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Everything posted by Zelmana

  1. I think this is a great idea. Often times I find that the current relay channels are really unprofessional and kind of not mature in terms of the way characters talk and act. Often times there's characters that are allegedly in their thirties but act fairly juvenile. While there's a non-SCC channel that should be used for more off the cuff style discussions, even our official SCC brand channel suffers from immaturity. While I don't mean to cast the entire channel(s) into those lights, I find myself not being able to interact in those channels with my main characters. This is because I play fairly straight-laced and buttoned up personas as a Command character main. I know that the act of administering that channel to restrict it to command-only will be more tedious, but I feel like it would be helpful. Especially for things like ongoing events. I don't mean to portray that my character doesn't associate with the "riff raff" but all too often it seems that my character is just in another world comparatively to the conversations going on in the relays.
  2. The intention here was to bring back a lot of FCP style roleplay that was once popular. As in, policy to go alongside roundtypes such as ling, vamp, cult, etc. where there is interaction with any major anomalous activity.
  3. Yeah the whole "R" thing is already a standard nomenclature for cartridges. We shouldn't try to change that as it'll cause confusion.
  4. I agree with the Alden-Saraspova comment being two distinct scientists above.
  5. If this passes review fine you've got 25USD, contact me on Discord. 5USD outstanding for a check on the records system, if the problem persists in records that is still available.
  6. I believe records also have this issue- anyone care to post an example they find?
  7. In a few spots, we seem to sanitize apostrophes, but when they are displayed, it seems like they are not being properly decoded / surviving sanitization. Is this a viable thing that can be fixed? Maybe a htmldecode type deal? I don't code so I likely may be talking out of my ass. Examples, feel free to post additional: (Fuckup in STT enabled but not in directly writing it in the PDA message field) I'm not sure if this is a decent bounty amount? Anyone care to get a pot going we can, but 30USD is what I can give for this.
  8. As mentioned in this last thread. (Thank you for Arrow to necroing it slightly with the dismissive motion of it not being a formal / actual request) First contact protocol or FCP is something that used to be utilized more often in events such as Ling, Cult, events of canon and noncanon variety, etc. It was very commonly referred to as an additional directive that had some level of secret clearance similar to nuke disc, only known by command. Butter in the last thread fleshed out a more formal statement of this for the SOP which I will reiterate here for a formal addition request. 1. Avoid interference with new species until preliminary assessments have been made. a.) Assess the average intelligence level of the species b.) Assess the technological stage the species currently resides in c.) Assess the disposition of the species d.) Assess the resources available on their homeworld 2. Contact (NBT NTCC Odin Equivalent) and inform them of the discovery, along with preliminary data. 3a. If contact is disallowed, record the system’s galactic coordinates so a different party can arrive and set up observation operations. 3b. If contact is allowed, collect data on the species language and send their leaders a message informing them of Alien presence, alongside peaceful intentions. a.) If reception is positive, prepare an away party of only the most collected and intelligent individuals, as they will not only represent their own species, but the greater Spur as a whole. b.) Provide species with information on the Spur at large, and inform them of (NBT Ship’s Mission)
  9. Zelmana

    sleeve patches

    I will not stand for this casual Martian revisionism
  10. Instead of instant death can we at least give them, say, 10 seconds of dwell time, on mid-level fire, so they can scream on radio? And then they burn up.
  11. I'm kind of neutral on this but leaning against. This would introduce, in my opinion, a lot of bloat to what is otherwise a fairly straightforward concept. Instead of IAC we'll have how many organizations under it- with how many acronyms? It seems excessive.
  12. Could you get your ideas across in a more succinct description?
  13. TY @Sycmos for recent wiki formatting. Makes life bearable.

  14. I guess I'm up for discussing this, if anyone cares to. I enjoy being a member of this community and try to have its best interest in mind. While that is true, I also feel like a pariah to some extent, for my past behavior. Feel free to ask me questions here or over discord: Zelmana
  15. BYOND Key: Zelmana Total Ban Length: Perma, Since 2019 Banning staff member's Key: Garn? Snake? I don't know it was a long time ago. My appeal in 2020 was declined by Garn. Reason of Ban: Rule 1 / Racism / General Offensive Contrarian Demeanor Reason for Appeal: I was a toxic individual in the past, and definitely have felt like a pariah in this community since. While I understand that there is a sense of unpardonability for what I did in the past, I'm not exactly asking for anyone to forget or dismiss my behavior for that. I have and continue to apologize for my previous behavior, and think I've changed. What I am asking for, however, is an opportunity to communicate and interact with people in the community in more ways than just the forums, ooc channels, and discord DMs. I think I'm a regular participator in the community as is, but I feel like I routinely miss out on interacting with people more casually. I don't ask that you forget my behavior because there's simply no way to abolish the way I made people feel back then. I feel like I am much more conflict avoidant now. I think that at the time, I could not handle differing opinions or perhaps I fell prey to attempting to provoke others. I understand if my appeal is denied, and I still apologize to those who I've wronged.
  16. Howdy! I've seen a few folks discussing the loadout stuff on the OOC channel and didn't want to lose a lot of the response. Discuss feedback for the below loadout changes, the tag based systems, the overall functionality and categorization changes, and ease (or difficulty) of use! Note! This is not my PR! https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/17054 PR posted by @Dreamix Please keep suggestions or comments polite and constructive.
  17. I believe that some recent additions to the lore and therefore wiki are horrendously bloated. You can add a lot of things to the wiki, and canonize a lot of lore. However, allowing so many wiki entries to be so purple in prose is detrimental to having a quick understanding of the history, context, and current affairs of different planets and cultures. While this may be more of a feedback for the wiki team, I think Lore Devs have a big responsibility here to prune where appropriate. Based on Lavilla's desires to consolidate some lore and create a better primer environment that is friendly to new players, while also trying to trim down extra fluff, I support them. I think it's needed. That being stated, after reviewing some of the opposing candidates positions, I think it best for someone more tenured to lead. I would still like to see my above points addressed in overall lore.
  18. Could we have airlocks either inset or extruded from the overall walls? I think this would help. At the moment it seems all too plasticy/toylike, and while I think a lot of that has to do with how desaturated things like wooden floors are, I think that some of that feeling is due to airlocks being completely smooth with walls. There was an illusion of 3d with the 2d spriting that seems lacking.
  19. I just don't like it. "The creator wants to create a new aesthetic for Aurora" I don't want a new aesthetic for Aurora.
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