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Incident Report - 2-7-2465

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Reporting Personnel: Irvine Drinkwater
Job Title of Reporting Personnel:  Reporter
Game ID: cmg-ao87

Personnel Involved: Irvine Drinkwater - Reporter ***Victim , Claire Tarson(Off-Duty) , Keala Nalika (Hangar Technician) ,  Konstantyn Lovad , Semyon Chernov( Hangar Technician) , Rakka Kuhwinla,   Vakki  (Executive Officer) and Cassandra Navarre ( Warden, *** Acting HOS)
From my  point of view, offenders were security people involved , especially the Warden. Neglect of duty for not detaining all the people involved at the ambush. My charges should had been Slander or Verbal abuse and NOT Minor Assault.  I ended up serving MORE time than the SINGLE person that ambushed me served.

Secondary Witnesses: Hossl Suazra - Security officer 
Time of Incident: n/a

Real Time: 07/02/2023 
Location of Incident: In front of the Journalist office.

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[x ] - Neglect of Duty
[  ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[ x ] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ 

Overview of the Incident:  Was a very quiet shift for a while. DW News wasn't active until armed robot units appeared around the ship. Irvine Drinkwater , anchorman, producer and journalist of DW News was checking information about the incident and decided to head to the bridge where a meeting with the robots was taking place. The whole security staff was there. Not much was happening there either since the bridge was locked so everyone was just talking and hanging out. All of sudden, the CMO passes through me and opens the door to the bridge, I suppose heading for the meeting. I never went inside but my camera was pointing to his direction. He thought I was trying to snag a picture and I don't remember his exact words but he made himself very clear he didn't want pictures of him taken. I then replied my lack of interest of having pictures that had him involved. The executive officer Vakki IMMEDIATLY threatens me, stating that I shouldn't piss off command otherwise he was gonna "have a talk " with me ( odd language and kinda ambiguous for an executive officer to use). After that, two regular crew members, Claire Tarson and Konstantyn Lovad states that Vakki was right. Lovad even mentioned that he just got onboard of the ship but said that Vakki was right even though he had no clue about what was going on. Both crew members weren't even present at the bridge. I made a crude joke( I admit, bad one) about the three (Vakki , Tarson and Lovad) having a relationship, also joking it's against the rules. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I also made crude jokes about their willingness to step up for the executive officer so eargely and over something that they had no knowledge of. I did use bad  and suggestive language, I do remember that I used the expression "bending over". Again, this reporter admits it's a mistake. The whole security team and a couple of crew members, including Tarson, Lovad and Vakki calls me out and sends agressive messages. A few minutes later, a chaplain sends a message, some sort of ad about his services and Vakki says something to him but includes something such as "as soon as I deal with Drinkwater"
Since I had nothing from the meeting with robots ( no pictures, no statements, no information) I decided to head back to my office. I was planning on meeting a VERY RELIABLE AND SECRET source there. To my surprise, I got AMBUSHED by three people. Tarson, Keala Nalika and Semyon Chernov. They used foul language and started throwing eggs at me. Security was present and one security officer did WARN them to stop, which they didn't and started to move towards my direction while throwing eggs! I, a retired investigator now performing journalistic duties, overweighted and with a bad left leg ( reason of the retirement), feared for my safety and defended myself at my best capacities. I traded a few attacks with the ambushers, no serious damage done to them or me. One more security officer steps in and helps deal with the situation. They used their batons on me and Keala and handcuffed both of us. Keala went first and I went afterwards. At first I thought this was done just to prevent more fighting, but I was wrong, I was being jailed. According to officer Rakka Kuhwinla I was gonna be fined for 800 credits, then officer changed it 400 credits and said my charge was minor assault. Despite my NUMEROUS protests of self defense and pointing out it was a 3 against 1 ambush and the fact that I have a bad leg, I still ended up in jail, cuffed at the cell bed serving more time than Nalika, which was the ONLY one of the ambushers that served time and served MUCH LESS time than I did. The one responsible for putting me cuffed at the cell bed and setting the timer was the Warden herself ( ACTING HOS of the shift) Ms. Navarre. Again, despite my NUMEROUS protests on the same fashion as before ( me being a cripple, getting ambushed by 3 crew members and just defending myself) all I got from the Warden was "If I wanted them to be charged with a minor misdemeanor". 
I just asked for my belongings, left to my office, and when I got there, I met another officer, Hossl Suazra, knocking at my window. THIS dialogue I remember very well, and in my opinion, is basically a confession of  misconduct. His WORDS exactly as he said them to me: 
"I know that wassss sssshit for you, though you're getting off with a warning for thiss one."
"But what you ssssaid could very well consssstitute verbal abussse."
"Next time, there won't be a warning."
"We do have evidensse of what you sssaid."
 "You called her, among other thingssss, f-word buddiess."
"That'sss verbal abusssse."
"And we'll arresst you for it."
"I'm authorized to give verbal warningss for firssst offenssesss."

My answer to the officer was a question : An AMBUSH by three against a crippled guy, ain't that a crime? Which he replied yes. I then asked why only of then served time, his answer was:
"I have my reassssonss."

Submitted Evidence: I have no provided forms, written testimony, recordings or anything of the sort to provide in this situation.

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[ x ] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: I did many times. In person. The Warden was acting HOS and directly involved. Not only it ignored me and told me to shut up, but also was the one that imprisoned me, handcuffed and left at the cell bed. The same treatment wasn't quite given to the SINGLE ambusher arrested.

Additional Notes:  

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TO: Irvine Drinkwater, Corporate Reporter, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by an HR Assistant when an investigation begins.


DTG: 10-11:02-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2465



TO: Irvine Drinkwater, Corporate Reporter, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report


This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Lucrezia Inzaghi (NiennaB).
You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 10-02:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2465


  • 2 weeks later...


TO: Irvine Drinkwater, Corporate Reporter, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 20-14:45-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2465

SIGN: L. Inzaghi


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