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Staff Complaint - Yonnimer

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Lorilili
Staff BYOND Key: Yonnimer
Game ID: cjl-cbSv

Reason for complaint: I was told I could not play Kei Nakai as a Security Officer due to their prosopagnosia, after it came up in a very brief conversation and was adminhelped. I have played them with this disability for months, and it has come up a total of twice ingame - once during a conversation after not recognizing someone they had only spoken to only once before, and another time when someone had a hoodie on and was intentionally trying not to be recognizable.

I frankly do not understand in the least why this is disqualifying from being a Security Officer, particularly when this consistent trait of theirs has not caused issues in these months of play, including a number of rounds playing alongside staff within the department. If it was a disqualifying trait, I feel it would have caused an issue or at least beenĀ noticed long before now.

Furthermore, the accessibility guide as it stands does not mandate officers be flawless supersoldiers - they may be nearsighted and require glasses, for example, or they may be colorblind which would also harm recognition (for example, of departments differentiated by color, or Solarian factions - SFA vs FSF - who are differentiated by the same. If anything, differentiating colors seems far more important than specifically recognizing people by face.) I would also note that Nakai explicitly has an integrated HUD to compensate for this disability, as well as the ability to recognize people quite fine from their voice, hair color, clothing, and a number of other traits that are not faces. I feel this constitutes an aid just as well as any prosthetic does in this situation - but without it, I do not believe their work would be hindered regardless.

I would like to have the situation where they must recognize someone specifically by face laid out to me, at the least, if this ruling remains against me, so that I might understand the reasoning behind it. I could only imagine it being an issue if an offship group with entirely shaved heads, the same accent, same height, and same outfit happen to board. Otherwise, I fail to understand what problems this could cause, especially as if I did not apply the formal label to it and simply played it as them recognizing faces poorly this would have never been noticed.

Additional remarks: I would only further note this is explicitly a result of Nakai's military service and a traumatic brain injury sustained then, and thus has had grounding in the character.

Edited by limette

As the person that created the accessibility requirements, I'll be handling this complaint along with @ShesTrying who will be double-checking my reasoning. Expect a reply before tomorrow.

Additionally, if you are not involved, do not post.


We've discussed the issue alongside some more members of the staff and we've found that the ruling made by Yonnimer is valid and will be upheld for the following reasons:

  • Prosopagnosia is, realistically, something that would disbar you from being able to pursue any realistic security work. Identification augments may help for on-ship crew, but they are prone to malfunctions (think someone just using a faked ID or someone else's ID with their clothes) and realistically wouldn't do anything regarding boarders, which the SCC must account for.
  • Colour blindness is nowhere near the same kind of thing. Note that the guidelines say that visibility of most of the light spectrum is required. Colour blindness is not just a binary "you see everything or it's black and white", there are many forms of it that cover many different parts of the spectrum and in most cases it's simply inability to distinguish between a few shades of colours.
  • We have discussed the possibility of allowing augments to bypass this and our ruling on it is a hard no. This adds more loopholes than we are comfortable with and it is not territory that we want to enable for various reasons.

This complaint will be locked in 24 hours.

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