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[Accepted]Gromnax's Dionae whilelist application

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BYOND Key: Gromnax

Character Names: Ceri Alwenn, Ebere Ijeoma, rarely-played others

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt) Dionaea exempt

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: 

Dionaea are effectively the most alien specie in Aurora. They work differently than human physically, psychologically and mechanically. They allow to explore things that could never be explored as humans, or as any other specie. As very long-lived individuals, they have a different vision of time and the cosmos than other species might have. This makes for a very unique roleplay experience to try, unlike Tajaras or Unathis who seem less interesting to me. Dionaea's lore links to Skrells are also interesting to me, as I would like to play some in the future, and playing Dionaea might be a good introduction to their lore considering how tightly bonded these species are. 

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Dionaea are inherenly plural creatures, made of multiple nymphs associating to form a single gestalt. More nymps can make larger structures, up to be as large as stellar objects. In the gestalt, single nymphs might work in different types of cooperation, which defines the type of "mind" of the gestalt. Some are democratic, with the nymphs voting over single actions, when others are more autocratics, with a single nymph having more power over the others. Dionaea are able to absorb other species' DNA, and with it, memories of the DNA owner, even if not all of them do. Unlike other species, Dionaea can come from "almost" everywhere and have a whole lot of different cultures, even if they are discriminated against in some part of space (Like Sol and Elyra), or if some other places are hard to survive for Dionaea (Adhomai). This still allows for a wild array of characters with different cultures and experiences. Dionaea are also almost all pacifists.

Character Name: Dreaming Together About Everything's End

Please provide a short backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs)

Dreaming Together About Everything's End was born on a scientific Luthien research facility, near the south polar sea. They are one of the products of an experiment made by Dr Aileen, Xenobotanist, on extreme-environnement flora. Dr Aileen was supposed to study dionaea's adaptation to extreme conditions and effects of said conditions on the nymphs. Due to the great amount of light present on Luthien, Dr Aileen managed to grow a lot of single, light-colored nymphs, with the objective of measuring effects of different exposures to light and radiation on the growth of said nymphs. Once this study has been completed, Dr Aileen asked to continue working on dionaea, and was allowed so. She started to bond closely with the nymphs, allowing them to drink her blood in order for them to understand her. At some point, the nymphs decided to form a cyclop together, who chose the name of Learning Under Daylight. They began more and more mature as time passed and as they kept learning from Dr Aileen, whom seems to have seen a lot of things in her lifetime. Soon, Learning Under Daylight started to feel something wrong, eerie about the blood samples they were drinking from the Doctor : An impending sense of doom started to gain them, and soon enough, this same sense of doom gained the doctor herself. Dr Aileen, quite old at this moment, was diagnosed with Alzheimer, and loosing little by little her grip on reality. Learning Under Daylight, whom had since gained biesellite citizenship, started to take care of the scientist. But no matter what they did, they couldn't stop the inevitable.

Dr Aileen asked directly who were effectively her child to gain as much memories from her as possible, so these memories would not be completely destroyed over time. Learning Under Daylight accepted, and kept drinking blood samples from the doctor, even though each time, new eeries memories were coming with it. Learning Under Daylight felt more and more disoriented, as they could really live Aileen's Alzheimer. And one day, Dr Aileen passed away. At this moment, Learning Under Daylight chose to drink the doctor's blood one last time, as much as they could, to retain as much memory from them as possible. They did not wish for them to disappear, and could not find another way to keep them, in a way, alive. Learning Under Daylight were devasted by both the doctor's memories and her passing away. They chose to change their name, calling themselves Dreaming Together About Everything's End. They chose to continue the Doctor's life work and, after mourning for several years on Biesel, earned a doctorate on Xenobotany, thanks to the doctor's knowledge. Dreaming Together About Everything's End got employed by Yomi Genetics, part of Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in the Research and Developpement field. The dionae started working on Dionae-Human interactions, hoping to understand fully what happened between them and the Doctor on a scientific level. They are now recruited aboard the SCCV Horizon as a Xenobotanist.

What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character)

Besides the interest of trying a new specie, I would like to explore mourning in roleplay, as this is a subject that interest me a lot IRL for personnal reasons. The mourning mass suggestion in the wiki sparked this -rather simple - story idea for me. I have hesitated a bit about which origins to give the character at first, thinking a scarab or a jargon diona could be a good idea, but I thought that staying on safe ground with a biesel one would be better for a first one, especially as I have no experience with Jargon rp. Also, this character would have an excuse for me to icly discover things about dionaea, would it be mechanically with my own, and maybe icly with diona nymphs grown in pods.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I have the habit of roleplaying different characters. Giving a definite rate is a bit hard, but I would say I'm a veteran roleplayer by now.

Notes: N/A


Sorry for the slight delay with this! The app is overall very solid and we don't really have any major questions to ask, so we'll be accepting your app!

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