EmperorNathan Posted December 7, 2021 Posted December 7, 2021 BYOND Key: emperornathan Character Names: Cacile Haustens, Elta Besk, Jay Saunter (dead as of the ghosts of war event) Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: white-silver Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Tajara as a race are interesting to me for two primary reasons. First, they occupy the “newcomer” position in lore with regards to the sci-fi technology of the setting and have had relatively little time (on a societal level) to get used to concepts like mega corporations or just space travel in general. As such, Tajara characters can express a level of wonder/skepticism/appreciation for all of the sci-fi elements that members of older space faring races no longer have. Secondly the Tajara are in a state of massive societal flux as their species attempts to figure out how it should cope with its own history. Tajara as a species allow for tons of opportunities for RP via interactions between their political extremes and this is made all the more engaging because at least on the Aurora these partisan interactions need to be restrained because starting spats on a company run station is generally a bad idea IC and OOC for the characters involved. This potential interplay between restraint and the obvious IC dislike Tajara from their different states would have for each other seems like a wellspring of good RP in my eyes. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Other than the obvious impacts brought on by the mechanical/physiological differences between Tajara and Humans the primary thing I would consider when RPing Tajara is the aforementioned tension inherent in any interaction between Tajara from differing states. Tajara have built in reasons as a species to espouse opinions on megacorps or the station in particular that are different from the “accepted” status quo that Humans live by. Character Name: Cerulli Nakivas - Merchant Please provide a short backstory for this character: To understand Cerulli Nakivas one must understand the history behind his family. Born in the years preceding the first revolution to a line of lesser nobility with a history of naval service, Cerulli was brought up with the twin values of service and pragmatism required by all good naval captains. When the revolution broke out Cerulli was but an ensign serving the Old Kaltiran navy aboard one of the ships in his father’s squadron. Upon the revolution's eventual success and his fathers choice to accept the offered PRA “amnesty” to go serve their new navy Cerulli bristled but remained silent. Years later during the second revolution when he heard of the return of the Azunja dynasty he could no longer maintain that silence and successfully rallied the crew of the destroyer he then served on (still as an ensign) to defect. Cerulli spent the rest of the war. as the new commander of said destroyer hunting PRA commerce and submarines. After the war’s conclusion he was selected by the Kingdom’s government, due to his family's history of service without great ambition, to be the “Captain” of one of the vessels bought and intended to serve in the Kingdom’s nascent spatial merchant fleet. That his merchant “ship” was little more than a bulked up warp capable shuttle meant little to him as the fact that he was being trusted with a role so important for the kingdom’s future was more than enough. Nowadays Cerulli spends his time as a loyal captain of Her Majesty's Mercantile Flotilla, plying trade across the Tau Ceti system and attempting to generate as much of a profit as possible to send back to the New Kingdom’s Government. What do you like about this character? Both of my previous merchant characters pursued their profits for what were ultimately personal reasons and I wanted to try and see how playing a merchant character who saw generating profit as a duty rather than a desire. Out of all the options I imagined that a Tajara would fit that niche the best, thus my application and creation of a character whose loyalty as a naval officer now needs to be translated into success as a merchant. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Fair, I’m not an RP god but I can typically hold my own even in more complex or lore dependent interactions. Notes: I assumed that the pardon the PRA offered to the now Grand Admiral Dynhass would also have been offered to a number of other lesser naval commanders as part of their effort to build up their new navy. Please correct me if this was not actually the case.
Alberyk Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 The backstory need to be at least two paragraphs long. Expand it a bit more, please.
Alberyk Posted December 17, 2021 Posted December 17, 2021 It has been more than one week since I asked and no change was made to the application. Application denied.
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