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Early Morning Musings (Or, the twisted mind of Farcry11)

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So, recently, I stayed up all night (literally all night) to cram for a test or two and to finish up on some challenging homework. To stay awake, I chugged some coffee, and took a moderate dosage of pharmaceutical stimulant. Things were going alright, and I made good headway. That is, until I hit the 3 AM mark. I dropped what I was working, and opened my notebook.

Later in the morning, I looked in my notebook again, not exactly remembering what I wrote. The entire page was covered in random musings, anecdotes, and quotes, none of them really related to each other. Here they are.

"Come for the jokes, stay for the ---> melancholy."

"Hell is other ____."

"Be (anti-personnel) mine."

"Love is like a perpetual hug on a winter night."

which was followed immediately after by:

"Lust is like a perpetual dry humping session on a summer day???"

"I wish people were as easy to read as books."

"My imaginary plants died, I did not pretend to water them."

"!I fix your brain!"

"I have no mouth and I must laugh."

"Why can't we all just hug it out?"

Finally, perhaps the strangest of all, a rambling analogy about life that took up half the page:

"Life is like a bike ride down a poorly maintained road running through a beautiful countryside. Your ass hurts from the potholes and the cracks, but the air is fresh and the scenery is good, and you keep going because at the end maybe there's a god or a prize or an epiphany or a sense of self worth or maybe nothing but it's OK because no matter what we all get there someday and that's all we really need."

I also drew a three-eyed demon saying "swag". Maybe I need help or something.

Anyways, if this happens again for any reason I'll post about it here. In the meantime, I'd love to hear your random thoughts, about any subject. Throw 'em up here whenever you feel like airing them.

(P.S, I don't condone sleep deprivation + caffeine highs to achieve a whacked-out state of mind. Long term consequences = not great.)

Your ass hurts from the potholes and the cracks


What if the pothole of my ass crack hurts for entirely different reasons?


(P.S, I don't condone sleep deprivation + caffeine highs to achieve a whacked-out state of mind. Long term consequences = not great.)


Next time try sleep deprivation + near lethal doses of caffeine + a pinch of cocaine. Because the best feeling is the one you get from being just short of experiencing a heart attack.

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