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Incident Report - 22/10/2464


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Reporting Personnel: Helena Artigas

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain

Game ID: ckv-arVo

Personnel Involved:

  • Braeden Fisher, Freelance Journalist: Offender
  • Caleb Doyle, Biesel Consular Officer: Witness
  • Reed Calom, Head of Security: Witness

Secondary Witnesses

  • Johnny Rays, Security Officer: Arresting officer, witnessed Mr. Fisher throw my property down the disposal unit, destroying it.  
  • Claire Tarson, Hanger Technician: Witnessed the verbal harassment and gloating done by Mr. Fisher in the Holodeck.

Time of Incident: 03:20

Real Time: 11:40 EST

Location of Incident: Holodeck and Consular Office

Nature of Incident:

[ ] - Workplace Hazard

[ ] - Accident/Injury

[X] - Destruction of Property

[ ] - Neglect of Duty

[X] - Harassment

[ ] - Assault

[X] - Misconduct

[X] - Other: i102 PettyTheft

Overview of the Incident:

My Colettish-style Captain’s hat which is issued by the SCC went missing at some point earlier in the shift. I noticed it fairly quickly after it did, but due to outside circumstances, I was only able to mention it to Mr. Calom, our Head of Security, who ordered his team to keep an eye out for someone with it. 

Around 20 minutes passed at that point when Mr. Braeden Fisher, a Freelance Journalist, approached me in front of a rather large crowd in the Holodeck, and began to question why I did not have a hat, and that it did not seem very Captain-like of me. I mentioned that it was stolen from me earlier in the shift, and then he decided to gloat about him having a hat. He then put on my exact Colettish-style hat and continued to gloat about it, saying that it was a very nice hat he found. I confronted him, asking him where he got it from, and he continued to provide non-answers, and was refusing to return it saying it was his, fair and square. 

I was rather frustrated at this point, so I decided to disengage and return to the Helm where I then informed the rest of Command, particularly Mr. Calom, that I had found the petty thief, and that he had been gloating about having my hat. I then asked Mr. Calom to have his team retrieve the hat from Mr. Fisher, at which point Mr. Doyle, the Biesel Representative, called Mr. Fisher into his office for a chat. 

During this chat, Mr. Fisher still refused to return the hat, and a warrant in regard to the i102 Petty Theft charge was drafted by Mr. Calom. Respecting the sanctity of the Consular’s Office, Mr. Calom and Officer Rays waited outside the Consular’s Office, alongside myself, for their conversation to be finished. 

Upon exiting the office, Mr. Fisher made another gloating comment about how my hat “accidentally slipped into the disposals unit.” At this point, Officer Rays detained Mr. Fisher, and brought him to the Security Department for the processing of his charge. 

I then asked the Hanger Technicians to see if they could recover my hat from the disposals system, but when I finally managed to get my hat back into my possession, it was irrecoverably damaged. 

I find this behavior displayed by Mr. Fisher to be absolutely unbecoming of our independent source of news on the Horzion, and find their acts of harassment, destruction of property, petty theft, and general misconduct to be the exact opposite of the standards that the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has for the stable and efficient operations of the SCCV Horizon. 

Therefore, I request a review be opened into the status of Mr. Fisher’s press pass, and urge the SCC Agents to consider the full revocation of press rights, as it is clear that Mr. Fisher is unable to behave himself on this vessel. I do not believe that we have a place here for such hooliganism. 

Submitted Evidence: For evidence of his charging of i102 Petty Theft, please refer to Mr. Fisher’s security record

Would you like to be personally interviewed?

[X] - Yes

[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: It was discussed amongst command, but it was not “reported” to anyone as I was on-duty Captain at the time.  

  • Actions Taken: I attempted several times, alongside Mr. Doyle and Mr. Calom to have my hat returned to me in a peaceable manner. I even offered to forget whatever charges were drafted up if the hat was returned to me without incident. All these attempts were in vain, as when Mr. Fisher realize that his antics were coming to an end, he decided to further humiliate himself by flushing my personal property down the disposals unit. Mr. Fisher was then charged with i102 Petty Theft, in which I believe he was fined in the Brig. 

Additional Notes: In regard to the first confrontation in the Holodeck, I would like to note that there was a large number of crew present, most of which I cannot recall their specific names. We had an celebration for the Tribuisti de Colonis Festival ongoing in the Holodeck at the time, so people were coming and going all throughout the shift. I mentioned Ms. Tarson and Mr. Doyle specifically by name, as they were right beside me as the verbal altercation was ongoing. 


TO: Helena Artigas, Captain, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a HR Assistant when an investigation begins.


DTG: 21-14:18-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2464




TO: Helena Artigas, Captain, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Lucrezia Inzaghi (niennab).

You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 24-15:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2464



  • 2 weeks later...


TO: Helena Artigas, Captain, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Lucrezia Inzaghi, HRA, SCCV Horizon

SUBJECT: Notice of HR Investigation


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 01-16:17-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2464

SIGN: L. Inzaghi


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