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Incident Report 10/24/2021


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Reporting Personnel: Avery Hallos
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Investigator
Game ID: ceG-ankB

Personnel Involved:
Avery Hallos (Investigator) - Reporting Party
Logan Wright (Head of Security) - Reported Party
Tal Yahalom (Security Officer) - Witness
Anamaria Moravec (Security Officer) - Witness

Time of Incident:

Real Time: 19:32PST 10/24/21)
Location of Incident: Comms

Nature of Incident:
[X] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[ ] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: The Head of Security, Logan Wright, was confronted with an unusual situation. A crew member found an anomalous item (Sword) that when touched caused the crew member to die. Medical investigated the body, and while I was on my way to help with the autopsy, the body reanimated on the autopsy table and slowly lumbered out of the room. I caught up with the body as it went upstairs, and promptly laughed meniacly then jumped into a garbage chute.

I asked the Head of Security if we should go to Code Blue, due to the possibility of threat the sword, and now re-animated crew member potentially posed to the crew. The Head of Security refused on the grounds that according to him, Code Blue was for small threats and Code Red was for big threats. Reviewing the Standard Operating Procedures, I saw this to be incorrect and advised that Code Blue is for 'Potential Threat' and Code Red is for 'Confirmed Threat'. He promptly dismissed my argument as wrong to which I went off duty. I disposed my equipment in a locker beside Cryo due to the Head of Security's direct physical violence threat, and I quote; "If you cryo with your equipment, I'll have your ass in a sling for the next month.".

Submitted Evidence:

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: At the time of the incident, Commander Wright was the highest authority on the station.
Actions taken: All station issued gear was removed, stored in a locker via ID, and I went to sleep in Cryo.

Additional Notes: If it weren't for the physical violence threat from a SUPPOSED professional staff head, I wouldn't have reported this at all, but his overall incompetence leads me to wonder how he was able to obtain the rank of Commander at all.



Incident Reports are only applicable for Canon events that have very little to no antagonist input/involvement.

In a normal, Canon setting, none of this would have happened unfortunately. Therefore, the report is going to be locked and archived.

Now if you have an ooc issue with this, you're welcome to make a character complaint or even a player complaint.

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