself asking the same questions he did many, many years ago, does he follow in his fathers footsteps of P.R.A and Hadiist ideas or does he follow the beliefs that his mother set down? The ones some could even stretch to having killed her? Suffice to say, Aak still doesn't know, but that doesn't mean he isn't influenced by the ideologies he has been influenced by previously.

What do you like about this character?
What I would say I love most about this character is their story, how they became who they are today, I love how muddy and murky it is, with Aak being torn between the two lifestyles his parents led and how his traditional values still clash with the modern, he's just such a diverse character with the opportunity to be influenced by so many different forces and beliefs and all of it can be developed in character aboard the Aurora with the interactions that he has with others of either other races or his own.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Most likely I would say I'm roughly a 6 or 7 out of 10, I like to think I have good 'content' and good, believable actions but I know for sure that I still have a lot of room to improve.

My brain is melting after writing this, so I apologize if there are any contradictions or inaccurate pieces of info! Just call them out and I'll right/address them as soon as possible!


The backstory is very good, however, there is something I am having trouble with early parts of the story. If Aak'rrajk's father was a Hadiist, and the PRA was attempting to settle the nomads, why would he continue to carry on with the nomadic lifestyle? If that would be impossible to implement on his own right away would make sense, but that can also be a point of confinct with the caravan. I guess that sending the children to a youth club would make sense to help them acquaintanced with the typical Tajaran lifestyle, but a minor correction: he would be part of the Youth Brigades, instead of the Hadii's Youth Clubs; the organization was created this year.

From the wiki:


During the great revolution the great majority of Rhazar'Hrujmagh fought alongside the rebels, with some being employed as mercenaries by the monarchists. However, the Hadii’s regime decided that the presence of such nomadic people were in conflict with the ideals promoted by the new Tajaran society, and tried to settle down the Rhazar'Hrujmagh, creating conflict and tension again. The emergence of the Adhomai Liberation Army was seen as an opportunity by many Rhazar'Hrujmagh to save their traditional ways. Joining Nated’s rebellion is popular among the youth of Rhazar'Hrujmagh families and caravans, serving in the irregular guerilla warfare, where the knowledge of Adhomai’s terrain and the speed of their mounts is useful.


On 20/10/2021 at 05:14, gladiatorgames123 said:

During this time, Aak began to worship Ma'ta'ke as a form of cherishing his mother in the form of worship, taking comfort in the prayers he gave whenever he was able.

Does he worship any Ma'ta'ke deity in particular?


Hey, Alb! Thank you for replying!


7 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

If Aak'rrajk's father was a Hadiist, and the PRA was attempting to settle the nomads, why would he continue to carry on with the nomadic lifestyle?

The reasoning behind Aak's father refusing to settle down is due to his core belief in the P.R.A's school of thought, of order and discipline, but as said here,

On 20/10/2021 at 21:14, gladiatorgames123 said:

Masjiir Hakaan, an aging, wise, staunch traditionalist who viewed most things in the world through the lens of ancient values and ideologies.

Masjiir still, despite being a hardcore Hadiist, attempted to keep their caravan and families identity, refusing any attempts by the P.R.A to well and truly settle down. As an addition, Masjiir is a man who holds pride above everything, even his Hadiist beliefs, and in his eyes, settling down would tear down his families long history, and would erase who he was as a man, his whole life, even before the revolutions he was taught by his own father the ways of the land, the way they as a people lived. While this is what can be taken at face value from this grumpy old man, who mirrors his father, it can also be seen in the light of how Masjiir is scared of change, as said before, his whole life he'd been taught that there is one way to do things, one way to live, and as such he has clung onto these teachings, and as the world around him speeds up in their progress, with spacefaring shuttles, automobiles to the masses and never before seen farming technology, he remained behind, refusing to accept that he was wrong, refusing to say, 'I made a mistake' in how he had taught all of his children to live. This is why he continued on his ancient Nomadic lifestyle, for the refusal of the modern world, refusal to accept that he was wrong in how he taught his family. Relating to the conflict in the caravan, Masjiir would often have to fight back against the more 'radical' groups in his Caravan, even other hardcore Hadiist believers due to his sedimentary way of life, refusing to modernise and settle down.

This is completely correct, not only as a way to normalise the children to the P.R.A lifestyle but also as a sort of minor compromise to settling down, making sure the children were just like every other in how they lived their early lives.

20 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

sending the children to a youth club would make sense to help them acquaintanced with the typical Tajaran lifestyle

On the mistake on Hadii's Youth Club, I apologise for that! I was aware that they had a different iteration, being the Youth brigades during the Revolution, but I failed put the right name in! Sorry, my mistake!

24 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Does he worship any Ma'ta'ke deity in particular?

Aak tends to worship Azubarre, due to his significance to Aak's mother, not only because she herself worshipped Azubarre but also because Aak thought of Tatiyana in the same light as him, being a Loving parental figure of which cared for his every woe. Aak also worshipped Rredouane in a more traditional light due to their portrayal and importance in his more traditional views of the Ma'ta'ke deities.

Thanks again, Alb! If you have any other concerns, I'm sure I can rectify them for you!

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