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1138, Jauntla

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Thinking about it, I should try to clarify a little my stance on this.

I don't think that what 1138 did was against the rules, but I think it was sort of poor RP, and this thread is justified in existing as a player complaint (though I think it should be one that we should all learn from, not try to punish someone for).

What Sue said is right. If you made an absolutely ridiculous threat (like say "I will kill anyone who farts", then proceed to kill anyone who farts), it'd be shitty. And generally. the more vague and widely interpreted the threat is, the shittier. And while the threat here wasn't in the [ridiculous] levels of bad, I still think, after reflection, that placing yourself in a situation where you shoot on sight anyone who rides the outpost shuttle, well, it's sorta not-ideal.

It makes sense ICly. But from an OOC perspective, is this a situation you want to create? You gain very little from it, as opposed to, let's say, holing up in the room past the airlock, and shooting anyone who walks through the airlock room. That's what I would've probably done, as it carries the same effective result (prevents anyone from going to the outpost, and keeps your position safe while punishing those trying to compromise it), but gives people a chance to explain themselves, or back off if they were unaware of the threat. It basically gives everyone a lot more freedom from a storytelling perspective, without taking anything away from you, and so I don't really understand anymore why a person needs to be shot on sight the literal instant they ride the shuttle.

Decent idea, poor execution. (Ha. That's a pun. About dying.)

I thought these weeks of controversy over antags murdering people with zero roleplay or provocation had an actual meat behind them and we wanted to collectively prevent this kind of behaviour.

I'll accept this behaviour and adopt it into my own playstyle if it's allowed for antagonists; I made the mistake of how I interpreted gank in terms of Aurora's definition.


This is the issue. People can't agree on one thing. To some people, bombing the medbay is perfectly a-okay, and to others, it's the definition of Satan.

This is the issue. People can't agree on one thing. To some people, bombing the medbay is perfectly a-okay, and to others, it's the definition of Satan.


Bombs everywhere are always okay at any time - this is especially true if your bomb is contained within a package with "Bob-omb" written on it.

On-topic though:

Could Houssam's execution have been performed better? Yes, yes it could - if he knew the code words and believed himself safe but the traitor wanted to kill him anyways, they could have demanded to talk in private and then executed him that way, unless there was a pressing danger we've not been informed of.

Was making fun of the traitor a bad idea? Yes, yes it was. When someone has cleared out the entire armory's worth of weapons and a crew member wants to talk down to them, I actually revel in said crew member's head flying off in an arc, and despite the fact that it was only brought up once, it's a very solid point. Like I tell my friends, "talk shit, get hit."

Did anyone break any rules? No, no they didn't.

So was this complaint a good idea? Yes, yes it was. While not explicitly against the rules, if we begin to see a slew of complaints crop up with the same behavior, that's when we can start pointing fingers and accusing people of being shitlords. That's what this forum is for, really - if someone broke a rule and deserves a banning, we have ban request forums as well.


This is the issue. People can't agree on one thing. To some people, bombing the medbay is perfectly a-okay, and to others, it's the definition of Satan.


I think it's justfied both IC-ly and OOC-ly, but is a absolute dick move however you put it and should prompt a most agressive reaction security can think off, because humanitarian reasons. You reap what you sow.

With that out of the way, I think pretty much what Nik said, with exception that a better choice could've been made, like giving a cheap ass one-liner before doing it at least.


Actually, I wish to bring up one more point before this is said and done.

Why the fuck did Houssam Jawdat think trying to confront an armed terrorist who had already bombed, threatened death and had stolen an entire armory, was a good idea? Why did you immediately put yourself into a dangerous situation?

Heads of Staff are also not allowed to leave the main station unless they have extremely good reason to do so, such as forced evacuation.


Yeah well, considering that large parts of various departments (mining, research, engineering) and the CE/RD responsible Telecommunications satellite are off-station. I would probably say that Procedure wasn't well thought-out to begin with. Let's not even get in to the occasional off-station rescue attempts utilizing the teleporter or telescience...


From what I can tell, the chosen course of action might not have been the most ideal or conducive to further roleplay, but I can't exactly fault 1138 for reacting in this fashion, considering the fact that he had already broadcasted a general warning and HoP's /are/ known to be issued a personal defense sidearm. Following our recent staff meeting, we've outlined a few clarifications regarding the gank rule, which should hopefully prevent further issues like this from cropping up.

At the end of the day, I think this should be treated as a learning experience for both parties.



I admit I got trigger-happy and I'll try to better utilize weaponry for entrapment rather than just as a tool for death in the future.

Guest Marlon Phoenix
I admit I got trigger-happy and I'll try to better utilize weaponry for entrapment rather than just as a tool for death in the future.


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