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MrGodZilla's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: MrGodZilla

Character Names: Jani Oksanen, SQUIRE, Mihaels Zvaigzne, Samir Keramati, couple others I haven't played in a hot minute.

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Well, I thought I had a good idea for an IPC, so I set out to make one. A better answer is that IPCs are more familiar than other races, it's easier to write for them but they also have the potential for extensive characterization and can come from numerous backgrounds, second only to humans in terms of writing potential. On top of that, I really enjoy the variation between all of the different IPC chassis, it gives you a lot to work with for one race.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

IPCs operate on an extensive behavior spectrum that can range from very simple necessary communication (Yes, No, Understood) to *almost* being able to mimic humanoid speech. IPCs are brought up in different environments and almost always adapt to the social customs they're exposed to.


Chief among IPCs however is the idea of self-preservation, which doesn't fluctuate as often as it might for a human. Since IPCs are inherently logical and absent of emotion, self-preservation isn't waived by something like an emotional connection to someone trapped in a fire. Self-preservation is also partly responsible for making IPCs act, if that person trapped in the fire was a machinist who happened to be the only person capable of changing the IPCs battery before they lost power, the circumstance may be different.


IPCs commonly experience discrimination in some form throughout the spur, whether that's as simple as harassment or as systemic as price gouged maintenance fees. Most IPCs aren't in a position to fight back against discrimination, but it's an experience to consider when making an IPC.

Character Name: Momo

Please provide a short backstory for this character

Momo, original designation FRU-6215 is a Zeng-Hu Mobility Frame IPC created by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in 2458. Shortly after creation, Momo was sold off to Pyeon Medical Clinic in Argia sa Mar, Xanu Prime. The clinic itself owned by the locally prominent Pyeon family, a family with heavy ties to Zeng-Hu, Momo's primary duties within the clinic were of emergency response and prosthetic rehabilitation for organic patients.


Momo's employment at Pyeon Medical Clinic was where it got its final designation, being named "Momo" by the youngest daughter of the Pyeon family shortly after arriving on Xanu Prime. Unfortunately, over the course of six months and following more positronic additions to the clinic's staff, the clinic experienced financial troubles and were forced to downsize operations, resulting in the auctioning off of Momo and an eventual buyout of the clinic by Zeng-Hu. A strange happenstance brought Kalevi Nieminen, a Himean CSF party member building connections to syndicalist parties in Xanu Prime, to Momo's auction, where Momo was bought by Nieminen.


Because of the unique state of private ownership on Himeo and Nieminen not wanting direct ownership of a positronic apart of his reputation, Momo was leased out to W.I.R.C, or Workplace Incident Response Coordination, a non-profit workplace safety organization consisting of public spokesmen, responders, and a handful of physicians who work towards rapid response and treatment of deadly workplace incidents on Himeo, as well as the promotion of safe workplace practices.


Transitioning from Xanu Prime to Himeo was an extensive culture shock for Momo, where work on Xanu Prime was within a clean, professional hospital with equally professional "co-workers," work on Himeo was centered in refitted factories with scrapped up medical supplies and all the professionalism you'd expect from free-spirited workers. Whilst Momo had directives to remain totally professional and subservient to organics on Xanu Prime, most of these directives were programmed out of Momo in favor of loyalty to the syndicalist cause and to "treat workers as equals."


The latter directive was interesting to Momo because Momo had little to no concept of what an "equal" was. On Xanu Prime, Momo was a tool, equipment bought by the clinic and maintained by the clinic in exchange for unwavering obedience. Momo's co-workers, although sympathetic of IPCs, did not see him as equal, and so Momo could not see them as equal. It would take time to figure out what the boundaries of "equal" were.


Momo would remain privately owned and working for W.I.R.C until 2463. In the time between, Momo learned to work within a tight-knit team, took on the Himean identity and had extensive social developments, being able to sound just human enough not to creep out Momo's co-workers. Unfortunately, Momo was not without discrimination on Himeo, as prevailing attitudes of synthetics were split on solidarity with an oppressed class or viewing synthetics as corporate tools that would even rise up against the working class one day. Occupying a non-standard occupation on Himeo did not help Momo's case, either. As most of Himeo consisted of industrial blue-collar workers, engineers and miners, Momo could never fully embrace Himeo's predominant community.


In late 2463, W.I.R.C would disband as most of its members broke off for better career opportunities or simply because they were tired of the limited resources W.I.R.C had as a non-profit organization. The end of W.I.R.C meant that Momo's lease was up, and full ownership was returned to Mr. Nieminen, who now held office under the CSF ticket. Nieminen, however, was in danger of being voted out, and needed under-the-table emergency funds in the event he lost his position. With existing off-planet connections, Nieminen made a deal with NanoTrasen's medical division to lease Momo out on the conditions "radical, anti-corporate" directives were programmed out of Momo. The deal being finalized in 2464, Momo was immediately attached to the Horizon project, where it now works as an emergency responder.

As a result of reprogramming, Momo's complete loyalty to Himean ideology and the unconditional equal treatment of workers was removed, but Momo's learned experiences on Himeo remain, as does its identity. Because of this, Momo's sudden transfer back into a corporate lifestyle is a matter of adaption in the interests of self-preservation, as the likely result of NanoTrasen terminating Momo's lease is that Nieminen would simply cut losses and scrap Momo. Momo returns to corporate professionalism but maintains a desire to embrace the equality and informal working conditions it had on Himeo, a conflict that Momo will have to figure out for itself.

What do you like about this character?

It's an odd concept, I think. I like that I have a character who has been to more than one place and can describe their experience in detail. I like the idea of a character who goes from working in a professional, corporate environment, gets thrown into a worker's state where nobody could care less, and, after years, is back in that same corporate environment with wildly different views and experiences.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Good, I think. I've been role-playing for almost a decade and I try to get better at it every day.

Notes: I decided to go with a concept more unusual (at least, I think it's unusual) than normal since I figure if I can handle playing a stranger IPC, I can definitely handle playing the more run-of-the-mill concepts.

Edited by MrGodZilla

I've played with MrGodzilla's chars a few times, Mostly Jani and Samir and they play very good and consistent characters. They make rounds interesting and know their roles well and are obviously very competent OOC. Their character is extremely detailed and consistent.
+1 from me!

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