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Rename Pipegun to "Improvised Gun"


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With the latest tweaks to the pipegun, including its capability to have a magazine, it is effectively no longer a "pipe" gun.

While there are some extremely niche cases where someone will call a homemade gun with a pipe a "pipe" gun, the engineering includes taking preexisting bolt carriers and trigger assemblies to create. 
Pipe guns in game have been simply what they were named- a slamfire pipe that you put one round in at a time. The way these work, both previously in game, and in reality, is that by operating the gun you cause the firing pin to go forward into the primer, setting off the cartridge load, making the bullet a projectile.

With the addition of a magazine, as well as having it operate on 5.56- I am not certain if the actual ballistics and description were given any thought by someone familiar with firearms. Pipeguns are not just any gun with a pipe. They're slamfire operated guns consisting of essentially ONLY a pipe, a nail, and something to hold onto. Manufacturing of a gun that can do a full battery, have the bolt move back via gas in chamber, feed another round, and have the firing pin mechanism completely separate from this is very complex machining-wise.

Thank you for coming to my gun-related rant.

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