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YourDaddy117 - Unathi Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: YourDaddy117
Character Names: IRU-Jack/Locke, Stefan Zivic, Hralkarr Mi'irkro, Rrhazjurl Nal'Dynh, Kazmirr Hal'naasimi, IRU-Geier, Sudhir Singh
Species you are applying to play: Unathi
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Green (Razir Moss)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: 

After taking some time recently to sit down and check out their lore I've come to find Unathi to be incredibly interesting. The juxtaposition of a feudal society clinging on to whatever civilization is left and a wild wasteland full of raiders creates a breeding ground for a lot of different backgrounds that can interact with each other in cool ways. I also enjoy their relationships with the other species in Aurora lore ranging from respected vassals (K'lax Vaurca), religiously sacred yet controversial symbiosis (Diona), armed conflict (DPRA Tajara), and their complicated relationship with Humanity and the Skrell. 

Between that, their very well written political lore, and elaborate religious situation I find Unathi to have a lot more depth than I initially gave them credit for when I first came to the server.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Outside of Unathi being giant lizards and Humans being apes of varying sizes there's a lot to go through. While Dominia is Humanity's Monarchist faction I think Unathi have a much more in-depth feudal society in comparison with Dominia being a little more laid back. The hierarchy is much more defined while also undergoing the issues of a century old system as the middle class emerges and progressive attitudes are becoming more mainstream. This combined with their obsession and somewhat hypocritical relationship with their codes of Honor makes for a unique vibe in the Hegemony itself. 

Where Unathi really become unique is in the Wasteland lore. As the feudal society butts up against the people who adapted to the nuclear Armageddon of their species, an event that's relatively recent in their history compared to Humanity's experience with nuclear arms. Outside of the only fertile lands left are raiders, religious extremists, and people just trying to survive. Religious rebellions and multiple civil wars has resulted in a people who are still struggling to find their footing in a space age they weren't prepared for as multiple different aliens try to take advantage of the situation.

Character Name: Ks'aazi Ssarakh

Please provide a short backstory for this character: 

Born the youngest son to a clan leader of minor nobility Ks'aazi had very little expectations placed upon him. Residing in Skalamar meant he was given a relatively easy life to live, growing up with few troubles and even fewer responsibilities he was free to pursue whatever or what little education he desired as a child. With his older siblings taking the spotlight this meant a rather sedentary lifestyle for the young Sinta. Despite this as he came of age his interests in the life of a real warrior grew, along with the tensions that came with Not'zar's reign as regent. Idolizing the Warrior's code, warrior poets of old, and the newly reformed Kataphracts, Ssarakh seeked education at a Skald college and decided to dedicate his life to these noble pursuits. 

Despite his zeal none of these efforts bore fruit. While his family would manage to gain some recognition during the civil war that disrupted the Hegemony Ssarakh was dismissed from his school. Still determined to gain glory he went ahead with his plan to join the Kataphracts as a Hopeful only to be met disappointment again, failing to meet their harsh standards. Dejected and depressed he almost lost hope completely until an old mentor from his school (likely taking pity on the boy) suggested leaving Moghes. Perhaps what he needed was simply to experience the galaxy and what it had to offer? This sparked a new fire inside of the Sinta and it wasn't long before he was off chasing his dreams of glory and fame. 

Quickly gaining permission to leave from a clan that barely acknowledged his existence Ks'aazi signed a contract with Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces and was assigned to the Horizon.

What do you like about this character? 

What I like the most is the ability to play someone with a level of naivety that feels somewhat uncommon on the Horizon. That and their sense of honor means a rapid culture shock as they're confronted with all of the different species and cultures aboard the ship. Playing a member of "nobility" or upper class isn't something I do often so it also provides me with a character who's privileged outlook is something I don't normally think about.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?


I think lizards are neat.


Oh boy, I loved Zivic, and I didn't even get to interact with him that much! Anyways, let's focus on the lizard at hand!


1) Faith, that's very important to Unathi, and I don't see any mentions of it! Now considering his origins, I can probably get a good idea of what religion he's following, but beyond that what's his view on it? Is he very pious? Not at all? Something in-between?

2) What's Ks'aazi's opinion on Notzar? And of the current direction Moghes/The Hegemony is heading to (if he even cares that much about such things)

5 hours ago, Captain Gecko said:

Oh boy, I loved Zivic, and I didn't even get to interact with him that much! Anyways, let's focus on the lizard at hand!


1) Faith, that's very important to Unathi, and I don't see any mentions of it! Now considering his origins, I can probably get a good idea of what religion he's following, but beyond that what's his view on it? Is he very pious? Not at all? Something in-between?

2) What's Ks'aazi's opinion on Notzar? And of the current direction Moghes/The Hegemony is heading to (if he even cares that much about such things)

Thanks for the kind words on Zivic. As for the questions: 

  1.  I can't believe I let this slip by me, but yes faith is integral to Unathi, to the point where I imagine it's weirder to find an atheist than it is to find a Aut'akh or Si'akh on Moghes. As for Ks'aazi he's obviously grown up Sk'akh due to the close proximity he had to it. As for piety I'd say he only recently (much like his fascination with other things) really found it. Being inspired to rise up to the most ideal form of warrior meant more than learning how to fight, but entering a Skald college to learn the nobler arts such as poetry. Something that turned out to be a struggle for him.
  2. This is something I thought about a lot but didn't exactly know how to ease into my actual application. Not'zar inspires him in a way and is the reason he wanted to join the Kataphracts outside of being part of an esteemed group of warriors. Not'zar, like Ks'aazi, was a younger son who was raised with no expectations of greatness and his existence was practically ignored until the succession crisis hit. Instead of buckling to pressure he managed to cunningly maneuver his way through political minefields again and again, all the while seemingly ruling with integrity and honor. What is that if not adhering perfectly to the Warrior's code? Not'zar may lack any physical prowess, but to Ks'aazi he's worthy of admiration.

    In a way that matters more to him than the actual politics themselves, something he's woefully ignorant of beyond the obvious. The current strife due to the phoron shortage is something he simply believes "will pass". So long as the Hegemon and the Hegemony is righteous then it will last. Nothing else really matters.

Hey! Sorry this took so long to get to, I just got back home after spending a week in the woods.


You're a solid Roleplayer and this application reflects that. Therefore, it is accepted. Feel free to reach out to me or my deputies with any questions you may have.



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