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[Denied] Yeehawguvnah | Vaurca | Gamer Bug???

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: (byond key) Yeehawguvnah
Character Names:

  • Mara-Lucius Volvalaad
  • IRU-Luna
  • Ulysses
  • Ari Barak
  • Bailey Garrison
  • Pitch Wilder

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark green (114327), as they're an Unbound Worker.
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.
Why do you wish to play this specific race: I like bugs. I like vhunny little guyz who talk like thiz. But really, what draws me to the Vaurca is simply how alien they are, even compared to the other non-Humans. Their biology, their culture, their lifecycle - it's completely different to any of the other organic races in ways that would seem bizarre to a Human. I also personally find the organisation of Vaurca society interesting, in the way they're divided up into Hives and Broods. Overall, it's a chance to sink my teeth into playing a race that's just incomparable to Humans.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For one thing, Vaurca in a majority-Human workplace are basically square pegs in round holes. Instead of using the pheremonal and Hivenet-based communication they're used to, they're effectively translating into verbal language from something completely different with the help of their augments. They're generally extremely specialised, with many being "designed" for a task before they were even born - so much so that it likely wouldn't even occur to most Vaurca to be dissatisfied with their designated role. After all, it literally comes naturally to them.
Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Zohv K'lax
Please provide a short backstory for this character: Ka'Akaix'Zohv K'lax was curious. Which, for her brood, isn't unusual; if someone knows just one thing about the Zkaii, it's probably their reputation for tinkering. But curiosity can take many forms. What interested Zohv wasn't just working on machines, but studying them to push her own limits. She was designed not to make, but to use. Born in 2460, she never knew the Vaurca's journey through space, spending the first years of her life amongst Humans and Unathi alike on Tret. Rather than taking part in the mining efforts directly, she flew shuttlecraft. To Zohv, there was no greater peace than the hum of a familiar engine and a few seconds shaved off a route. If she wasn't flying, she was maintaining her assigned shuttle; when she rested, she explored VR flight simulations. Flying was her craft, and she was proud to be damned good at it.

But Tret, with its familiar routes and rickety overland craft, could only offer so much. Zhov knew that there was more she could do. More complex ships to fly, more expansive skies to sail, more to sate her curiosity and push her limits. And so she bid farewell to Tret, to the miners she had ferried more times than most people would care to count, and set off for Tau Ceti. A K'lax in the Foreign Legion is perhaps an unusual sight, given that the Zo'ra are so much more common in the Republic, but a trained pilot is a trained pilot. The Legion accepted Zhov, and she leapt at what she saw as a chance to truly put herself to the test, and to master a new kind of vessel entirely.

TL;DR: Zkaii Worker's mechanical curiosity manifests as an obsession with mastering flying vessels, so she joins the Foreign Legion in the hopes of flying more complex craft and improving her skills as a pilot.
What do you like about this character? I feel that she puts a unique spin on the "mechanical curiosity" and tinkering of the Zkaii brood (being less "what can I do this machine" and more "how can I use this machine to its fullest potential"), as well as just generally being a character who'd be played very differently from a human.
How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say I'm a pretty decent RPer.
Notes: I'd be playing Ka'Akaix'Zohv K'lax in the TCFL Peacekeeper Pilot role.

Edited by Desven
Posted (edited)

I find the backstory a little short and would personally like to see some more characterization beyond the initial character idea itself. But judging from your behaviour as Volvalaad and IRU-Luna, I have no doubt you can manage, even with alien characters. You're a great roleplayer with interesting characters and it's always good to see you online. I can also tell that you at least studied the lore page for the Vaurca, which shows you put effort into the matter. Keep my first sentence in mind, but I'll give you my endorsement anyway.



Edited by Sputnik5927

Hi. Thanks for applying for Vaurca.

While creative, your application has some glaring issues. I'll state them below:

  1. A Vaurca Worker, Warrior, or Bulwark cannot simply pick up and leave. No Vaurca, not even Queens, "choose" what to become in life: they're born into that role and their very being is shaped to fulfill it. Pilot Vaurcae are an odd subject: while technically allowed for TCFL, I don't really know if Unbound ever piloted a ship after Exodus. Maybe there are new pilots now in order to fulfill their new army duties, but it's not meant to be common as Vaurcae are pretty restricted when it comes flying a ship of their own. They're completely unfavored when it comes to these jobs.
  2. A K'lax Vaurca cannot join the TCFL. It's a Hive thing, and Zo'ra is the one with the most presence (and military agreements) with the Republic of Biesel. In any case, Zhov would have a background experience as a Kataphract. Their story would be a lot different, however.
  3. Ultimately, I don't know if we have an official stance when it comes to applying with special characters. I know it's generally frowned upon to apply for a whitelist with a planned consular officer or liaison. One-time characters like special roles don't really need a deep background, just to be lore compliant. But I can't really accept an application meant to be for a special character; it doesn't accurately showcase your abilities to weave a Vaurca character and it's just an odd job for me to comment on how it would really develop, as opposed to something more mundane I could see on ship.

If the role was the only problem, I would request you to rewrite a background. However, due to what I mentioned above, I will deny this application. Feel free to reapply in three days. If you have any more questions, you can approach me or my deputies on discord. I don't mean to discourage you, I do hope to see you applying again soon.

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